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💚Have a nice Sunday evening, everyone.💚

Hicks: This morning his toes will be all frozen 1 month ago

Jetzt im Palaise Roissy ..Spontane Neuhjahrsparty...für alle die es ein bisschen dunkler mögen :) DJ Nojan heizt die Tanzfläche für euch an! have you be notty or good...?

Blessed Yuletide from The Starchilds!
Let this be my gift and Blessing to you: 'May, when give the choice, you always choose kindness. For you are all Children of the Earth and Starry Heavy, but your race is of Heaven Alone'.
For it's when the choice is the hardest to make, that becomes the most meaningful. May, when blame, when criticism, when frustration are the easy paths, you still make the hardest choice to be kind. For in this dwells a great Mystery of the quality of humankind.
As Miradola portrayed:
'We have given thee, Adam, no fixed seat, no form of thy very own, no gift peculiarly thine, that thou mayest feel as thine own, have as thine own, possess as thine own the seat, the form, the gifts which thou thyself shalt desire. A limited nature in other creatures is confined within the laws written down by us. In conformity with thy free judgment, in whose hands I have place thee, thou art confined by no bound; and thou wilt fix limits of nature for thyself. I have placed thee at the centre of the world. Neither heavenly nor earthly, neither mortal nor immortal have we made thee. Thou, like a judge appointed for being honourable, art the moulder and maker of thyself; thou mayest sculpt thyself into whatever shape thou dost prefer. Thou canst grow downward into the lower natures which are brutes. Thou canst again grow upward from thy soul's reason into the higher natures which are divine'.
Bright Blessing!
Möge diese wunderbare Zeit des Jahres von Liebe und Besinnlichkeit erfüllt sein.
Lasst uns den Frieden im Kreise der Liebsten genießen und die kleinen, kostbaren Momente mit Dankbarkeit feiern.
Gemeinsam schaffen wir Erinnerungen, die uns ein Leben lang begleiten.

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich euch und euren Lieben ein herzliches Weihnachtsfest und ein neues Jahr voller Glück und Harmonie.
May this wonderful time of year be filled with love and contemplation.
Let us enjoy peace with our loved ones and celebrate the small, precious moments with gratitude.
Together we create memories that last a lifetime.

With this in mind, I wish you and your loved ones a merry Christmas and a New Year full of happiness and harmony.

Joyeux Noël et joyeuses célébrations de fin d'année

**1 Year Anniversary of Starchild Shoppe: NEW LOCATION!**
1 year ago Starchild Shoppe opened its doors with a single furniture store. Since then it has expanded beyond what I could have imagined! I want to thank every single person who has crossed its door and has taken the time to thank the effort behind!
I have also heard your feedback, it is why I have consolidated all the stores into their own region with a central store (beauty) at ground, and then skyboxes reachable via the TP board. Super special thanks to Shan Naggins for making it happen! What was going to be just one new store, ended up being an entire mall set up with much more room for growth!

Sabrinastav: Aurora, simplemente...ESPECTACULAR !!! tienda está excelente. Felicidades...un trabajo impecable. GRACIAS !!! 2 months ago

Oh l'amour!!! El amor!!!!
Happy Valentine's dear friends. I made this tiny space with lots of gifts for you to celebrate love in all its forms and ways
Love you
Bebe Li

*** Golden Bauble Week at Novale's Winter Worlds Travel Agency ***
Among more than 50 winter - xmas destinations, four
Golden Baubles identify four destinations that I love particularly
for their creativity and immersive feel good ambiance

Santa has so much to do... he must often go back and forth
between his homebase and his packaging shop ...
To avoid tiring his reindeers, he uses his special zipline

Tis that time of the year Happy Holidays from avirtualworld.

Gentle Dragonheart: very funny indeed. I do wonder where his young & handsome Mr. Christmas suit is, though ;) 2 months ago

Not dead...working on the new store for all of you!

Jared Seda: Super Excited!!!! 2 months ago

Heute Abend erneuern Nojan und Zarra ihr Eheversprechen und ihr seid alle herzlich zu einem dunklen und geheimnisvollen Tanzabend im Palaise Roissy eingeladen. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!

Govani13: Eine lnage Reise hab ihr hinter euch. Ich freu mich darauf euch weiter Jahre begleiten zu können. 3 months ago

Heute Abend steigt unsere ultimative Halloweenparty..schmeißt euch in eure gruseligsten Klamotten und feiert mit uns!

LeonitasLionheart: this is touching and so true. we all have real lives and challenges and obstacles that pull us away, but our friends and the mutual admiration and respect pulls us back to our fantasy realms, whenever... 4 months ago
= Halloween Bash: Skull Set =
A gorgeous set of candle and table.
- Table comes in two version: with and without ouija board engraved on it.
- Comes with texture had to change both tables and candle holders onto 5 different textures/metalic looks.
- Candle flames are scripted for ON/OFF on click.

Uber: hop://
=OUT NOW: Aria Berry Vase=
Check out this new berry vase in our landscaping store.
Comes with a HUD to enable:
2 different vase textures
3 different berry colours.

Uber: hop:// SE/109/542/37
=OUT NOW: Serpent Candles=
Out now at the Odds&Decor store, this gorgeous serpent/snek candle holder:
- Two versions: hanging and standing
- 6 different snakes for each model
- Material layers
- Texture HUD to change textures of candles, metal, and snek-tongue.
- Particles light scripted to individually turn on/off on click

Uber: hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Awessssssome share! Thanks. :) P.S. plz note that in-store artwork for this is currently showing llewellyn pg chairs and ottoman set, not the snake candles. ;) 5 months ago
=OUT NOW: Llewellyn Tightback Chairs & Ottoman (PG)=
Some of you have asked for some PG furniture (although you can simply edit-out the animations from the adult ones). Here is the set that goes with the Llewellyn Decor Set.

Chair in two styles (with and without blanket - slightly difference sequence).

Includes Texture HUD, materials, and props.

Uber: hop://

Sodasullivan: this looks very comfy! like you could curl up with a good book and just stay there all day! 5 months ago

new in our Arabic market Shop: The *Kaftan peacock dress* with exclusive handmade Textures ..only for Opensim!

Come and visit our new Arabic Market RP shop! We have a lot of new outfits for female &male ...we created some completly new for you! You can find here arabic furniture,too...

Salemaleikum und herzlich willkommen im Reich des großen osmanischen Reiches des Sultans Nojan Omar!

Ottoman Empire ist eine Rollenspiel Region von Noozara Roleplay. Das RP dreht sich um die Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches und dessen Verstrickungen in verschiedene Zeitebenen.

Einst herrschte der Sultan Nojan Omar über das Reich Atlantis, welches sich im Sternenbild Sirius befand aufgrund kriegerischer Auseinandersetzungen mit Piraten und anderen Sternenvölkern, sah er sich gezwungen seine Heimat mitsamt seinem Gefolge zu verlassen um sich auf den Weg zu Terra (Erde) zu machen. Leider ging auf dieser Reise etwas schief und das Raumschiff stürzte in ein Zeitloch welches die Insasssen zwar auf Terra katapultierte aber in eine Zeit um tausende von Jahren zurückversetzte. Das Schlimmste daran war, daß alle Insassen dabei ihre Erinnerung an die Zeit vor dem Absturz verloren und sich in einer Welt des osmanischen Reiches um das 14. Jahrhundert wiederfanden.

Für den Sultan uns sein Gefolge schien es als seien sie nie woanders gewesen und auch das dortige Volk hegte keinerlei Verdacht und akzeptierte den Herrscher ebenso.

Dann erschien plötzlich ein Sternendeuter und überreichte dem Sultan eine seltsame Flasche, welche ein besonderes Geheimnis verbarg...

Willst du auch Teil unseres abenteuerlichen Rollenspiels sein, so schau dir die Stadt Konstantinopel mit all ihren Winkeln und Gassen an. Vielleicht findest du darin deine Rolle und wirst Teil der Exotischen Reise in eine Welt aus tausend und einer Nacht .

Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

das Noozara RP Team

Copper: Die armen..hoffe sie verlieren auch den Krieg um Malta...sonst ist es ums Christentum geschehen :-) 1 years ago


Palace of Sultan Nojan Omar

Visit our new BDSM club "Palaise Roissy" and let your deepest desires run free... The Noozara team looks forward to seeing you!

Visit our new BDSM Club "Palaise Roissy" and find out how to live your deepest dreams.. or just come over to dance to good vibes! See you soon!