GramzyNang @GramzyNang


I'm old, worn out, crippled up, but it's because I've worked hard all my life for everything I have. Don't judge until you've sat on my bedside potty. :D

I just had to post another picture of the grape arbor, it's very detailed and I'm delighted.

This grape arbor is at our Welcome Center in the Garden and Landscaping section, free for any who would like it. I remember we had one like it when I was a kid growing up so now, it's where it was when the home place was still there, right behind the garage. We used to load up on grapes and sit on the grass under the big willow trees and eat them, till Mom caught us. She used them to make grape jelly and grape juice. Stop by *** *** and get your arbor today!!
Here is my latest creation! A potato plant or as I call them "Tater Plants". I've included one individual plant at 1 prim and 10 plants also at only 1 prim. You can find these at our Welcome Center for Grid Our Dawn in the Garden and Landscaping section!

Lots of new things there just for you. Enjoy and remember, Gramzy loves you!!