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Holaaaaa Amigos

Ven de fiesta con nosotros!

4:00pm hoy (2-17-24)


Ellen: Fun people and amazing music!!! 10 months ago

its about the people.....

and a few beautiful horses!

for rental information on qualifying for your own free island, please contact @Zuzubahro

Sailing alone is fun.......
Sailing with friends is AWESOME!

Come explore friends-grid anytime and enjoy our waters.
Group Sail - every Sunday 12 noon

for rental information - @Zuzubahro

Sail with Friends
Sunday at 12 noon

I don't know port from starboard....I get real confused on the sailing talk, and the headwinds have made me say some really bad words at times. You see.....I am not a sailor.....but I have learned to love sailing
...........and I do know how to have fun!

We have a group of friends who sail every Sunday at noon.. Last Sunday we had 5 sailboats and we were escorted by two airboats!

We try to be our fellow boaters.....but occasionally there might be a bump or scratch ...(some days we all need brakes on boats) ; ) If you bump boats, we dont get all mad......but, you just owe two bottles of rum and a bikini top ; )

This is not quite as structured as the Palm Beach Yacht Club, but I think we have a lot more fun! We take things a little less serious than some Yacht Clubs. In our group we have some expert sailors and some novices and some speedboat drivers......but that makes it perfect!

If you want to meet people, but don't sail, come on out and join us! You can ride with us or drive a speedboat. We don't have attitudes, but we do have fun!

Here's the important info

Waypoints - any place with rum to steal
final destination - who knows
SF Sail - ok (preferred)
winds - I use e 25, but don't care what you use.
trim - manual or auto
Bwind - ok
Speedboat - ok
Airboat - ok
Jetski - ok
bikini on - ok
bikini off - ok
Smiles are required!

* boats are available or you may rezz your own

photo by Serina Gee

Sailing with friends
today at 12 noon

sail, jetski, speedboat

we dont care....just bring some rum for us to steal!

Head to Friends Marina to start

**Friends Mall Grand Opening**

& Friends Grid 1 Year Anniversary

Saturday, March 9

1pm grid time

DJ Eunice is providing the music to keep you dancing!

Attire: show us YOUR style!

Come see the most unique mall in Opensim featuring a huge skatepark, Sailing and horseriding trails in addition to our 24 specialty shops. Come see why people are talking about this mall!


Dancing on the Tables!

Friends Casino NOW

With DJ Graywolf

latin & Rock

Ellen: Great music and fun company!!! Come on over and join the party! 10 months ago

DJ Eunice

Rocking in The Garage

11:00am TODAY!

With fast cars
and hot women!

come enjoy the Rock music!


DJ Eunice
playing the music you love!


Brazilian *** Latin ***** Argentine

Dance or hang out in pool
Attire: casual, bikini or nude



DJ Graywolf


Ellen: Beautiful party today, Safine! Thank you! 10 months ago
You are trapped on a barren Apocalyptic island. Zombies are ready to kill you....your only chance for survival is ANNIHILATION! You grab a Glock...and get in the fight for your life! Your job is simple, Annihilate all the zombies before they kill you.......and explode the buildings! As you rev up the Humvee engine, adrenaline pumps through your veins. You are determined to survive and take out as many zombies as possible. You speed towards the first building, knocking down any zombies in your way with the sturdy vehicle.

Once you arrive, you leap out of the Humvee and start firing your Glock at the approaching hoard. With each shot, you take out multiple zombies, their bodies falling to the ground. But more zombies keep coming, forcing you to keep moving and shooting.

After hours of intense fighting, the sun begins to set on the barren wasteland. You realize that you've been successful in your mission - all the buildings are destroyed and the zombies have been vanquished. You breathe a sigh of relief as you climb into the Humvee, battered and beat up but alive.

As you drive off into the sunset, you know that you've survived the apocalypse. You've fought with all your might and come out on top. You feel a sense of pride and accomplishment as you begin your journey towards a brighter future.

Annihilation Region


opening June 15