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The new and improved visitor centre at Tropicana is your gateway to the numerous regions that make up this large network of connected regions which are easily navigable by air, land or sea, Featuring connected road networks and changing landscapes there is plenty to see and do. Welcome to Tropicana.

Cenicienta62: si ya era bonito el de antes tendre que mirar 3 months ago

Relax in the luxury spa on the hill. An ideal location to take your friends and relax. Luxurious comfort and calm surroundings. Great views of the region from this vantage point.

The new Tropicana Welcome Centre with teleports to our regions and a recommended places to visit teleport area at the rear of the building. We look forward to seeing you.

Two tiki bars and a beach. What more could an avatar want? Visitors are spoiled for choice. Listen to our karaoke singer and relax by the pool. We look forward to seeing you.

The tiki bar and restaurant and social area at Tropicana. Teeming with animesh and activity and a bunch of virtual drinkers this location feels alive and vibrant and welcome you and your friends.

The ultimate chill zone. Sit and relax by the waterfalls and admire the view. Listen to the birds and nature and immerse yourself in the atmosphere.

Check out the pier with its large yacht and car rentals. Just a short walk from Tropicana Welcome area this is your road connection to the other regions. Of course you can always rezz a yacht of your own and sail off into the sunset.

The pier by Tropicana Welcome. Pick up a hire car, bicycle or motorbike or rezz your own and explore the regions by road.

The docks, old coastguard office and the photo studio. Connected by road, sea and air to other regions of the Tropicana archipelago.


Kingman City