Joined 2 years ago

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Mi Refugio
6 0 Refugio 1 Users
Mi Refugio! Tu Refugio de Fantasía... Herederos Grid.
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Puerto Rico
7 0 Rico 0 Users
Sumérgete en la sombría y fascinante ciudad de Gotham en nuestro mundo virtual. Explora cada rincón de esta metrópolis icónica, desde los oscuros callejones vigilados por el misterioso Batman hasta los imponentes rascacielos que definen su skyline. Siente la adrenalina mientras recorres los territor...
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12 0 0 Users
Herederos Grid invites you to... The Magical Land of Avalon! Come and Live The Celtic Legend!
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El Zoco
10 0 Zoco 0 Users
Herederos Grid El Zoco Costume Shop! #Herederos #HerederosGrid #HerederosGridComercial #Free #Freebie #Comercial #Store #Sale #Skin #Clothes #Hairs #Costume #Avatar #Reborn #Legacy #Athena #Shoping #Male #Female
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HG Comercial
29 2 Comercial 0 Users
Las tiendas de ensueño estan aqui, donde esta toda la moda del momento. / The dream stores are here, where you can find all the latest fashions. #Herederos #HerederosGrid #HerederosGridComercial #Free #Freebie #Comercial #Store #Sale #Skin #Clothes #Hairs #Costume #Avatar #Reborn #Legacy #Athena ...
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HG Events
10 1 Events 0 Users
SIM destinado para celebrar todos los eventos. Ven a conocer Herederos Grid! SIM designed to celebrate all events. Come and meet Herederos Grid!
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HQ Herederos
90 2 Herederos 0 Users
Herederos Grid Mainstore #Herederos #HerederosGrid #HerederosGridComercial #Free #Freebie #Comercial #Store #Sale #Skin #Clothes #Hairs #Costume #Avatar #Reborn #Legacy #Athena #Shoping #Male #Female
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HG Welcome
23 0 Welcome 0 Users
Welcome to Herederos Grid!
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I love this grid and the shops here! Great builds! Greater clothes, jewelry, and furniture! Come check it out! You wont be disappointed! :)
Thank you very much for your comment, you are always welcome at Herederos Grid! =)