Liked posts

*** Camballa***
Here’s to us in the future
Take better care of us here.
A light for Opensim
Have a good time everyone
Best regards
your Karin Becker

Auf das wir in Zukunft
besser auf uns hier aufpassen.
Für Opensim ein licht
Habt alle eine gute zeit
liebe grüsse
eure Karin Becker

KarinBecker: Thank you for the warm words and many Messages 1 years ago


Jupiter Rowland: Hast du die alten Strumpfhosen aktualisiert? Frage für eine Verwandte. 2 years ago

New items over at TSD garden, happy shopping ♥

Just some items from the decor section that is available for you here at TSD. Happy shopping ♥

News at Camballa
Spring-Time Spring Feeling
Dahila Dress
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

Sylvia-Koeln: Erfrischend anders als die sonst üblichen Angebote......... Dane 2 years ago

Spring-Time Spring Feeling
Dahila Dress in any Colors
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

London themed shopping sim, new items being added every day.... If you see anything that you want and it's not available just give me a holler and I will help you out.... Happy Shopping ♥

OpenSimUser: Nice start, looking forward to more getting added. 2 years ago

London themed shopping sim, new items being added every day.... If you see anything that you want and it's not available just give me a holler and I will help you out.... Happy Shopping ♥

News at Camballa
Midnight Dress in any Colors
lovely sexy long Gown
have all a good time
Karin Becker

Ellen: I love this hair! Is it available at your store? 2 years ago

Betty short Dress
with Boots
in any Colors and variationen
have all a good time
Karin Becker

- Different choices on colors! Very handy for power towers, airplanes or even for your venue!
- Really low lag! Not using a laggy blinking script that one can`t see in far away distances, instead - it`s using an animated texture!
PS. Textures and script (if needed) are also available!
PS1 - Teleport to DISCO sector to grab a FREE and FULLPERM copy!

Enjoy :)

Suzi_Avonside: For the confused, like I was, it's the Disco section! 2 years ago

Farrah Gown
in 12 Colors
with Flexy skirts
have all a good time
Karin Becker

We are greatly honored to be able to add a beautiful tribute Memorial Wall for a very precious man who did much to help many, Rudi Bakerly, was one of the most kind souls I have known and it was my privilege and honor to create this Memorial Wall to him. May he rest in eternal peace until we meet again at the rainbow bridge.

Hugabug: very beautiful memorial Rudi will be missed 2 years ago
I had for this lady a deep respect and appreciation and so created this memorial wall to her memory to reflect the beauty of the soul who was Veritas McMaster. May she know eternal peace and beauty as greatly and deeply as she created it in virtual for all to enjoy. She brought many smiles to many people may her joy be full in her eternal slumber.

nyxbreen: Thank you, Lavia, I know she loved this Virtual World, and now her soul lives in all realms. 2 years ago

ChuBelz Grid ist ab sofort geöffnet
ChuBelz Grid is now open

KikiBaily: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Eröffnung Euch Beiden :-) 2 years ago

Mudyblues: Auch dem Soul ein frohes Weihnachtsfest 2 years ago

From all of us on, to everyone in open sim. May you truly find peace and joy this Christmas and throughout the coming new year.

All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

Holy so nice outfit in 4 Colors with Perl-Flower top in Gold-Black-Silver
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

NEWs at the Mainstore

sweet illusion: lovely! 2 years ago

Free Hobbit House

Free Trees .. animated and without animation :))

*New-Refletion Dress in 6 colors
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

for the 3nd advent new on camballa
Glam Dress in 6 Colors
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

Plötzlich und unerwaret schlief am 4.12. mein liebster Rudi unser Grid Vater ein

Ich bin nur ins Zimmer nebenan gegangen.
Nichts ist passiert.
Alles bleibt genauso wie es war.

Ich bin ich, und ihr seid ihr, und das alte Leben, das wir so liebevoll zusammen lebten, ist unberührt und unverändert.
Was auch immer wir füreinander waren, das sind wir noch.
Ruft mich mit meinem alten vertrauten Namen.
Sprecht von mir in derselben selbstverständlichen Redeweise, die ihr immer benutzt habt.
Macht keinen Unterschied im Ton.
Erzeugt keine gezwungene Atmospäre der Feierlichkeit oder des Kummers.
Lacht, wie wir immer über die kleinen Späße lachten, die wir gemeinsam genossen haben.
Spielt, lächelt, denkt an mich, betet für mich.

Lasst meinen Namen immer vertraut und alltäglich bleiben, wie er es bisher auch war.
Lasst ihn ohne Anstrengung gesprochen werden, ohne einen geisterhaften Schatten.

Das Leben bedeutet alles, was es vorher auch bedeutet hat.
Es ist dasselbe wie es immer war. Es gibt absolute und ununterbrochene Kontinuität.
Was ist dieser Tod anderes als ein vernachlässigbarer Unfall?
Warum sollte ich aus eurem Sinn sein, nur weil ihr mich nicht mehr sehen könnt?
Ich warte in der Zwischenzeit auf euch, irgendwo ganz in der Nähe, gleich um die Ecke.

Alles ist gut.

Nichts ist verletzt; nichts ist verloren .
Ein kurzer Moment und alles wird so sein wie früher.
Wie werden wir über die Mühen des Abschieds lachen, wenn wir uns wiedersehen!

Tatum: I've known rudi a little bit (under different avis), but I do remember one of the nicest and most kind people of OS. Rest well my friendly friend! My condolences to friends and family! 2 years ago
TELEPORT HUD - This is the most advanced teleport hud you will ever see in any of the grids. It can be used to teleport to a grid, then a region, then a location in that region. It uses DialogPlus which means you can have pages of places saved in it. Also I got it to save all the locations to a notecard, so in case you reset it, you won't lose all your locations. Additionally, you can edit the notecard and add new locations manually if you like, then save notecard. Then click the hud, and click load. All the new locations you manually entered will be loaded into the hud. -- Now... Some grids will not let you get access to the gateway information via osGetGridGateway... So in other words, it's going to break on some sims, but you can always reset it, and just know that it's ok to tp to those grids, just don't try to tp around once you get there, you can always use ctrl-shift-h to get home if you have a home location set. So why a TP hud? We had these in sL and they make life easier, if you are smart enough to know how to use one. It's just better, that's why.
Keep in mind, that it is purposefully designed so that when you tp to a grid ONLY those regions in that grid will appear under the [Regions] button. Once you select a region it will tp you to that region. Then you click [Locations] and only the locations that are IN THAT SIM will be displayed. This is done on purpose to avoid being confused about what locations are in what sim on what grid. It's intelligently designed to make it as easy as possible to navigate around the hypergrids.

CyberGlo CyberStar: Yes, now that it works, I will try to make a new version that gets around osGetGridGateway, but for now it's great for dreamgrid, i don't know about other grids (depends if the owner lets you use that... 3 years ago

New clothes for man and woman .......
Come in and find out !!

Rudi Bakerly: Angebot statt Alts :-) Auf nun 9 Etagen ! 3 years ago
Well, Easter is almost here! I've made some decorated eggs on stands to add to the festivities.

The textures are included in the Peter Rabbit Egg. You can use them as is or mod them for different coloured stands or eggs. I have them on display as room size but you can of course mod them to any size from table top to giant :).
It all really depends on the size of the chickens and Easter bunnies I suppose :D.

Have a fabulous day!!

Thirza Ember: Released egg-zackly in time for the holidays. 3 years ago
When I was building my home sims, I discovered I needed rocks and well, I couldn't find what I wanted. Hence, I made rocks and a sky island, I also made some for the beach with flat tops for sunbathing. You never know where you will want to sunbathe.

NEW !!!!

In the event of heavy winds or storms, some heavier furniture in the garden is helpful. Concrete, now that's sturdy :D, table, seats and a bird bath.

FLAMBOYANT TREE PACK (13 models - 02 to 06 prims- with animated leaves and falling petals. Available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA, BOX 03. Enjoy :)

ALEPPO PINES PACK ** Available for FREE and FULLPERM at DESERT AREA, BOX 02. Only 2 prims and light leaves animation. Enjoy
"Pinus halepensis, commonly known as the Aleppo pine, is a pine native to the Mediterranean region. Its range extends from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Spain north to southern France, Malta, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, and Albania, and east to Greece. There is an outlying population in Syria, Lebanon, southern Turkey, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel."

Tattoos , men fashion , women fashion
NEW !!!!
Come in and find out !!!