Hugabug @Hugabug2

USA (CST +2) Offline

Owner of Barefoot-Dreamers Grid Always a pleasure when friends & neighbors drop by check out our Newly done website: or find us on our Public Dicord Channel at :

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This is SO exciting! Lone came up with this amazing idea for a collaborative workspace for Wolf Territory region residents! The fabulous Jimmy Olsen took it on and works his elven magic, and it EXPLODED with popularity! It turned out so cool that Lone made it the new Welcome region!

Today, we made 3rd place on OpenSim World! Go Lone! Go US! And GO YOU for making it so! Now, come join the family!

Hicks: bravo! 4 days ago

Happy Valentine's Day from Gentle fire grid to open sim and Facebook

Hi , everything will be back soon..the moving to my own sim is almost completed..greets Tomas

wicked: Thank you, for the update.. I was trying to visit yesterday.. We need you around :) 8 days ago
The American movie titled "The UFO Movie They Don't Want You To See.", explains the truth about e.t. life. They even explain the nimitz, tic-tac, and gimble videos which even the u.s. pilots thought were aliens. Now we know that even the videos released by the u.s. navy are fake. I was so believing in that one b/c I thought "hey, it's the u.s. navy...." But they were wrong wrong wrong. Even the Jimmy Carter UFO is explained in this movie.
Meanwhile SETI is still searching for a signal and the only signal SETI ever got was in the 1970's called the WOW signal. It was a radio signal at 1.42 GHZ. (They explain the reason that all e.t. life would use this frequency.) SETI hoped that the signal would carry some sort of information encoded in it, but either it doesn't, or no one has been able to decipher it yet or figure out how the information is encoded. But do keep in mind that the distances are so great between solar systems in just our own galaxy, that even though there are over 60billion planets in our milkyway, it would take thousands of years to reach them on a spaceship, so unless aliens live forever they are not travelling space. You see nothing known to us can travel faster than the speed of light. Einstein was a lot smarter than you and me, and according to many real scientists who understand the Einstein temporal equations, He's right. This is why most of the people on earth who claim there are ufo's taking off and landing every five minutes are just outright lying to you. It's not happening. We wish it was. But the simple truth is SETI also has equipment which would know if there were aliens taking off and landing, and it just is not happening. But people are stupid, they will believe whatever anyone tells them or swears to... Will you?

Ankhsenaton: Just wait for Zefram Cochrane who on April 5, 2063 will make the first warp flight!!! 8 days ago
Infinity 11's New Home Office for Rentals is now : @ the wolf territories grid welcome area. There is a email box at the door- or you can message me direct. If you like can even leave a private message here on :) Free Rentals to qualifying adult canidates.
Thank you!

Wolf Territories Grid: Looks amazing! 18 days ago
This is now starting my 15th year of trying to improve Opensim with the DreamWorld and DreamGrid systems. I haven't done an OSCC talk for several years so I thought I'd give a quick review of some Opensim stats that I track. This data is based on anonymous data from the DNS servers and and the publicity checkbox, which generates XML for the function. I am also able to count some stats from known 'other' grids via a web crawler that runs hourly scans.

There are now 259 free OARs, and that includes 63 exclusive regions for DreamGrid owners. I licensed these from the creators, and collections are copyrightable. The most popular Public OARS are at and sorted by popularity are IARS at I have many more to upload still.

I do not have access to any of your assets, backups, OARS, IARS, or any personal data. My servers periodically crawl the web looking for Opensim servers from publicly available sources such as my visitor lists, the data I publish and from Hypergrid Business.

DreamGrid goes back to 2011, when it was called DreamWorld. I didn't always track much back then and periodically flushed the database. Since 2018 (6 years) , there have been 5,180 distinct DreamGrid instances. People created 12,280 different grids with it. and 3,378 were online in 2024. In that same time period of six years, I've located 2,935 standard grids. In 2024 alone, there were 2,762 unique DreamGrids online.

Sl has 18,326 private estates, which are equivalent to the 12,334 regions in Dreamgrid. However, we have much larger regions, the equivalent of 73,341 SL regions. An SL region costs $349 to set up, and $209 a month to rent (not own). The first year, one region costs $2,857, the second year $2508.

When you compare DreamGrid with the SL private estates, we've collectively saved $209,535,237 in the first year, and $183,939,228 per year after that.

~ Fred

Racci: Wow, amazing stats Fred. Thank you so much for all you have done, your Dreamy software is totally amazing. So easy for anyone to get on the hypergrid with their own regions, and we all save and share ... 29 days ago


Dear Music Lovers,
do you like the 70ies and 80ies?
In the playlist are also some funkrock, hardrock and punkrock songs....
If you are free on Sunday Evening in Europe, try out Djane Aphras Mix!
Carry the spirit of the bee—a symbol of perseverance, community, and the golden beauty of nature. Let this pendant inspire you to shine brightly, work diligently, and savor the sweetness of life. Jewelry

SilviaFrey: Hola. ¿Cuando abren la tienda? Saludos 30 days ago
BE AWARE IF YOU USE SSD'S. An SSD can randomly go into a complete shut down and lock ALL DATA on the drive out. You won't be able to access that ssd ever again. In my case it was a SAMSUNG 870. Well, I had made several beautiful oars... but I had a drive crash... well actually, an ssd crash. very unexpected as it was a samsung 870. but when i say crash what happened was it totally locked up the ssd. I mean totally. Everything is completely not accessible. At least with a hard drive if you have a crash you can recover most of your files. But apparently not with this ssd. It's beyond crazy they don't make people aware that an ssd can lock up like this for no apparent reason. I'm afraid to say I've lost all my work. Not surprising I suppose. I really don't know what happened, everything was fine when I went to bed, and I woke up the next day and the ssd is electronically locked and cannot be accessed by any computer. I even tried a special device I ordered from amazon. Nope. I never knew this could happen. It's very disheartening to have technical troubles of this magnitude coupled with the negativity from the trolls... so... I just left the grids for months. I may come back one day and try to rebuild everything. But it's a monumental task. I spent so long creating all those beautiful places... Only to have them completely destroyed by a complete ssd lock. I should point out I was running samsung magician and there was NOTHING wrong with the ssd at all... Nothing was reported by magician except that the ssd was in GREAT SHAPE.

CyberGlo CyberStar: Thanks to all of you! I will try to send this back to samsung immediately if I can find the address... I never thought of doing that. You guys rock. 1 month ago

Wolf Workspace has now become our Welcome area with offices and shops free to residents of Wolf Territories Grid, our plan is to grow this into a multi-region citiy

Ludo: I have to visit this place 1 month ago

More office space.

Ludo: Looks amazing 1 month ago
Wir freuen uns Falbala Gustafson als Manager für deutschsprachige Mieter gewonnen zu haben.

Of course we are also available for all other languages, after all a translator works as well :)
Bouncer speaks Dutch and English, Ansjela speaks Dutch, English and German.

Feel free to visit and ask our renters how they like living on ansjelagrid.
Khiron Ametza singing at Starfleet Infinity
Thursday, January 16th @ 1pm
Rock and Ballads, from the '70s to '00s including some
Country, Chillout, Romantic, and your requests
Region: Infinity

The excitement of turning a dream into reality. It begins as a spark of imagination, a vivid mental picture of a breathtaking

@JamieAnna Wright reminded me this morning of my art exhibit I created when she placed her Dali clock out at the Dingleberry Dump! OH Yes!! I remember I created an exhibit titled Persistence of Memory by Dali. I rezzed it at SkyRealm and can be viewed here:

Thank you Anna for perpetual inspiration 💗

Marianna : 2 months ago

pour commencer bonne année a tout le monde .
Ce jour 5 janvier 2025, le marché de noel ferme pour travaux.
Merci aux 42 personnes qui l'ont visité.
à bientôt

Do you have a web page or blog? Want people to actually log into your home world?

Add a link like this: secondlife:///app/gridmanager/addgrid/

Like this: secondlife:///app/gridmanager/addgrid/http%3A%2F%2F[YOURRGRID]%3A[YOURPORT] You must escape spaces with %20.

We are out at Kitty Hawk trying out my new girl flyer. You can ride your friend through the air like an airplane. I'll put it in the shop soon in case anyone wants it.

Hicks: do it work with ex wives ? .... i joke 2 months ago
As we step into a new year, I want to take a moment to reflect and share something from the heart. For me, every project, every collaboration, and every goal is deeply important. I approach them with care and a genuine desire to help them succeed.

Sometimes, in critiquing or offering suggestions, my words might be misunderstood. I know that criticism can be hurtful, but please know it is never my intention to harm or discourage. My aim is always to help sharpen focus, highlight what works, and guide positive change.

I understand that some may find me strict or perhaps even overly passionate at times, but that intensity comes from love—love for what I do and for the people I work alongside. It’s my hope that this energy inspires growth, understanding, and progress.

As we begin this year, I hope for open hearts, understanding minds, and a shared determination to make this year better than the last. Thank you for being part of my journey, and I look forward to all we will achieve together.

Wishing you a joyful, peaceful, and successful New Year.
I figured out how to generate a map of the sim. we've spent a day or so building and there's much land still to explore. At the concept it was going to be like a 9 square grid with 4 lands and 5 waters lol. But on a 4096x4096 I realized that would take weeks if not a month to create, so I tried different things and finally figured out how to randomly generate islands on the whole sim. The concept is people can have an island in the game, or part of it - a parcel. This isn't a typical square island sim but different and interesting so far. the economy game will be ready soon, it's going to be free to play.

Aeris Irides: I put the grid map on a 5m x 5m prim and anywhere you touch you are teleported to that area. Obviously we have a map in the viewer lol. But With the dynamically generated map i can display the parcels... 2 months ago

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of one of our long time grid members Trizzy Hunter. All of us at Virtual Beach are devastated and sadden by this news, please bare with us while we grieve.

If you knew Trizzy or visited one of her many regions, you knew how much work she put into them. She took time to create stores and such for all to love. Trizzy was a great friend to all who knew her as well as helping someone in world when they needed it. She helped me a lot when i messed up my terrain or needed something in world. She will be truly missed.

Trizzy's memory will live on forever at Virtual Beach, please continue to honor her legacy by visiting one of her many regions listed below that is open all year long.

RRD Fashion Exclusives
Christmas Dreams
Dagger's Edge
Rayvn's Roost Concourse
Spooktacular Wood

After the New Year a memorial will be held in world starting at the cemetery and ending at daggers edge for a dance party to remember and honor her legacy. Date and details to be announced soon.

Micawood: I'm very sorry to hear that. She was someone who helped me a lot when I started in open sim. I hope she is calm and at peace wherever she is now 2 months ago
Marianna of Monets jewlery wanted to honor Trizzys legacy by creating a PBR Pendant for all of her friends and everyone to enjoy.

You can pick it up at's Roost Concourse
As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Day, imagine yourself holding a fresh, blank novel with 365 pages—each day a new opportunity to craft your story. This is your book, your chance to pen a tale that reflects your dreams, challenges, and triumphs. What will this year’s story be? Will it be filled with courage, laughter, resilience, or love? Will it show growth, learning, and moments of joy? Each sunrise offers a clean slate to write something meaningful, something that adds to the legacy of your life.

Make this your year to live vividly and authentically, one page at a time.

Best wishes for an excellent New Year! 2025!

Merry Christmas to all from the E Grid and the Hub Grid!

Lise: Merry Christmas and may your 2025 Grid be filled with many wonderful memories! 2 months ago

May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas! From Andremus & Alchy

Lise: Joyeux Noël et bonnes vacances ! 2 months ago
Merry Christmas everyone!! News from 3HG -Thanks all goes to Fred Beckhusen. I just witnessed a server move from Contabo VPS to:

AMD Ryzen 7 8845 with 16 cores and threads. The setup features a 4X x 4X x 2" configuration for high-performance computing.
Key features:
1 Gbps Network delivering reliable and fast connectivity.
NVMe M.2.5 SSD, achieving speeds of up to 6 GB/s, offering 2x the standard 3 GB/s performance for exceptional read and write operations.

I could never have done this without Fred's help , he had to copy numerous times to get full complete backup Contabo was being totally slow and useless he gave me permission to say and I quote: "Contabo sucks donkey balls"

3HG is on a shiny new server that zips right along now - what a huge difference. Fred, your patience and troubleshooting techniques is just mind blowing, I cannot believe what I just witnessed in tech skills. Your determination is what sets you apart, I honestly thought this move was not even possible (Fred says I have a big purse), again you prove me wrong. Thank you and Merry Christmas my Metaverse Santa, it is time to put your feet up by the fire 🎅🏽🎄❄️🎄💗💗💗

JamieWright: Merry Christmas Marianna:) All the holiday love and joy! 2 months ago

Happy Holidays from Wicked Way!

Hugabug: Merry Christmas Wicked & a safe wonderful New Year! 2 months ago

Dear Leisa Calling, me out of My name proves that you have been harassing me for the last four weeks using various avatars with the same first name. You have been banned from the other grid for the identical reason. "Grow the hell up!" is all I have to say. God is my soldier, and you are the devil in disguise, attempting to attract attention. Here's my handkerchief; go on. Most people recognize me as a decent person, and I've helped a lot of people who came to my grid from other grids. I don't support lying or grieving, regardless of who you are. You must stop destroying and move on to real life.
My point was made.

HoneyOG: This is bashing and defamation of character against you Adore and very unwarranted and just plain bullying! You, Adore are the reason I remained on OpenSim and your kindness and generosity are legenda... 2 months ago
In the heart of the digital realm, where grids and codes intertwined, there existed a special place known as the Gentle Fire Grid. This grid was unlike any other; it was a warm, welcoming community where avatars from all corners of the virtual world gathered to share stories, create art, and celebrate together.

As Christmas approached, the Gentle Fire Grid buzzed with excitement. The avatars decorated their virtual homes with twinkling lights, digital wreaths, and pixel-perfect Christmas trees. The air was filled with the sound of cheerful carols and the scent of virtual gingerbread cookies.

One chilly December evening, the grid's founder, a wise and kind avatar named Santa Mint, decided to host a grand Christmas party. Invitations were sent out to all the neighboring grids, including the renowned OpenSim. The message read, "Merry Christmas from Gentle Fire Grid to OpenSim! Join us for a night of joy, laughter, and celebration with live singer's and DJ's"

On the night of the party, avatars from OpenSim arrived, their digital forms glowing with anticipation. They were greeted with open arms and warm smiles. The Gentle Fire Grid had prepared a feast of virtual delicacies, from pixelated plum pudding to holographic coffee.

As the night went on, the avatars shared stories of their adventures, exchanged gifts, and danced under the shimmering lights of the virtual sky. Santa Mint stood by the grand Christmas tree, watching the joy spread across the grid. It was a night to remember, a night where the boundaries of the digital world melted away, and the true spirit of Christmas shone brightly.

And so, the Gentle Fire Grid and OpenSim celebrated together, creating memories that would last a lifetime. It was a reminder that no matter where you are, the warmth of community and the magic of Christmas can bring everyone together.

Burr it is cold outside winter sets for Athena at entrance.....

I added metal PBR Materials in the foyer so that you can edit your jewelry.
Copper, Gold, Rose Gold and Silver, 8 materials in each pack. notes in contents. Jewelry

You must have the latest Firestorm and the grid has to have the PBR implemented. To test you can come to my grid it is implemented. I have a sandbox where you can test.

Marianna : I added info on how to use the metals. Some of you might wonder how in the world do I create a GLTF texture? I found a great little free png----->GLTF converter 2 months ago
May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Andremus & Alchy
Winter Wonderland => hop://
new on escape to reality come on over and play with your friends when ya want ,,,and stay tuned for upcoming game tournements and events at the begining of the new year merry christmas & happy new year to all~S~
Blues / Rock Xmas @ Crossroads on Immersive 1 on the Pangea Grid.
Wollem Wabbit plays live from the Crossroads, a Nyx Breen creation.
12/18/24 @ 12 SLT
Thirza hooked this combination up the holidays a little differently.

Coucher de soleil sur le cimetière/ Sunset cimetary

Another flower that I love that I've not seen in Opensim is the Fuchsia, they're so pretty. Well I took a shot at making them and the original basket was over 900 prims but I fought with Blender and got it down to 39, which is still primmy but not so bad when you see the detail involved, and they make a great decoration for a porch or balcony or even in a window. I put them in a hanging basket and you can find them at the greenhouse in or garden center here at the mall. They are C/M/T and free, stop by and get your basket. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Marpil Grafenwalder: thank you very much!!! it is truly beautiful and the details are very well done ♥ 3 months ago
This Comming Sunday I will do a MEMORIAL for DeeJay James Bogbat who passed away on the 17th of November 2024.
James was very loved my many.
His RL wife asked me to take over his DJ sessions on the sundays as he would liked that, and I was very honored and could not resist saying Yes.
My first show on the sunday will be all for James as a Memorial and a Tribute to James.
It will be a very special one with a laugh and tear, but we are going to celebrate his life as good as we can with some dancing ofcourse.
For those who knew him, please you are all very welcome from 6 to 8am with the morning breakfast show at AMV Welcome.

At 11am we have a service at the Memorial region for James as well lead by Cataplexia Numbers.
Come as you are, there is no dresscode, just be yourself as our James was as well.

Taxi hop; hop://

Monentes Love Locket available Full Perms Jewelry

🎄✨ Hello everyone! ✨🎄
The Christmas spirit is starting to settle in, and I want to share a bit of that magic with you all! 🌟
It’s the perfect time to rejoice, think of our loved ones, and create beautiful memories as we approach the end of the year. 🎁❤️
I’m wishing you all lots of sweetness, love, and a generous dose of holiday cheer in your hearts! ❄️🎶
And remember… Christmas is the perfect opportunity to light up our lives and the lives of others.

With all my joy and my smile! 😊
Happy holidays in advance! 🎅🌟

Sculpted pieces of snow for the Seasons Greetings @

OpenSimUser: Thank you Bobsolo, i finally made it there to get it. 3 months ago