JaelleFalodir @JaelleFalodir

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The inauguration show of the GavezDois Art Gallery, with the portuguese João Frazão and Zoree Jupiter, in an unforgettable night at the reproduction of the Pena National Palace.

Arrive early to admire the more than 400 images generated by Artificial Intelligence, which make up the gallery's current collection.


Patinha: The party was a success! Full of really cool people and the music was great. Thank you all! 9 months ago
Weihnachten ist eine besondere Zeit, die oft von Wärme, Liebe und Besinnlichkeit geprägt ist. Es ist die Zeit des Jahres, in der Menschen zusammenkommen, um ihre Liebe und Freude zu teilen.
Deshalb laden wir Sie auch in diesem Jahr herzlich zu unserer Pangea-Weihnachtsfeier ein.
Die reizende Zoree Jupiter wird uns mit musikalischen Klängen verwöhnen, ebenso wie unser DJ Marlon Wayne.
Lasst uns gemeinsam eine unvergessliche Zeit voller Liebe, Frieden und Freude erleben. Wir freuen uns darauf, jeden von Ihnen zu sehen und mit Ihnen die festliche Stimmung zu teilen!

Christmas is a special time that is often characterized by warmth, love and contemplation. It is the time of year when people come together to share their love and joy.
So we cordially invite you to our Pangea Christmas party again this year.
The lovely Zoree Jupiter will spoil us with musical sounds, as will our DJ Marlon Wayne.
Let's have an unforgettable time together filled with love, peace and joy. We look forward to seeing each of you and sharing the festive spirit!
HIE Starts today!
We have 3 musical guests to help us kick off this long weekend of languages...
Zoree Jupiter at 11am SLT, then DJArianna Nightfire at 12.00 and Forest Azure at 1pm SLT.
Arrive on HIE Welcome, join the Language Group so that tomorrow, you will be able to follow the subtitles,
and then jump through the portal to HIE 4 to enjoy the music!!
The event continues Saturday and Sunday from 9am SLT (6pm in Central Europe)
with talks in German, Italian, French and Spanish - plus some unforgettable art performances
For more, look at the website https://sites.google.com/view/hieopensim/home
Today there will be one more special event for visitors to the GavezDois Art Gallery: an hour-long show by the excellent singer Zoree Jupiter, at 1:00 pm grid time (20:00 GMT), at Velazquez Bonetto Space.

Good music in a stunning space is what we have to offer to anyone who visits us today. We meet there.


Patinha: I'm looking forward to today's show! 9 months ago
Burlesque -Zoree Jupiter - Theater Of The Arts, The Arts 12:30p -2p

Come join us for Zoree Jupiter's Hot & Steamy Burlesque Show!

Zoree provides the live music with her amazing vocals while Jaelle Falodir choreographs the dance moves for dancers Lilie, Passion, Xenon, Lynne & Cataplexia

The Arts - Theater Of Arts alternatemetaverse.com:8002:The Arts (238, 221, 50)
Hello everyone! :)
I would like to invite you to my performance at Speakeasy Swinghard today!!
Casual, Fun, Friendly Gathering!
Would love to sing your favorites from 600+ variety song list.
Hugs and hopefully see you soon!!
Zoree Jupiter

Copper: would be helpful to add a HG hop 1 years ago

Zoree Jupiter Live at Pangea Grid's Summer of Love Event
11:00 am
Wallraffplatz Cologne

FinjaFlux: That was a wonderful evening, in the Pangea Grid, with great people and Zoree has enchanted us once again with her wonderful voice. I am already looking forward to the next time. ♥♥♥ Das war ein wund... 2 years ago
Trianon World Grid is celebrating its 2nd anniversary on November 19th, and we cordially invite you to join the festivities. The region will be open for 6 days, from November 19th to November 24th, featuring a Greedy Tournament and Great LIVE Entertainment, and Free Clothes not avaiable any other time or place.

On November 19th, the celebration kicks off at 1:00 PM with a performance by Zoree Jupiter on the TGIF Stage. At 2:00 PM, DJ Essensual will serenade the Ballroom Stage with love songs, followed by Rogue Galaxy pouring her heart out on the Fetish Factor Stage at 3:00 PM.

Vesti has specially curated 17 unique outfits exclusively available during this anniversary event. All Vesti stores will have something for everyone, including the gentlemen.

The Greedy Tournament will take place on Wednesday, November 20rd, starting at 9:00 AM. Pre-registration is required to participate. The winner will receive 1000 G's, the second-place finisher will receive 500 G's, and the third-place winner will receive 250 G's. This event is open to both Hypergridders and Residents. https://discord.gg/B234FAP9HT

We look forward to welcoming you all to the Trianon World Grid anniversary celebration!
hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Anniversary Island

Updated Shopping Plaza - 01-24-2023
Virtual Melody Grid

Today! Sunday, Jan. 9. New to Open Sim!
Remy Farman Performing Live from Wales UK
Debuts at The Dome 1:00pm-2:00pm
Sharing is Caring Grid-Open Sim
Music Variety !
A performer you don't want to miss
and will want to listen too again and again!!
Map at:
sharingiscaring.family:8002:The Dome

Festival dates are:
Thursday July 11- Sunday, July 14th 2024

Covering 5 VAR Regions on Alternate Metaverse Grid

The Arts
OpenMic Arts
AMV Special Events
Festival Of Arts
In Tribute

Highlights Include
Alternate Metaverse Carnival - (AMV Special Events)
Visual & Creative Arts: Photographic & Multimedia 2D Art, AI Art (Festival Of Arts)
Immersive Visual & Interactive 3D Artscapes (Festival Of Arts & OpenMic Arts)
Musical Performances by DJs & Live Performers (AMV Special Events)
Dinkies Do Summer (Festival Of Arts)
Storytelling By Yichard Muni (Festival Of Arts )
Live Performers & DJs (AMV Special Events & The Arts)
Zoree Jupiter's Live Burlesque Show (AMV Special Events)
Clan Escotia & His Band Present Live USO Show (Festival Of Arts)
Fashion Show- Summer Sizzle by The Cat's Meow (AMV Special Events - Runway)
Tribute Palooza 8 - A Live Tribute to a wide variety of Musicians (In Tribute)
Lorin Tone's Soundscape Art (Festival Of Arts)
Power Trance Friday Straight from Prana Mountain (AMV Special Events)
Nyx Breens Immersive Artscapes


SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - July 11th through July 14th

Thursday, July 11th

10a-11am Boat Tour from Metasea Tour Office to The Arts for Burlesque Show
11a-12:30p Zoree Jupiter - Burlesque Show @ The Arts
12:30-1:30p DJ Alex Harper - The Arts Live Performance Gazebo
1:30p-2:30p Dave King Live - The Arts Live Performance Gazebo
4-6pm DJ Maldrul Smith - AMV Special Events Main Stage
6-8pm DJ James Bogbat - AMV Special Events Main Stage

Friday July 12th

8am-10am Dinkies Do Summer w DJ Ted & DJ Sofee - Festival Of Arts
10am-12noon Cats Meow Summer Sizzle Fashion Show - The Runway at AMV Special Events
12n - 1p Elf Dream Storytelling - Festival of Arts Story Pavilion
1p-2p Clan Escotia & Clan's Band Live @ AMV Special Events
2p - 3p Tommy C sings Live - AMV Special Events Main Stage
4p-5p DJ Anys - AMV Special Events Stage
6p-8p Power Trance Night - AMV Special Events / Carnival

Saturday July 13th

11am-12n Clan Escotia & His Band USO Show - Festival of Arts
12n-1p Mavenn Live @ AMV Special Events Stage
1pm-2pm DJ Bela Cara @ AMV Special Events Stage
3p-5p Open Mic with Chris Dayellis & Whisper Carfield @ Open Mic Arts
5p-7p DJ Chris McCracken @ The Arts Main Stage

Sunday July 14th

10am -11am DJ Dragonladyshinobiaa / In Tribute
11am - 3pm In Tribute Concert Fundraiser / In Tribute
3-4pm DJ Veleroalf @ AMV Special Events Stage
4-5pm Ian Kitsilano Live - Mr M & The Allnighters @ AMV Special Events Stage
5pm-7pm DJ Maldrul Smith - AMV Special Events Stage

Artists Will Include:

April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Clifford Hanger
Doc Nolan
DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctum
Jillian2000 Quintessa
Jimmy Olsen
Lilie Finesmith
Lorin Tone
Lynnestra Parker
Maia Antarra
Maldrul Smith
Nyx Breen
Siren Song
Spirit Phelan
Ted Junior
Tina Parx
Wintermyst Tangerae
Zoree Jupiter

There are 2 large immersive artscapes by Nyx Breen

The first was done 2 years ago and is still a part of our festival
because we love it so much!
Located on Festival Of Arts

The SECOND is an Immersive display called The Expanse with 2 stories, a dance area and ridable tour orbs. This artscape is located at the OpenMic Arts Region.

Performers & DJs Include:

DJ Alex Harper
DJ Anys
DJ April McKenna
DJ Bela Cara
DJ Cataplexia Numbers
DJ Chris Dayelis
DJ Chris McCraken
DJ James Bogbat
DJ Jordan Melody
DJ Maia Antarra
DJ Maldrul Smith
DJ Sofee Supermarine
DJ Ted Junior
DJ Veleroalf

Live Performers

Clan Escotia & His Band
Dave King
Ian Kitsilano
Mavenn Live
Tommy C
Zoree Jupiter
Burlesque Show:

Zoree Jupiter - Live Music - Dancer
Jaelle Falodir - Choreography - Dancer
Cataplexia Numbers - Dancer
Lilie Finesmith - Dancer
Lynestra Parker - Dancer
In Tribute Show

DJ/Host /MC
Cataplexia Numbers

Tribute Performers
April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Chris McCracken
Clifford Hanger
Jordan Melody
Lilie Finesmith
Lynnestra Parker
Maldrul Smith
Taffy Starr
Tyler Mathews
The Cat's Meow Summer Sizzle Fashion Show

DJ/ Host/ Fashion Designer
Cataplexia Numbers- Host/MC

Alexandra Samson
Chris McCracken
Clifford Hanger
Desy Graywolf
Gentle Dragonheart
Jordan Melody
Kat Cloudpunk
Lilie Finesmith
River Moonglade

Finale - Arabian Segment- Dancers & Silks Fashions


USO Show @ Festival Of Arts hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Festival%20Of%20Arts/243...
Dinkies Do Summer @ Festival Of Arts
Nyx Breen - Immersive 3D Art @ Festival Of Arts
Lorin Tone - Soundscape Art
3D Art Walk- Festival Of Arts
2D Art Displays @ Festival Of Arts
Storytelling By Yichard Muni @ Festival Of Arts
Landing Point @ Festival Of Arts
The Swan Ferry Water Taxi - Festival Of Arts Side

Fashion Runway - Summer Sizzle Clothing Booth @ AMV Special Events
Power Trance Stage- Skating Rink & Bumper Cars @ AMV Special Events
The Swan Ferry Water Taxi - AMV Special Events Side
Main Stage
Runway & Shops hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/AMV%20Special%20Events/4...

Arrival Boat Docks for Metasea Boat Tour To The Arts
Theater Of The Arts - Burlesque
The Arts - Party Pavilion
Live Performance Stage
Art Gallery & Inspiration Cafe'

Open Mic Stage
The Expanse- 3D Immersive Art by Nyx Breen

Live Performance Tribute Stage - Fundraiser for AMV
Zoree Jupiter Live- Every otherThursday @ 11am- AMV Grid

Zoree Jupiter singing LIVE @ Speakeasy Swinghard! Zoree is
a truly incredible live singer with a wide variety of music and
a voice that ranges from soft, sultry & sexy to ready to rock
your socks! Don't miss her events, every other Thursday, 11am Grid time!
Dress is casual to semi formal.

Come 30 mins early for Cliffs pre show tunes!

Map us at: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:AMV Events

Ⓩ░░░ ( ¯:¯)░乙ƠƦЄЄ░JUPƖƬЄƦ
Ⓞ░░(¯`·.\ /.·´¯)░Gentle Fire
Ⓡ░ (¯ `·. ❀.·´¯)░2:00 - 3:00pm
Ⓔ░░(_.·´/ \`·._)░ Casual
Ⓔ░░░ (_.:._)░Pop,love,disco,fado,rock,country,etc
New location:

Ⓩ░░░ ( ¯:¯)░乙ƠƦЄЄ░JUPƖƬЄƦ
Ⓞ░░(¯`·.\ /.·´¯)░Gentle Fire
Ⓡ░ (¯ `·. ❀.·´¯)░2:00 - 3:00pm
Ⓔ░░(_.·´/ \`·._)░ Casual
Ⓔ░░░ (_.:._)░Pop,love,disco,fado,rock,country,etc
New location:
JOIN US AT THE NEW Majestic Club /Ballroom / Great place for wedding ,Birthdays Party , Event , for most Holidays Dress up or down Opening On Sunday at 12:Grid time . ♥Simply fabulous♥


Where: Gentle Fire Grid
When: 2 years ago [12 Jul 2022 14:00 SLT]

THE WONDERFUL Zoree at club majestic
When: JULY 12, 2022, 14:00 SLT] Zoree
Join us Tuesday Zoree at 2:00 gird time. where at Majestic Club at Gentle fire Grid


Gentle fire Grid
Zoree ♥(*•.¸♥¸.•*´)♥ Zoree ♥(*•.¸♥¸.•*´)♥ party .Pop,love,disco,fado,rock,country,etc
One of awesome singing in opensim and second life
Join Zoree ♥(*•.¸♥¸.•*´)♥ TIME 2:00 grid time date
Where at the CLUB FIRE

Need a ride contact adore / Pete dress, code causal/ SEMI CASUAL

-Zoree Jupiter Live
-3:00-4:00pm a
-Osgrid Events Plaza
-Casual Fun! Friendly atmosphere! Come Join us!
-Music Variety
hg.osgrid.org:80:Event Plaza

-Zoree Jupiter Live
-3:00-4:00pm a
-Osgrid Events Plaza
-Casual Fun! Friendly atmosphere! Come Join us!
-Music Variety
hg.osgrid.org:80:Event Plaza

welcome to Riderwood region Home to Majestic Island and majestic club
Join the Group Keep Up with the up coming event

still time to hear Zoree

For The Love of Zoree
Where: Gentle Fire Grid
When: 3 years ago [7 Jun 2022 14:00 SLT]

Join Zoree at club majestic
When: june 7 2022 14:00 SLT] Zoree
Join us Tuesday for the amazing Zoree at 2:00 gird time .. where at Majestic Club at Gentle fire Grid


YOU are invited to attend OSGrid's Special Christmas Holiday Benefit Event!
Get on those Holiday Outfits, Costumes, & Ugly Sweaters and come join in the fun for this Holiday Contest!

With LIVE MUSIC by the following great performers!

9:am - Stinna - Live Singer
10:am - Ouienanda - Live Singer
11:am - Koko Incognito - Live Singer
12:pm - Djembe Dragonfire- Live Singer
1:pm - Sunny Omura - Live Singer
2:pm - Rogue Galaxy - Live Singer
3:pm - Putri SoloSinger
4:pm - Zoree Jupiter

CASH PRIZES - paid via paypal!


Zoree Jupiter Live at Radio DJ Live Music
Come and have some fun with us!

-Zoree Jupiter Live
-3:00-4:00pm a
-Osgrid Events Plaza
-Casual Fun! Friendly atmosphere! Come Join us!
-Music Variety
hg.osgrid.org:80:Event Plaza

» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴12:00pm ∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸login.virtualmelody.net:8002:VM Welcome Plaza

Please join Us for an Extra Special Live Valentine Sunday Performance!
Live Dual Stream Duet with Zoree Jupiter & Remy Farman!
On Sunday 13th February 12 pm Grid Time
Hop - sharingiscaring.family:8002:The Dome

Zoree Jupiter and Remy Farman Live
Where: Pangea
When: 3 years ago [4 Feb 2022 10:00 SLT]

Zoree Jupiter adn Remy Farman sing the first time in Pangea a duet at a Duostream.
10:00 PST Warmup with Marlon
11:00 PST Zoree Jupiter and Remy Farman

At the Sim Stella Polaris in Pangea Grid
pangeagrid.ddns.net:8002:Stella Polaris

Smooth Sunday Live Performance Remy Farman @ The Dome!
Where: The Dome
When: 3 years ago [9 Jan 2022 13:00 SLT]

Please Join Us for a Very Special Event at Sharing is Caring Grid!
Remy Farman Will be Here With his Smooth Style and Sultry voice for our Sunday Pleasure!
Sunday January 9 @ 1pm Grid Time!
sharingiscaring.family:8002:The Dome

Invitation to Osgrid and Open Sim Visitors
Thursday, December 30th, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Zoree Jupiter, Live
Formal Dance at Victorian Christmas, Osgrid
Attire: Formal
We hope you will join us in this celebration of the holidays
for a couple of hours of music and fun.
All proceeds./tips got to Osgrid
*Victorian Christmas, a gift to Osgrid was created by Zoree Jupiter and Jaelle Falodir as a place for the residents of Osgrid and other Open sim grid visitors
to enjoy. We hope you will visit, explore and enjoy the sights and sounds ?
The land was sponsored by Masala Estates