Jane Stonecrow @JaneStonecrow


Artist, Writer, Web Developer, Cat Servant.

MVU: Basic Scripting - Open Class
Where: DigiCenter
When: 6 years ago [26 Jul 2018 17:00 SLT]

Open class - drop-ins welcome. Learn how scripts work and how to create them. This is an open class time, so bring your questions or special projects to get some expert answers! Thursdays at Metaverse University. Instructor: Rubyleaf Dryke.

MVU: Basic Scripting - Open Class
Where: DigiCenter
When: 6 years ago [19 Jul 2018 17:00 SLT]

Open class - drop-ins welcome. Learn how scripts work and how to create them. This is an open class time, so bring your questions or special projects to get some expert answers! Thursdays at Metaverse University. Instructor: Rubyleaf Dryke.

MVU: Basic Scripting - Open Class
Where: DigiCenter
When: 6 years ago [12 Jul 2018 17:00 SLT]

Open class - drop-ins welcome. Learn how scripts work and how to create them. This is an open class time, so bring your questions or special projects to get some expert answers! Thursdays at Metaverse University. Instructor: Rubyleaf Dryke.

MVU: Basic Scripting - Open Class
Where: DigiCenter
When: 6 years ago [5 Jul 2018 17:00 SLT]

Open class - drop-ins welcome. Learn how scripts work and how to create them. This is an open class time, so bring your questions or special projects to get some expert answers! Thursdays at Metaverse University. Instructor: Rubyleaf Dryke.

MVU: Basic Scripting - Class 4
Where: DigiCenter
When: 6 years ago [24 Jul 2018 17:00 SLT]

Class 4 of 4. Learn how scripts work and how to create them. This basic scripting course will cover structure, variables, headers, user functions, and more. 4-week series. Class held Tuesdays at Metaverse University. Instructor: Rubyleaf Dryke.

MVU: Basic Scripting - Class 3
Where: DigiCenter
When: 6 years ago [17 Jul 2018 17:00 SLT]

Class 3 of 4. Learn how scripts work and how to create them. This basic scripting course will cover structure, variables, headers, user functions, and more. 4-week series. Class held Tuesdays at Metaverse University. Instructor: Rubyleaf Dryke.

MVU: Basic Scripting - Class 2
Where: DigiCenter
When: 6 years ago [10 Jul 2018 17:00 SLT]

Class 2 of 4. Learn how scripts work and how to create them. This basic scripting course will cover structure, variables, headers, user functions, and more. 4-week series. Class held Tuesdays at Metaverse University. Instructor: Rubyleaf Dryke.

MVU: Basic Scripting - Class 1
Where: DigiCenter
When: 6 years ago [3 Jul 2018 17:00 SLT]

Class 1 of 4. Learn how scripts work and how to create them. This basic scripting course will cover structure, variables, headers, user functions, and more. 4-week series. Class held Tuesdays at Metaverse University. Instructor: Rubyleaf Dryke.

MVU: Blender Bytes
Where: DigiCenter
When: 7 years ago [18 Jun 2018 13:00 SLT]

This is a beginner class! Learn the blender interface and tools in small "bytes" of info each time, so as not to pile on pressure. This week we'll be building a basic table in Blender. Please have Blender installed if you want to follow along. A screen share link will be provided. Twice monthly at Metaverse University. Instructor: Martin Glom.

MVU: Blender Bytes
Where: DigiCenter
When: 7 years ago [11 Jun 2018 13:00 SLT]

*Computer issues resolved, class is back on!* This is a beginner class! Learn the blender interface and tools in small "bytes" of info each time, so as not to pile on pressure. This week we'll be building a basic table in Blender. Please have Blender installed if you want to follow along. A screen share link will be provided. Twice monthly at Metaverse University. Instructor: Martin Glom.