JaneySue @JaneySue

United States Offline

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Some people love to sail

Some people live to sail

at friends-grid, we do both!

photo by Serina Gee

Safinemahoe2: Welcome Home Dini! 2 years ago
Things that are going on in the world today are causing division between friends and family, so there is no surprise that it is happening here in Opensim as well.

We can't always agree on everything in life and so I make no apology for standing for what i believe in. If that offends you even to the point that our friendships break over such things, so be it. There is nothing worse than lying to yourself to please others. If those friendships cannot stand a few disagreements every now and then, then they not really your friends in the first place and do not mourn their loss.
Note to all, Camila Leal has joined friends-grid. Some of you may remember Camila from Hidden Dreams, her name was Dini. Camila is from Panama and will be living on far east side of grid . I have a few more joining soon
