Jania Cleanslate @JaniaCleanslate


I am 13 years resident of second life and made the switch over to OS and never looked back!

Liked posts

Domani Lunedi 24 Febbraio Grande Apertura Nuova Astralia
Innaugurazione della Nuova Grid In compagnia della musica anni '80 '90 Selezionata per voi Da Rocco Dj... Non Mancate

GRAND OPENING!!! Lunedi 24 Febbraio 2020 Innaugurazione Nuova Astralia. Serata Disco anni '80'90 in consolle Dj Rocco

Electrify your farm! I've just released the new Wind Power extension:
* Generate power with wind turbines to create a region wide power grid.
* Electric pump system with new water towers - one pump feeds all water towers.
* Power your kitchen oven with electricity.
* Electric Swan vehicle.
* Supports Multilingual & updater-box systems.
And more...!
All at worlds.quintonia.net:8002

What viewer are you using?

  • Firestorm
  • Singularity
  • Alchemy
  • Other (specify in comments)
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