JasonFlux @JasonFlux

pangeagrid.ddns.net:8002:FLUXANTIS Offline

Joined 3 years ago

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Water Race
4 1 pangeagrid.ddns.net:8002:Water Race 0 Users
Jetski Water Race
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12 1 pangeagrid.ddns.net:8002:Wasteland 0 Users
In a bleak desert landscape, in Pangea, where almost everyone is willing to go to the limit for the necessities of survival, try to go for a ride in the shredded car, it will be more dangerous than it may look. Explore Wasteland and pay attention to details. It will be a dusty pleasure. In ein...
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11 1 pangeagrid.ddns.net:8002:FLUXANTIS 0 Users
Last time in space!!! Stardate 2378, behind the Orion belt, in the Pangea universe: Dear logbook, I just escaped the collision of two planets, there I hit with full force a planet unknown to me. After setting my flux generator to a common environment, I was presented with a play of colors...
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Wir möchten uns bei allen Bewohnern fremder Welten bedanken, die mit uns die Einweihung von FLUXANTIS feierten.
Die Feier hat uns allen richtig Spaß gemacht mit super Musik von DJ Marlon.
We would like to thank all the residents of alien worlds who celebrated with us the inauguration of FLUXANTIS.
The celebration was really fun for all of us with great music from DJ Marlon.?

Now we have colonized the planet and want to celebrate this event with visitors from alien worlds.
We get help from Katia Portugal as a live act and DJ Marlon.