JayR Cela @JayrCela


I am here in OS to relax, and work on my virtual power boat hobby, along with some lanscaping.

Liked posts

I needed one, but couldn't find one, so I built one. :)
Here is a parking garage for your town or city. The arms raise to allow entrance. The top part is faux so only the bottom floor is accessible but you get the look of a full parking garage without all the prims. (40 prims total, without cars.) The cars inside, you should be able to copy if you wish. You can find it where the industrial buildings are. Thanks for stopping by.

Lillysparks: Love it!!! 3 months ago

Wolf Fest starts this weekend kicking off with education, tech talks and music plus some incredible builds. (to see a detailed list head over to https://www.wolf-grid.com/ )

Luna Lunaria: Yay! Excited about this one 6 months ago
MORTIMER!!! WE'RE BACK!!!! Thanks to the people of the metaverse. So many of you came to me offering free land, free help, and really demonstrated your friendship. You brought back my latest creations to me to refill my store at Wizardry. I am very greatful and love you all. I could not ask for better friends. Special thanks to Milly Money, Fresh Virtual World, Jay R Cela, Kater_V_Kater, Marianna, PagaSuccubus, Safine Mahoe, HugABug, Mistress Dalgato, Lone Wolf, Nexus Storm, Fearghus McMahon, KatKakoola, Fred BeckHuesen & Druskus. You are wonderful and awesome people, and I am forever grateful to all of you.

JayR Cela: ahh, great news and glad to hear this. 9 months ago

Good morning all - Since the number one questions I've been getting for the last 2 days is about our infrastructure, here is a video! Enjoy https://youtu.be/bTO4O82AtWg (have a lovely day!)

IndigoQueen King: Thank you Lone. Very informative. Very Mindful. Very Demure. LOL I always learn something new about this grid watching one of your videos and this one was no different. You have a lovely day too! 1 month ago
New landscaping has arrived! I am obsessed! Meadows and bushes and trees and flowers! I put a big red glowing NEW sign above them. When you land, face the store and walk to the right then left at the corner. You can't miss them. You will find "New" signs to identify recent additions in the shop. More architecture is now available as well. Thanks for visiting. All are welcome.

RemmyRavenhurst: These are really beautiful! 4 months ago
Wichtiger Hinweis - Important Announcement

Wir haben großartige Nachrichten für euch! Aufgrund der vielen Nachfragen und des großen Interesses gibt es keine Teilnehmer- und Gridbeschränkungen für die Teilnahme am Pangea Go-Kart Rennen mehr. Jeder kann ab sofort am freien Training teilnehmen und sich für das Hauptrennen am 13. Oktober qualifizieren. Die Qualifikation findet am 15. September statt, und die besten 10 Fahrer und Fahrerinnen werden dabei ermittelt.
Wir freuen uns, dass ihr mit so viel Spaß und Begeisterung dabei seid. Wir sehen uns im freien Training – tragt euch ein und fahrt los!
Euer Pangea Go Kart Team
We have great news for you! Due to the high demand and interest, there are no longer any participant or grid restrictions for the Pangea Go-Kart race. Everyone can now join the free practice sessions and qualify for the main race on October 13th. The qualification race will take place on September 15th, where the top 10 drivers will be selected.
We are thrilled that you are participating with so much fun and enthusiasm. We’ll see you at the free practice sessions—sign up and start racing!
Your Pangea Go-Kart Team

Star Ravenhurst: I am hoping my friend Mack can do this. He is from my grid and loves this sort of thing. This is awesome Marlon! 4 months ago
Your IP Address is recorded every time you visit any sim in the robust log. This means you cannot go to ANY sim without your IP being recorded. All I have to do to see anybody's IP is go to my robust file, and search on part of their name. This pulls up their name, ip address, cmac, and key. So if you are paranoid or don't your information out there, then don't come to the metaverse. First of all the way ip addresses work, your IP address MUST be told to the server you are visiting so it knows WHERE to send visual data back to so that you can see it. In fact, this is how the entire internet works. So get a grip.

Lillysparks: Cyberglo, you are so cool the way you ended this crash-course in IP basics. "Get a grip" LOL. You must have been around someone who was complaining...this seems oddly specific. Hehe 8 months ago
CyberScan Scanner. This device can listen for hidden 'microphones' placed on your sim to spy on you. It scans the channels you select with a frequency you input. If people are chatting in local chat and the scanner has a hit, it will let you know. :D Now available at Wizardry region. Open source as always so you can modify the code, god mode it, whatever you want to do. :) It is also a very powerful tool for scripters who are creating devices that use channel communication, as it allows you to listen in on what your LSL scripting is actually doing. :)

JayR Cela: hmmm.. this is very interseting. I am not concearned about hidden microphones or someone spying on my private chats, however I can see some possible usage in other situations trying to debug certain s... 11 months ago

3rd Rock Lakes

Building Huge new Horse Riding Trails accross around 12 4x4 regions in the middle of the grid. You can ride the from welcome but it's a bit of a way. Great Lakes region.


Join us for the VWEC Quarterly Meeting, Monday, August 12th, at 6:00 PM Grid Time.

Copy this link to go directly to Wolf Territory: grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:VWEC

Or you can meet us at the Kitely Hub (10 min before 6:00) and teleport from there: hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/Cookie II/122/130/25

We will use Discord for talking: https://discord.gg/Rm97hyAdMf

*A reminder will be posted the day of the meeting*

Week 13: Building Continues. Tips today on making sure your prims all line up

The Ultimate Sim Monitor.
This monitors over 35 settings on your sim and displays their status in multiple colors. It's the most advanced sim monitor anywhere. It is based on Roland's Display Board available at NeiferLeif. It's available here: cyberdatastorm.com:8002:Welcome to buy for 0$ :D Enjoy!
To all the role players out there, we are opening many of our public regions to role players to use as "sets" to film their role play. Perhaps you have a story to tell, but you don't have the time, or perhaps not the skill, to build a fitting "set" for your role play scenes but would LOVE to film your characters in action. We have multiple types of regions to use as your backdrop from the Ancient BC Era to Futuristic Sci Fi and they're here for you to use in creating your video. If interested just message me here and we'll discuss it. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

En route to the Sugar Shack
Enjoy the spirit of Spring

EUROPA, the SIM where rumors swirl as Bill Gates mysteriously insists on selling Windows OS with a syringe, sparking wild conspiracies about hidden microchips and secret vaccine updates in every byte!

LE TERRACE- THE only Alien places where one can play greedy, sip an alien coffee and have a view from Jupiter.

Another demo of tidal water, so this stream appears and disappears depending on the height of the tide. 99% of the regions on our grid use tidal water and there is a server that keeps them all in sync. You could have a castle with a tideal area around it that sometimes is under water and sometimes is not etc.