JayR Cela @JayrCela


I am here in OS to relax, and work on my virtual power boat hobby, along with some lanscaping.


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Hi there Marlanna, these look fantastic, I am not involved with any Star Trek RP groups, just a huge fan of the entire ST universe. We have a very active Star Trek missions RP group in 3rdRockGrid, I am wondering if you are familiar with them "Starfleet Infinity" they also have their own website :: starfleetinfinity.com
Thanks for you post
Thank you, I have supported a few Star Trek groups in the Metaverse over the years creating props or uniforms. I enjoy creating different avatars and costumes. I will look up starfleetinfinity.com and see the website thank you for reaching out and suggesting them. Please know that if you want to pass the outfit around or place it there to give is fine with me.
Thank you Marianna, if you do happen to drop into 3rdRockGrid some time, it would be a pleasure to chat about OpenSim in general. I am designer and estate manager for a 3x3 powered watercraft region, the HG link is :: grid.3rdrockgrid.com:8002:Great Central Lake, and thanks again for your post, I passed it along to several StarFleetInfinity friends.
Thank you very much, it would be enjoyable to see your 3x3 watercraft region! I have thought to create one too so that my jetski has plenty of room. As it is now I ride it on a 1x1 and it doesn't take long to see the bay lol. I am booked till Saturday, I will be by then!
Sounds great, I have a ton of free full perm stuff available there, hopefully we can be there at the same time, if not we make it another time. :_)
Sounds great!!
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Thanks for sharing this CyberGlo, indeed for Linux users it is available via .deb, flatpak or snap.
I agree. Great Job Cyberglo!
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That is so nice, I loved the Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang while growing up. Thank you for sharing Thomas.
Me to and I still have a snoopy dog doll somewhere from when
I was 5. I am now 53 heheeh.
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Sadly I can speak from experience, The IMA is not to be trusted, the projects I have been witness too are mostly a con game, followed by countless excuses for the project(s) delay, or they need more money to complete it. I do agree with the need for an OS specific voice module's development. These folks at the IMA are not the people for this job.
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The EchoVoice project, was just another one of The Infinite Metaverse Alliance, many flops or scams. Sadly I speak from some personal experience, when I say to anyone willing to listen. "Do Not Trust these people"
There's a strange persistence in asking for money for a project that actually could be developed differently. This is what I've noticed. Furthermore, it's not true that GNU/Linux is paid; every paid distribution (for the included services) has its free base. Red Hat has Fedora, and so on... So, honestly, I'm not convinced by the argument being made, which is also quite aggressive, trying to persuade people that they have to make a living with that money. I don't like it.

I don't know the history of the Infinite Metaverse Alliance, can you please explain it to me? :) Thank you.
You can look up the web site here :: http://infinitemetaverse.com/ I repeat my warning, "Do Not Trust These People" and certainly do not pay them any RL$$, unless you are willing to hear one excuse after another on why the project has become delayed, or they need more money. It's a Con.