Jerralyn Franzic @JeromFranzic


An Explorer... still looking for her home in the OS but enjoying her time within it. ^_^

Here we are... my Ruth2 avi in Kitely that has similar body dimensions to my Athena body, especially the one that uses the Lelutka Erin head. It measures 5.33 feet\1.625 meters.

I'm getting there, still a work in progress. :)

This is consistent with the casual look I sport in Open Sim and Second Life, so it's something I can enjoy. Next time... I'll try to put together something business oriented... then fantasy... a gown... in due time. ^_^

Goshdarnit... I am getting more RL stuff done (and hanging out more in SL), but I want to get back on Open Sim. My account right now is on OSgrid. Is it actually possible to copy/transfer my assets from OSgrid to another provider, like Kitely? Or am I starting from scratch if I choose to have a backup account? Please advise.

I'll come back later after dinner to check responses.