Jerralyn Franzic @JeromFranzic


An Explorer... still looking for her home in the OS but enjoying her time within it. ^_^


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Love it! Bookmarked so I can visit next time I'm in Open Sim... maybe tonight US time if I'm not too busy! Been a Linux user on and off since 1998... more on these days, just recovered and refreshed a couple of laptops from 2012, nuked Windows from both and installed Xubuntu and Lubuntu (one of each, not dual boot).

I will allow Wine and some Linux native MS apps in the Xubuntu PC. The Lubuntu PC is 100% Linux, no proprietary code so maybe the Stallmanites won't puke on it (unless they hate snaps and flatpaks lol).
Happy to hear about your Linux adventures :) enjoy your Xubuntu and Lubuntu - I am mostly on Ubuntu and Pop OS ( this sounds like I am taking drugs lol :)
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Have fun! Hope to see you again in world soon. :)
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Nice! Thanks... also love the Nurse avatar. =)
Ahhh, yes, Christine!! Thank you Jerralyn!
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I'm getting a "destination region does not support the outfit you are wearing. Please retry with a simpler one" warning. So I can only teleport there with a system avi? I've never had this issue before.
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Is the Simona update less complex now? I stopped using it because that was a problem for me, especially if I want to be seen at a venue as myself by others and not as a jellydoll. I typically try not to go above 75k-100k on the complexity scale.

You did great with Xaara for sure! I'll check out the Simona update ASAP.
yes as it said the complexity has changed.. its much lower while still maintaining the auto alpha the 4 nipple choices and the 5 feet choices and the hud works for skins, hand poses,
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Yup, worth a visit! I tried to make a phone call here, but forgot to bring quarters. XD
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Whoo... just like SL... Legacy seems to be gaining ground in the fantasy depth. Anyway, this outfit is... *jaw drops*
Legacy and LaraX are taking the lead .... si si
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Love it! Grabbed a few figures, including Beverly Crusher and the Peekachoo bot. Thanks again! =)
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Is the sim open? Just tried to TP there with my OSgrid avi.
yes the sim is open (now)..forgot to set the icon
Oh, ok... thanks! :)
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I don't have any issues with grids doing their thing, I can abide by that. I do that whether I'm in SL or OS. Thanks for clearing it up.
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One I wouldn't mind experiencing lol :p
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So, this is an avatar, right? In that case I can port the shape to my Xara avis, and hopefully still use the clothes rigged for that body.

Xara is a LaraX clone designed by Essensual.
this is Jessica..... and "clothes" is only bodypaint - work in ALL body:)
I understand. See what I've highlighted here? If your avatar has such a file, I can transfer that to my avi and make her look huge! Hope you don't mind if I do so later. :)
you not understand WHY i make this.... sorry, i cannot help...
What?!?! I think it's awesome! Never mind...

(Minutes later, ETA)

Ok I Think I get it now. Haha...
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Yep, my 1050 loaded laptop works great in Sansar for sure. I also have an account in VRChat (PC only), and All three of them work really well, thanks to everything being well optimized. I can run on low to mid settings on them and they all run smoothly... but because of that I typically run on high settings in those places, unless I'm in a crowded area.

But these places also suffer from slowdowns when they're crowded. People have reported that VRchat slows down with heavy crowds, and that's with users running in newer PC setups. I think it's slightly better with Sansar as far as handling crowds, I've been in some crowded spaces with my modest PC there and it hardly slows down for me. Of course I have to turn down graphics and switch off shadows... just like SL and OS.
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Love your thoughts on the matter. Already mentioned my SL/OS rig in a comment below. I don't mind the move to using PBR and 2k textures but as I said below, the move to Vulkan should have happened first! It is true that PBR isn't a new development for advancing texture graphics. Many games have used it for some time now, including the DOOM reboot from 2016, which uses Vulkan (along with Open GL 4.5).

In any case I don't think the end is near for either SL or OS. I just think the OS community has to be careful in vetting things like PBR. The overall experience counts first, and I feel that there really is more diversity of thought and creation in OS vs SL. That's what attracted me to come here after a year of being in SL. I love both communities, but find OS to be a lot more fun to be in. For whatever reason, even though there are fewer folks in OS, I actually manage to talk in world more often in OS. Right now my unscientific split for time spent between both is... umm... maybe 65% OS and 45% SL.

You mentioned Active Worlds... hehe... I also have an account there and yes, the graphics are ancient but some of the sims there are fun to mess with. The so-called x rated sims are my favorite, they're rather comical but I get a good laugh out of them!

As far as other older metaverses... the Cybertown crew is also active... they do chat a lot on DIscord and I have tried it a few times, worth a look for what is possibly one of the first metaverses to run from a web browser (definitely even more dated vs AW3D though).
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The Linden Lab devs have been talking about moving to Vulkan in the last few years. That should have happened well before even tackling PBR and 2k textures! Many GPUs as far back as the 900 series from Nvidia and their AMD equivalents are compatible with Vulkan. If that move happened first, then PBR and 2k textures becoming part of the SL engine would make perfect sense, and could be scaled enough to work with plenty of PC's. Of course, upgrades would be a likely necessity. I'm on a 1050 GPU/8th Gen i7 H CPU on a laptop and SL is kinda variable, depending on which sim I'm on. OS on the other hand is mostly a smoother experience for me. I do have 32 GB of DDR4 RAM so most of the time I don't experience too much texture thrashing... keeping shadows off is the usual thing to do to speed up things, along with 128m or less of draw distance.
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I do wish there were more G rated public sims for the kids. I know a few do exist in Open Sim...
Yes and, ironically, some who seem to be championing the protection of 'small avis' tend to be the same ones harassing them. These are adults who have chosen to protray themselves online in a particular pixels configuration and style, and it really sends them in a full guilt-trip when people criticise that :(
So, the more safe spaces we have, the better
We'll be adding some soon, and kids can actually be on Moderate ones too, but I think G rated is probably a better place for kid friendly stuff :)
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Prayers for a speedy recovery!
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IIRC you create the clothes for Vesti, right? If that's the case, nice to see some original mesh for those of us who love our modern avatars!

(Not that I dislike System or ruth2, I occasionally run around in a slimmed down system avi when I go on a rollercoaster or driving run in Open Sim 😂)
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I've enjoyed all of your current exhibits. I'll check this one out soon!