Jerralyn Franzic @JeromFranzic


An Explorer... still looking for her home in the OS but enjoying her time within it. ^_^


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I've enjoyed all of your current exhibits. I'll check this one out soon!
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Hmm, didn't realize this was an issue. The few times I've visited Indigo so far, I've never landed anywhere near your residence. Glad it's fixed! =) I used my Wolf Grid account when visiting, maybe that's why I didn't land in the wrong spot. Might be visitors from other HG's that were having issues.
Hi Jerralyn, Yes if you tp'd over to my land from Wolf Mountain you would land in my Welcome Center. But if you type my region name in the Wolf Territories map you will land on the x128, y128 coordinates no matter what. Also from the hypergrid you will land on the same coordinates. :) I found a lot of folks just type my region name in the map and land on that spot
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Come here for the gallery and nice horsie to soak up the beach air... =^)
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Yay... love all of the Open Sim publications people create, just another one to add to my inventory =)
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Your coasters are some of the best in Open Sim!
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Love the outfits there! :) :)
thx jerralyn you are very welcome here :))))
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True, but some of my favorite albums of all time were recorded on 2 inch tape!
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Haha, Quake inspired duvet!
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That's what I do, with 6617. To make sure it sticks, I upload the ID photo as a texture in my avi's home grid, usually at a sandbox or at a HG's main landing point.
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Yay, for LaraX! Can't wait to try it :)
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Want to check this sim out! Hope it reopens soon, take care. :)
Pleased to hear you want to visit Awakening. It is still a work in progress but I do hope to have it ready within the next few weeks. So please stay tuned. Meanwhile you can visit my OMG Sim - there is plenty to explore here and a little truth store which is minute in comparison to information/displays at Awakening
The sim is now open Jeralyn
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That's great! Neat to see it done without PBR. Not against PBR, but with the current engines SL and OS use, it slows things down so much, even with modern PC's because of optimization issues. Anyway, thanks for creating it :)
i guess i need to get up to speed, what is pbr?
PBR = Physically Based Rendering. here's a quick little video on it:
ahh so its a type of map then?
A series of texture maps that create the effects, but different from materials
ahh gotcha, well that's beyond my skill lol
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Sent an alt to check out your site for me. Tested PBR with the Cool VL Viewer.

PBR on:

PBR off:
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Yeah, you need a SL account for that to join the preview group and grab the links in world at SL.

Cool VL Viewer by Henri Beauchamp also has PBR and Open Sim support. You can grab it from his web site. What I like about his viewer is PBR can be turned off and fall back to ALM. ALM can also be shut off for slower, older PCs. However, you need to get used to the older v1 interface.
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Visit as soon as you can, it's a wonderful place to experience during downtime.
Ugh...I feel so guilty.... I'm 200% sure it is!!
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I think Wolf Grid already surpassed the overall size of SL, right? Yes, I know the SL gatekeepers will say we aren't as heavily populated, but I'm fine with that lol!
So region wise we are bigger than second life.

Total: 27, 746 Us 28960
Private Estates: 18, 112
Linden Owned: 9, 634

lol I thought it was common knowledge, in land area we are bigger than any other grid and SL.

We're close on having more monthly users than OSGRID as well.
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True, but I'll take the redundant tech any day. That puts WTG much closer in terms of reliability to SL... or maybe surpassing SL IMV! BTW Wolf also takes donations. I've donated some of my hard earned RL USD a few times already since I joined WTG about ten months ago. :)
Thanks for the donations it's really appreciated.
liked(1) AND donations ... sure that he can effort redundant systems. ;-)
TBH You can spend a fortune on servers and build a terrible system. It's not about the money. I have autism and I just got obsessed with seeing what was possible with an enterprise infrastructure.

it's not all me though - the guys at OpenSim NGC have been amazing. There's so many who have helped contribute. Especially the community that has grown out of this!
That wasn't against you Wolf. I just wanted to make it clear, after OsGrid is blasphemed, that they live from donations. Of course, good and even more so redundant hardware also costs "some" money.
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A quick way to find a black and white avatar is to visit Shapeshifter. Felix Ringtail's avatars feature black and white skins. Many of the avatars wear monochromatic outfits. Ruth and Roth bodies are used, so it would be possible to find period specific outfits to fit the sim.
Think i will pass, but thanks
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Maybe a fantasy skin could work...? Chubelz has a few. Not sure if they blend well with system avatars. Hmph, might be a good excuse for me to use Ruth4 or system avi before I TP there.
I mean, if someone was into it, it *might* be as easy as downloading ALL textures one is wearing (eyes and all) and do Greyscale on Photoshop? :O
I wonder what that would look like?
There should be more legitimately open-source stuff with raw textures available. That'd make this easier.

My greyscale self had to switch to Ada Radius eyes for this reason.
@JupiterRowland I just think some might be married to the current look, and might want to just Greyscale it, rather than completely changing the look just to do greyscale? It was just a thought either way :)
Sure, but if their outfits were open-source right away, they wouldn't have to extract textures in the first place.
Ironically, even if their outfits are not open-source. They would have their textures in their PC too. My point with export is: they might not remember where the placed them. Was a short-of-figure-of-speech.
And if OS/OSG took things seriously, we would have proper devs working, instead of "new" items in Mantis since 2018. And if they devise a proper way to attract quality creators and be competitive, people wouldn't buy somewhere else and port a copy. Buuut here we are - with a starter avi that it's ridiculous for anyone who would actually be taking this seriously. we say here: If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bicycle too...