JillMunroe @JillMunroe



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Chapter 9 - The Oracle, from my book Eos Renascent, is now on Wattpad. You can read it here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/176823549-eos-renascent

"The ambassador bowed her head with a look of sorrow. 'Then I am lost and do not know the way forward in this world,' she replied.

'You do not want this world,' the Oracle replied in a softer tone. 'The only thing of value in it is whatever part of it you look upon with love. This gives it the only reality it will ever have. Love cannot be taught or learned, for there was never a time when you didn't know it. It is all-encompassing, forming the essence of what you are. Your journey will end when you have recognized all that Love is not. That is the interference; that is what needs to be undone.' ”

Image credit: FFXIII-2

For Valentine there is a new Dress every day. To be found at the shopping mall.

in cooperation with Mare- Grid