Jupiter Rowland @JupiterRowland

Germany (Real Reality™), Dorenas World (virtual reality), OSgrid (secondary virtual reality) Online

Far-travelled on the Hypergrid and convinced of Roth2 v2.

Does anyone know what happened to the con.tin.u.um grid?

It has been down for a week now. Okay, you may say, grids shut down, this just happens. But they usually announce their shutdown. Grids that shut down without an announcement are usually shoddy grids run by amateur hacks on old Windows laptops. con.tin.u.um was a fantastic grid run by people who knew what they were doing, not to mention with help by none less than Fred Beckhusen. Besides, they had just published a new issue of the Virtual-HG magazine, they had just upgraded Bastion (https://opensimworld.com/hop/82479), and they still had plans for the future.

Not only that, but I haven't seen a single sign of life from anyone behind it, much less an explanation as to why con.tin.u.um is down and whether it'll return. Marianna (https://opensimworld.com/user/Marianna) used to be here daily, but her last post was eight days ago.

Their website (https://www.virtual-hg.com/) is still up, but the last post is from August 28th.

And they say you can't hear pictures.

And in latest news, Ruth2 v4 is out including a build for older OpenSim versions.

Get it at RuthAndRoth!

Also, expect it to hit Arkham soon.