Jupiter Rowland @JupiterRowland

Germany (Real Reality™), Dorenas World (virtual reality), OSgrid (secondary virtual reality) Online

Far-travelled on the Hypergrid and convinced of Roth2 v2.

Liked posts

This week a resident commented to me:

"I cannot believe people here actually talk to eachother...these are real people!
This is not like where I used to live......the people there were not real people"

friends-grid......we are a collection of real people and cultures.

*friends-grid does use animesh for atmosphere, but does not and will not use bots to alter traffic counts. I applaud the grids and regions who refuse to use fake traffic!

Mistressdalgato: I applaud you as well 8 months ago


These items are fully customizable to fits ur needs

Luxor at Wolf Territories Grid

Aurora Starchild: Oh wow :O ...also...Aliiiiens... :P That looks like the Stargate version of Luxor with the mothership just landing 10 months ago

The new Stark! 2/24 or 24/2 magazine is now available, by Nice Minik about.....................Secrtes, get your copy from the Stark! Magazine shop at Stark Main, just down the hill near Aqua Club

niki stuart: there is also now a mag vendor on Stark North District welcome, and i apologise for typos!!! 11 months ago
Bad news: work has been keeping me away form making new clothes and hairs/ or even uploading my stuff from SL.
Good news: I put new, "100% Rat Free" beach changing rooms, and a real swim balls. Not the static ones that just move you around in one animation, the ones that are scripted as vehicles and you can control yourself!
I'm hoping, in spite of being busy, to finish all of the beaches that wrap around the whole region in these next two weeks!
Have fun with them.

Jupiter Rowland: Now I'm waiting for the first to take one of these to a race track. 11 months ago

Einladung zum Mitmachen
Liebe Opensim Community,

wir freuen uns, euch im Rahmen der 4. Pangea-Geburtstagsfeierlichkeiten am 12. Oktober zu einem ganz besonderen Ereignis einzuladen: Die erste Pangea Regenbogenparade!

Unter dem inspirierenden Motto "Vielfalt ist unsere Freude: Respekt verbindet uns" möchten wir euch herzlich einladen, eure Kreativität zu entfalten und mit uns gemeinsam zu feiern. Unsere Parade bietet euch die Möglichkeit, eure bunten und fantasievollen Wagen zu gestalten und diese in einem fröhlichen Umzug durch die Straßen von Köln zu präsentieren.

Mitmachen und Gewinnen
Die schönsten Wagen werden von einer Jury, bestehend aus Mitgliedern verschiedener Grids, mit tollen Preisen prämiert. Pangea-Wagen fahren außer Konkurrenz und werden daher nicht prämiert. Wer an der Parade teilnehmen möchte, meldet sich bitte bis Ende September bei Marlon Wayne oder Lampithaler Artist. Nutzt die Gelegenheit, eure kreativen Ideen zu verwirklichen und mit uns ein starkes Zeichen für Vielfalt und Respekt zu setzen.

Was euch am 12. Oktober alles erwartet
Bunter Umzug der Regenbogenparade: Erlebt die Vielfalt in ihrer schönsten Form! Die Parade zieht mit euren kreativ gestalteten Wagen durch die Straßen von Köln und setzt ein buntes Zeichen für Respekt und Zusammenhalt.

Beeindruckende Shows: Freut euch auf atemberaubende Darbietungen! Bink Draconia wird mit einem Männerballett verzaubern, und Lampithaler präsentiert ihre mitreißende Regenbogenshow zur Musik von Reyno Parx.

Grandiose Aftershow-Party: Der Abend endet mit einer fantastischen Party, bei der erstklassige DJs für die perfekte Stimmung sorgen und den Tag gebührend ausklingen lassen.

Jetzt mitmachen!
Meldet euch jetzt an und zeigt, was Vielfalt für euch bedeutet! Eure kreativ gestalteten Wagen sind das Highlight der Parade. Lasst uns gemeinsam ein unvergessliches Fest der Vielfalt erleben!

Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Invitation to Participate
Dear Opensim Community,

We are excited to invite you to a very special event as part of the 4th Pangea Birthday Celebrations on October 12th: The First Pangea Rainbow Parade!

Under the inspiring motto "Diversity is Our Joy: Respect Connects Us," we warmly invite you to unleash your creativity and celebrate with us. Our parade offers you the opportunity to design your colorful and imaginative floats and present them in a joyful procession through the streets of Cologne.

Participate and Win
The most beautiful floats will be awarded fantastic prizes by a jury consisting of members from various grids. Pangea floats will be non-competitive and will not be eligible for prizes. If you want to participate in the parade, please register by the end of September with Marlon Wayne or Lampithaler Artist. Take this opportunity to bring your creative ideas to life and make a strong statement for diversity and respect with us.

What Awaits You on October 12th
Colorful Rainbow Parade Procession: Experience diversity at its finest! The parade will move through the streets of Cologne with your creatively designed floats, making a colorful statement for respect and unity.

Impressive Shows: Look forward to breathtaking performances! Bink Draconia will enchant with a men's ballet, and Lampithaler will present an exciting Rainbow Show set to the music of Reyno Parx.

Grand Aftershow Party: The evening will conclude with a fantastic party, where top-notch DJs will create the perfect atmosphere to end the day in style.

Join Now!
Sign up now and show what diversity means to you! Your creatively designed floats are the highlight of the parade. Let’s experience an unforgettable celebration of diversity together!

We look forward to seeing you!

Cosa: Tolle Idee :-) 5 months ago
HG Fireside Chat is moving this week while the new grid for IMA projects gets built. Please join us for a new setting.
HG Fireside Chat Details:
* When: 31 July 2024 17:00 SLT
* Where: bridgemere.outworldz.net:8002:Tun Il Ha https://opensimworld.com/hop/85743

A fun way to share your events, voice your thoughts, and help others in the HG community! Q&A Session (reverse webinar) hosted by Infinite Metaverse Alliance (IMA) weekly.
Video, audio, and chat may be captured for those who cannot attend.
To learn more about IMA and participate in various projects

Jupiter Rowland: And I was wondering what had happened to Metaverse Depot. 5 months ago
Ankündigung und Infos: 4. Geburtstag des Pangea Grids
Liebe Pangea Grid & Opensim Freunde,
Wir freuen uns, ab Oktober den 4. Geburtstag des Pangea Grids zu feiern! Bis zum Jahresende erwarten euch viele überraschende Events und interaktive Erlebnisse, an denen alle teilnehmen können. Unsere Feierlichkeiten umfassen außergewöhnliche Veranstaltungen und Themenwochen, die die Vielfalt und den einzigartigen Charme der Sims würdigen, die in den letzten vier Jahren entstanden sind.
Erste Eventankündigungen und Infos:
6. Oktober: Blues, Rock & Reggae Event an der Bourbon Beach
Adriana Darkheart präsentiert:
Livemusic Evan Williams: Ein unvergessliches Pink Floyd Konzert.
Livemusic PutriSolo: Mitreißende Blues- und Rock-Performance.
DJane Adriana Darkheart: Aftershowparty mit Reggae-Rhythmen.
11.-13. Oktober: Jubiläumswochenende
11. Oktober: Mega-Party in Köln
DJ Marlon Wayne: Heizt mit einem fantastischen Musik-Set ein. Ein unvergesslicher Abend voller Musik und Tanz, gekrönt von einem unglaublichen Live-Act.
12. Oktober: Pangea Regenbogenparade
Motto: "Vielfalt ist unsere Freude: Respekt verbindet uns"
Teilnahme: Jedes Grid kann teilnehmen, bunte Wagen bauen oder sich als Jurymitglied bewerben, um die besten Kreationen auszuzeichnen. Zu gewinnen gibt es u.a. kleine Geldbeträge.
Shows: Bink Draconia präsentiert ein Männerballet, und Lampithaler mit einer Regenbogenshow zur Musik von Reyno Parx.
Aftershow-Party: Mit erstklassigen DJs.
Anmeldung: Bitte meldet euch bis spätestens 15. September. Weitere Infos findet ihr in der Regenbogenparade-Infobox Inworld.
13. Oktober: Geburtstags-Go-Kart-Rennen
Teilnahme: Jedes Grid kann zwei Fahrer ins Rennen schicken. Die Strecke kann im freien Training kennengelernt werden.
Event: Nach der Siegerehrung gibt es ein Konzert von SarahMarie Phillis und eine Go-Kart-Race-Party mit DJ Marlon.
Infoabend: Am 9. August veranstaltet Karsten Runningbear einen Infoabend zum bevorstehenden Go-Kart-Rennen. Die Einladung und weitere Details findet ihr Inworld in der Infobox: Pangea Go-Kart-Rennen.
Weitere Informationen und Updates werden auch auf unserer Webseite, weiter hier auf Facebook und in Opensimworld veröffentlicht. Für Fragen steht euch unser Pangea Team jederzeit zur Verfügung.Wir danken allen, die das Pangea Grid zu einem lebendigen und einzigartigen Ort gemacht haben: Ein Ort, an dem Kunst und Kultur florieren, wo Menschen gemeinsam lachen und einander unterstützen, und wo Kreativität in jedem Winkel sprüht. Hier verzaubern uns Live-Konzerte, beeindruckende Showaufführungen, farbenfrohe Karnevalsfeiern und inspirierende Kunstausstellungen, die viele Menschen begeistern und zahlreiche Partys unvergesslich gemacht haben.
Unser besonderer Dank gilt allen Künstlern, Sängern, Performern, Besuchern und Erbauern, die das Pangea Grid mit Leben gefüllt haben. Ebenfalls geht ein großes Dankeschön an die HG Safari, an Thirza Ember, Mal Burns und sein Team für ihre Berichterstattungen und Unterstützung. Ein besonderer Dank geht auch an Kitty Sarrasine, unsere Serveradministratorin und Programmiererin , sowie an unseren Scripter Karsten Runningbear und alle, die Teil unseres wunderbaren Pangea Grids sind.
Wir freuen uns darauf, mit euch allen zu feiern!
Euer Pangea Team

AdrianaDarkheart: Rogue Galaxy wird am 6 Oktober auch dabei sein und singt Reggae :) 5 months ago
@LillySparks contributions not only advanced the technology of virtual surfing but also brought people together, creating a more vibrant and cohesive community. Her work remains a testament to the power of innovation in enhancing virtual worlds and the experiences they offer. I feel my dream is finally realized, to have quality surfing in opensim is a beautiful thing but the cohesive community is just heartwarming. Seeing Hyacinth creating her new surf region gave me total goosebumps because in SL in the beginning that is how it was, everyone was creating their surf sims, creating their teams and all coming together each month for a surf comp, we can do this too! We can create our surf sims, our teams, and have fun competitions. Lag right now might be a thang to overcome if we have lots of action other than surfing on the sim, we might have to have the competitions in a stripped down sim with just the waves and boards but there is so much hope for this!! I am over the moon excited about our future! Get out there and surf everyone and thank you, @FerdFrederix, Kayaker, Hyacinth, and Lilly and team! 🏄‍♀️💕 https://three.hills.grid.outworldz.net/index.php/opensim-s...
Image is @JamieWright shreddin'

Carmen Jewel: This is how we should be treating each other ,having fun with love and respect This is how I visualize Open Sim . Well done ! 6 months ago
Good Morning Good Afternoon! Good Evening!
We have a mall on the Genesis Roleplay Grid that has a lot of original content made on our grid by various creators. Most of us have our own shop and there is a TP board to get around. Lavia has also put out a lot of stuff she has found that is FP. All of my stuff, I made myself, mostly twisting prims. Lavia is the mesh creator. So if you are looking for original content, maybe you will find something you like or have been looking for. I don't intend for this to be about self-promotion, although it is I suppose. I just wanted to share what we have on our grid in case it will be helpful to anyone looking for original stuff.
We also have a shop that is all Selea Core, reboxed, and cleaned up, as a lot of boxes I had found had multiples of the same thing or broken stuff. I fixed what I could, including the swings. What a project that was! I had a lot of things I had never seen anywhere else, so I boxed all of that up too. I know there are some SC fans still and if you are not familiar, she makes beautiful landscaping and other things. She used a lot of scripts, so I have removed scripts that could be removed, like birds and butterflies for less lag.
I am going to share a picture of one of my newest builds, a bar you can put your logo on if you wish. I hope it is OK to post it here. It is a pretty good example of what I make. The stools have sits, and the bar isn't scripted but it is all FP for you to do as you wish. Love this group and everyone in it! Thanks for being my friends!

Jupiter Rowland: I think I should come over and check if I've got any Selea Core content that you haven't yet. 10 months ago

Come by the Valland shop and see our new release.
NPC Companion new release 2.21

thedeeferry: This sounds fun! ●ヽ(゚∀゚ヽ)♪♪(ノ゚∀゚)ノ● 10 months ago
I woke up to a message from @Ferdzee casually saying, "Oh, by the way, your grid now supports PBR." Wait, WHAT? PBR? You mean DG has PBR now? Yep! Shiny, beautiful gold—Yay! Over time, I'll be updating all my jewelry. It’ll take a while, but the future is looking golden and brilliant! Dreamgrid 5.9 is PBR! Time to update your FS viewers people :) Thank you @Ferdzee you are my Hero!! Yayy
SPECIAL EVENT! In 30 Minutes. Sunday, December 8, 2024 from 4pm – 5pm SLT join us at the OpenSimulator Community Conference (#OSCC24) for a fireside chat with Second Life’s founder Philip Rosedale! This is not to be missed!

Hypergrid to "OSCC Keynote 2", or watch live at: https://www.youtube.com/c/AvaconOrg/live

Check out our Schedule: https://conference.opensimulator.org/schedule/
The three winter Sims have been "open" all year round - Advent is approaching - and on each of the Advent evenings in December there is a reading with Rubeus in the fairy tale tents. Alternating between the Christmas market in Dorena's World and Rubeus' Santa's winter wonderland.

From 8 p.m. there will be an hour of stories and music about Advent - before that there will also be a few "festive sounds" to get you in the mood. On the 1st and 3rd Advent we meet in the fairy tale tent at Dorena's Christmas market

dorenas-world.de:8002:Christmas market

and on the 2nd & 4th Advent there is Christmas spirit in the fairy tale tent in the winter wonderland

dorenas-world.de:8002:Santa's winter wonderland

Before and after you can then browse the market stalls and shops at the Christmas markets at your leisure - there is sure to be something there that will bring joy to you and others.

Die drei winterlichen Sims sind ja schon das Jahr über "geöffnet" - die Adventszeit naht - und an jedem der Adventsabende im Dezember gibt es wieder eine Lesung mit Rubeus in den Märchenzelten. Abwechselnd auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Dorenas World und in Rubeus`Santas Winterwunderland.

Ab 20:00 gibt es dann eine runde Stunde Geschichten und Musik zur Adventszeit zu hören - davor gibts auch schon ein wenig "festliche Klänge" zur Einstimmung. Am 1. und am 3. Advent treffen wir uns im Märchenzelt auf Dorenas Weihnachtsmarkt


und am 2. & 4. Advent gibts Weihnachtsstimmung im Märchenzelt im Winterwunderland

dorenas-world.de:8002:Santas Winterwunderland

Vorher und nachher könnt Ihr dann in aller Ruhe die Marktstände und Geschäfte auf den Weihnachtmärkten durchstöbern - da gibts bestimmt etwas das Euch und anderen Freude machen kann.
Bored by the Box? Don't even go there, Opensim has so much else going on! Here are a few items that might inspire and cheer you
The upcoming Film Fest organized by Loru Destiny
A new Japanese grid
Ieko Catnap's 'Last Ever Region'
The story of a mesh-maker, Taarna Welles
Rock-House (Special) m 01.11.2024.
Freitag 1.11.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

(Eigentlich auch ein Kalenderblatt ...)

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
Rock-House (Special) on November 1st, 2024.
Friday November 1st, 2024
with DJ Anachron
Starts at 8:00 p.m.
All Saints Day
(Actually also a calendar page...)
Ends as always at midnight.
Hypergrid: dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon

Make sure you check times on events since time zones have changed from Daylight savings in EU.. but not until the 3rd in North America

Rock-House (Special)
Freitag 27.9.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Thema diese Woche:
(Musikwünsche möglich)

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.

Rock-House (Special)
Friday 27.9.2024
with DJ Anachron
Starts at 8:00 p.m.
Topic this week:
Autumn crocus
(music requests possible)
Ends as always at midnight.
Freitag 20.9.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Thema diese Woche:
Anachron serviert

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
Friday 20.9.2024
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.

This week's topic:
Anachron serves
wave salad

Ends as always at midnight
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
Freitag 23.8.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Thema diese Woche:
Reichlich Reichel

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon

Friday 23.8.2024
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.

Topic this week:
Reichlich Reichel

Ends as always at midnight
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
Rock-House (Special)
Freitag 9.8.2024
mit DJ Anachron.
Beginn 20:00 Uhr.
Thema diese Woche:
On The Road Again
Immer die Strasse lang ...
Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.

Rock-House (Special)
Friday 9.8.2024
with DJ Anachron.
Starts at 8:00 p.m.
This week's topic:
On The Road Again
Always along the road...
Ends as always at midnight.
Announcement and Information: 4th Anniversary of Pangea Grid
Dear Pangea Grid & Opensim Friends,
We are excited to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the Pangea Grid starting in October! Until the end of the year, you can expect many surprising events and interactive experiences that everyone can participate in. Our celebrations include extraordinary events and themed weeks that honor the diversity and unique charm of the sims that have emerged over the past four years.
Initial Event Announcements and Information:
October 6: Blues, Rock & Reggae Event at Bourbon Beach
Presented by Adriana Darkheart:
Live Music by Evan Williams: An unforgettable Pink Floyd concert.
Live Music by PutriSolo: Captivating Blues and Rock performance.
DJane Adriana Darkheart: After-show party with reggae rhythms.
October 11-13: Anniversary Weekend
October 11: Mega-Party in Cologne
DJ Marlon Wayne: Heating up the night with a fantastic music set. An unforgettable evening of music and dance, crowned by an incredible live act.
October 12: Pangea Rainbow Parade
Theme: "Diversity is our Joy: Respect Unites Us"
Participation: Every grid can participate, build colorful floats, or apply as a jury member to award the best creations. Prizes include small cash amounts.
Shows: Bink Draconia presents a men's ballet, and Lampithaler with a rainbow show to the music of Reyno Parx.
After-show Party: With top-class DJs.
Registration: Please register by September 15 at the latest. More information can be found in the Rainbow Parade Info Box Inworld.
October 13: Birthday Go-Kart Race
Participation: Each grid can send two drivers to the race. The track can be familiarized with during open training.
Event: After the award ceremony, there will be a concert by SarahMarie Phillis and a Go-Kart Race Party with DJ Marlon.
Information Evening: On August 9, Karsten Runningbear will host an information evening about the upcoming Go-Kart Race. The invitation and further details can be found Inworld in the Info Box: Pangea Go-Kart Race.
Further information and updates will also be published on our website, here on Facebook, and in Opensimworld. Our Pangea team is always available for questions.
We thank everyone who has made the Pangea Grid a lively and unique place: a place where art and culture flourish, where people laugh together and support each other, and where creativity is everywhere. Live concerts, impressive shows, colorful carnival celebrations, and inspiring art exhibitions enchant many people and have made numerous parties unforgettable.
Our special thanks go to all the artists, singers, performers, visitors, and builders who have brought the Pangea Grid to life. We also extend a big thank you to HG Safari, Thirza Ember, Mal Burns and his team for their reports and support. A special thanks also goes to Kitty Sarrasine, our server administrator and programmer, as well as our scripter Karsten Runningbear and everyone who is part of our wonderful Pangea Grid.
We look forward to celebrating with all of you!
Your Pangea Team
Rock-House (Special)
Freitag 26.7.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr
08/15- Mucke
(Wer sich was wünschen möchte, hat mal wieder die Gelegenheit!)
Ende wie immer um Mitternacht

Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon

Rock-House (Special)
Friday 26.7.2024
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 7:00 p.m.
08/15 music
(If you want to make a request, you have the opportunity again!)
Ends as always at midnight

Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
The HG Safari trips are on hiatus for the summer, but here's a round up of some other news from around the HG on the Safari blog:
A great new art collective led by Victoria Logan
Theater on the French grid SV3D
OSgrid's 17th
A trip through time on Zetaworlds
and some hints about opensim in general
Plus posts about Creanovale, AMV, GenesisRP Grid, Ruritania on Littlefield Grid, and more...

yesterday Region: Trianon Complex.
Pink Floyd.
Thank you for the lovely evening. :-)
More pictures: https://www.gridtalk.de/showthread.php?tid=4875&pid=54007#...

Replacing the old (non-reflective) mirrors in the hairdressing salon with PBR mirrors
* * *
The windlight of BW Castle had to be adapted to the new display with PBR, as it suddenly appeared much too dark. Another PBR inconvenience was the need to retexture the terrain, as all regions in the new viewer were displayed with standard ground textures. Black White Castle with green grass texture doesn't work at all ;)
* * * * *
Austausch der alten (nicht spiegelfähigen) Spiegel im Friseursalon gegen PBR Spiegel
* * *
Das Windlight von BW Castle musste an die neue Darstellung mit PBR angepasst werden, da es plötzlich viel zu dunkel wirkte. Ein weiteres PBR-Ungemach war die Notwendig der Neutexturierung des Terrains, da alle Regionen im neuen Viewer mit Standard-Boden-Texturen angezeigt wurden. Black White Castle mit grüner Grastextur geht gar nicht ;)
* * * * *
Freitag 5.7.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

It's Full Album Time ...

Deep Purple - Made in Japan
Genesis - Nursery Cryme
Journey - Freedom
Udo Lindenberg - Bunte Republik Deutschland
High Cotton - High Cotton

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon

I wish everyone a good start to the week. :-)
Ich wünsche allen einen guten Start in die Woche. :-)

Rock-House (Special) am 07.06.2024.
Freitag 7.6.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Mit allen Wassern gewaschen
Alles ist im Fluss*

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon

Hi guys!
I said I'd be gone for a couple weeks and then LIFE happened!
I'm back, uploading more legal original creations soon....

Freitag 24.5.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Kategorie: Kann man immer spielen

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon

Freitag 10.5.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Weil wieder Frühling ist:
Sonne im Herzen

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon

Freitag 19.4.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Anachron ist wieder mal
total abgespaced.

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.

Freitag 19.4.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Rock oder Blues
oder Blues-Rock
oder Prog-Rock ...
... ist doch Rock wie Bluse oder Hose wie Jacke.

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Freitag 12.4.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Es ist mal wieder Zeit für
Progressive Rock
Diesmal hauptsächlich Krautrock der 70er

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
Freitag 5.4.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Lasst euch überraschen!
Die zeitliche Abfolge traditioneller Programmteile wird in diesem Programm durchbrochen.
Wer nichts versäumen möchte, kommt zeitig

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht

Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
Rock-House (Special) am 15.03.2024.
Freitag 15.3.2024
Rock-House (514)
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

10 Jahre Rock-House

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
Freitag 8.3.2024
Rock-House (513)
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Amy Winehouse - Full Concert London (2007)
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - Rattle Them Bones (2012)
Camel - A Nod And A Wink (2002)
Deep Purple - Bananas (2003)
Eric Clapton - I Still Do (2016)

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
Rock-House (Special)
Freitag 23.2.2024
Rock-House (511)
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

In der ersten Stunde:
Bunt Gemischtes (incl. Nachlese)

Ratet mal ... was das Thema dieser Stunde ist

Anschliessend 3 Albenvorstellungen:

Taylor Swift - Fearless (2008)
Link Wray - Ripping Rumble (2020)
Orgone - Lost Knights (2022)
Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
Rock-House (Special)
Freitag 16.2.2024
Rock-House (510)
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Musik über Emotionen und die 7 Sinne
gefühlvoll präsentiert von
DJ Anachron

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon
Freitag 9.2.2024
Rock-House (509)
mit DJ Anachron
Beginn 19:00 Uhr
Auf dem Programm diese Woche:
Mike Krüger - Blödelbarde aus Quickborn
John Lee Hooker - ... And Seven Nights (1966 Electric Blues)
Mel Brown -Chicken Fat (1967 Blues-Funk)
Rare Earth - One World (1971 Rock)
Curved Air - Air Cut (1983 Prog. Rock)
Lettuce - Outta Here (2002 Jazz-Funk)
Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon