Jupiter Rowland @JupiterRowland

Germany (Real Reality™), Dorenas World (virtual reality), OSgrid (secondary virtual reality) Online

Far-travelled on the Hypergrid and convinced of Roth2 v2.


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What I could whip up short-term is NPCs based on old complete/starter avatars, but with slightly adjusted shapes (not overly tall, realistic arm length). But we're talking about system body + layer clothes + prims here.

Mesh NPCs would take significantly more time and effort. I'd base them only on content that's guaranteed to be legal (Ruth2/Roth2 body families, skin and hair made in and for OpenSim, clothes made in and for OpenSim plus Damien Fate, at most certain Klamotto clothes which Otto got with the creators' permission...). And I don't know if they'll work reliably, seeing as all these bodies rely on scripting in some way. The almost scriptless variants of Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2 may work best, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it.

What you won't get, however, are Juno and myself as NPCs. And what else you won't get from me are NPCs based on ripped SL stuff.
In other words, avatars that look like crap.
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Just added it. It kind of got lost in the thread.
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Well, the skins are Eloh Eliot's old Starlight skins from 2009 on which I've toned down highlights and shadows. They're among the best open-source skins, but still, they even predate tattoo layers. And the nail polishes are tinted textureless universal layers with colours yoinked from the Ruth2 v4 HUD and the Ruth 2.0 nail polish applier; the biggest effort was to find names for the colours.

But yeah, both can be found in various shops including RuthAndRoth and Araminta Hexx' garage sale whereas my prim shelves and signs can only be found where I've placed them.
It would be an honor to have those at our dump but like you say, it is not considered crap. Maybe we could have a spot for our quality crap where the best is. If that sounds like something you would be interested we could set that up today.
Not just for me, I've got enough places where these things are available.
Yes we all see how places come and go so the more places we find them in the better. Thank you
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Which grid is this on? You haven't entered a grid address.
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SatyrFarm basiert auf OSSL, das ist OpenSims eigene Skriptsprache. OSSL ist aber auf Sims standardmäßig aus Sicherheitsgründen komplett verboten.

Das heißt, da mußt du als erstes mal gucken: Welche OSSL-Funktionen braucht SatyrFarm? Das sollte idealerweise irgendwo dokumentiert sein. Dann mußt du in die Einstellungen der Sim gehen und diese OSSL-Funktionen erlauben.

Ich habe selbst keine SatyrFarm, und ich bin auch kein Simowner. Das heißt, eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung kann ich dir da nicht geben.
Jupiter, ich finde Deine Beiträge immer sehr sportlich. Satyr Farm basiert auf LSL und ist mit den OSSL Befehlen (die nichts anderes sind als auf OS abgestimmte und erweiterte LSL Funktionen) erweitert worden.

Du hast in dem Punkt recht, dass diese aus Sicherheitsparaneuer nicht von haus aus aktiviert werden.

Normal muss man ("nur"), bei einer Standart Installation, in dem Ordner config-include die Datei osslEnable.ini.example in osslEnable.ini. umbenennen und die Region neu starten.

Fehler wie OSSL Permission Error: osGetNotecard permission denied bedeuten nichts anderes, als das man den Eintrag
osGetNotecard auf TRUE setzt. Andere Meldungen entsprechend. In jedem Fall muss nach Änderung die Region neu gestartet werden.

In dem Sinne
weiter machen
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Can it be that the beacon takes Gracie for an avatar? When I enter the sim, and there's allegedly one avatar there, I only see Gracie.
I'll watch tomorrow...good evening ;)
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The Craft-Store at Craft-World has a lot of dances that you probably won't find elsewhere.

As for work-related animations, no idea. There's a big box of animations collected by Arcadia Asylum with sub-boxes, maybe there are useful animations for you in it, but almost nothing work-related. Also, I've yet to find another place where you can find the big box or all sub-boxes.
Oh, Thanks Jupiter. I will visit the Craft Store to see what uncommon dance I might find there. With respect to Arcadia Asylum, I have the big box already.
Alles Gute für 2025 !
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"Since a long time ago, 99.99% of the stuff in OpenSIM is poorly stolen assets from SL or collected with the paddle from some foreign grid, with broken scripts and diverging assemblies in the forms :("

When the copybotting craze started, creativity in OpenSim took a nosedive. Result: A lot of legal scripted freebies in OpenSim are so old that they have painfully outdated scripts. Many of them were made before the introduction of the YEngine, now the XEngine is dead, and that isn't even necessarily the only issue.

Some buildings from SL have always been scripted poorly, and as SL importers have as little quality assurance as freebie merchants have time to test and curate stuff, hardly anyone notices. For example, door and window scripts that don't terminate after the movement has ended and keep running at full blast. That's even worse than buildings that were botted from SL and never scripted. Or botted from SL, then scripted in OpenSim, botted again, but not scripted again.

Lastly, I've increasingly got a hunch that even AVsitter 2.2 hasn't aged well. At least not in OpenSim.
As you know i repair many of these scripts to work properly with both YEngine and XEngine. Of course cannot repair all and cannot fight peoples to use repaired scripts:(
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I'm not even sure if there'll be new versions of Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2, even though a patch for Ruth2 v4 has just been merged.

I've mentioned it elsewhere in this thread: The whole team has moved on to a new, scratch-made family of bodies named Max. I still hope these bodies (Maxine and Maxwell) will come out this year. They're all-new meshes made in Blender by Ada Radius, combined with the scripting and the HUD that Serie Sumei has made for Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2.

And, most importantly, they'll most likely finally have useful devkits made by Ada herself.
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"Linda Kellie by her old SL name which is evading my brain."

Karra Baker.

And yes, Linda's stuff is great to work with as she intended. For example, she put many of her own textures into boxes, even some clothes textures if you're lucky enough to find them, and nearly all her Clutterfly creations are available as untextured kits as well, usually complete with shadow maps etc.

Granted, her clothing meshes are of varying quality and only available in-world, but if you can export them, you may improve them without breaking any licenses. Jadwiga Abremovic, for example, has taken the infamous Ruffled Bottom Dress and not only reduced the horrendous complexity of almost precisely half a million to something saner, but even tried to re-rig it for Athena and Ruth 2.0 RC#2/#3. (Pity that none of them fit Ruth2 v4 as well as at least one of the original Clutterfly meshes.)

I hope I'll soon have some more SFposer-upgraded Clutterfly furniture ready.
Funnily enough it wasn't Karra Baker so there must be a few names she went by. Some of the packaging pics came to us here though so I figured it out. And I love Jadwiga's stuff too.
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"Sharing is caring" is a 2010s thing. It was pushed so hard for one particular reason: Those who imported SL content wanted it to spread across the freebie stores on the Hypergrid in order to obfuscate how it got into SL in the first place. Hence also "Share with no mercy" and "Share or die".

If something was no-transfer, it was either an original creation, or it was due to licensing, or someone has set full-perm content to no-transfer to make it useless for builders of new and therefore competing freebie sims. As if you couldn't pick the same stuff up elsewhere.

Nowadays, it's very different. The owners of newer freebie stores rip and import their stuff themselves. And they're in direct competition with each other. Everyone wants to offer the newest, hottest stuff a) first and b) exclusively. Including bodies.
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"I didn't mean to convey that everyone on the same page was a bad thing they have to because most of these bodies in SL have Creator Kits for the bodies but here in opensim they don't because many of the bodies are here illegally and the creators do not support giving out those kits here in opensim."

SL body makers are already picky about who in SL is allowed to buy their dev kits. What chances does OpenSim have, ripe as it is with avatars with god-mode and "rogue" viewers? Not to mention the question why OpenSim may want devkits for bodies whose makers don't officially offer them in OpenSim?

On top of that, the devkits for the Ruth2 and Roth2 family are on varying degrees between "meh" and practically useless. No wonder hardly anyone makes original mesh clothes in OpenSim.

That's why I've got high hopes for the Max bodies that I hope will come out this year. One reason why they were made is to have bodies with easily available and actually useful devkits. I can think of a few clothesmakers who might be interested in them.
I would be interested in this too, I haven't heard of Max bodies can you share a bit about that?
The people behind Max are essentially the same as behind Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2.

I think the whole project started in 2023 when Ada Radius was fed up with trying to nip and tuck on Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2 to no avail. She had told me earlier at a Kitely birthday party that the only way to fix Roth2 would be to remake the body from scratch. It didn't help that Ada uses Blender, but she had to work with meshes which Shin Ingen had originally made in Zbrush.

The latter is also the reason why no member of the greater Ruth2 and Roth2 families has a decent devkit: Shin has never made devkits, Ada had to do that, and one does not simply make devkits for Zbrush bodies in Blender.

So it must have been in 2023 when the point was reached at which Ada decided it'd actually be easier to start over from scratch with brand-new bodies, including devkits, this time in Blender right away. That's how the Max project was launched.

From what I've heard, the idea behind Max is to be able to derive both female bodies (branded "Maxine") and male bodies (branded "Maxwell") from the same sources. This would make bodies between the stereotypical female body and the stereotypical male body possible. Or simply things like the same separate feet for the male body that are typical for the Ruth2 family so that male avatars can wear pumps.

As for the rigging, I don't know if they'll be close to anything known. I guess I can hope that Maxwell's rigging won't be as out-of-whack as Roth2 v2's.

Serie Sumei has taken over the scripting part again. The built-in technology and the HUDs will probably be largely the same as for Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2.

Early versions of the bodies could be witnessed in the wild at OSCC23 when Ai Austin, Ada Radius and Serie Sumei showed up wearing them.

Unfortunately, the development has kind of stalled due to health reasons on Ada's side, not to mention all the other projects she's involved in (three words: Arcadia Asylum Grid), but she wants to get back to it this year.

Here are the sources: https://github.com/ruthandroth/max
Best wishes to the creators. The bodies I created were just using Avastar default body which needs fine tuning, new feet and hands as the default is not too pretty, that is why they went with feet and hand attachments. I had fun with it and love that the clothes are attached to the skin, and I created some mesh clothing for those avs too but, you can definitely see a difference in Avastar default bodies compared to the newer mesh bodies being brought in. We can always strive to do better. The hours it takes to perfect it all is exactly why the TGA wants to unite to help their workflow I completely get that. New systems, 10 new mesh bodies in opensim, heads, etc does need collaboration. In the critquing I was hoping to convey OSW is where we all are, why branch off and go to discord when all the resources should be here. The repository everyone says we need we have - thanks to @ferdfrederix has anyone really looked through that site? https://outworldz.com/Outworldz
Lets embrace the past as we step into the future 💗
Not to mention that not everyone is willing to join and use Discord.
Also curious about the Max series. I would much rather support content that's homegrown in the OpenSim. Taarna Welles made some very nice clothes for the Ruth avatars. I was hoping she'd keep going on that and maybe do some Roth ones too. But now I'm hoping she expands and does Max if that takes off.
Taarna has rigged most of her women's clothes for Ruth 2.0 RC#2; RC#3 has the same mesh. Some of them can be worn by Ruth2 v4 with appropriate alpha masks. Juno has reworked the boxes available at RuthAndRoth by replenishing them with missing colour variants and adding her own alpha masks.

But yes, she's one of the names I have in mind for Max clothes.
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Or, simply, most creators have never read about the group.
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Even more when you count those who are no longer active.

Most original creators in OpenSim have been flying under the radar for almost a decade, simply because their creations are often mostly or only available in their own stores. That's either because their stuff has never been (or is no longer) up to par with the latest, greatest ripped SL payware, and freebie store owners didn't want to offer it. Or it's because they've made their stuff no-transfer to keep it from being offered in third-party stores where they have no control over it, and nobody could be bothered to god-mode it. Or, plain and simple, they've made it when OpenSim was already flooded with ripped SL content, nobody was interested in it, and so it has always been obscure.

One outcome of this are not uncommon notion such as that Linda Kellie was OpenSim's only original creator, or that there is no original OpenSim content at all.

Another outcome is that OpenSim has rarely ever really fleshed BoM out. Next to nobody ever wears layer clothes on a mesh body. This isn't just simply because layer clothes have been considered outdated since around 2015. This is also the reason why nobody rips newer layer clothes from SL such as nylon tights that you could wear underneath everything without having to worry about clipping. Hardly anyone, except clueless newbies and veterans who refuse to wear mesh, has enough moxie to put on Linda Kellie layer clothes.

And, well, existing layer clothes that are not by Linda Kellie, if they haven't vanished from stores entirely, are next to unknown.

This year I expect the free and open-source Max mesh body family to be released. And, most importantly, devkits along with them. This could lure a few more creators out from underneath their rocks who have been waiting for bodies with easily (or at all) obtainable devkits. After all, SL body devkits are hard to get. The devkits of the pre-BoM Ruth2 and Roth2 family are not very useful. And the Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2 devkits are so useless that what few clothes were made for these bodies in OpenSim were made without devkits.
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That's 11 a.m. grid time, by the way. I guess even we will be in bed by 8 p.m. grid time.
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I remember getting into contact with Trizzy on occasion. I think I had discovered that something was off about some clothes she offered, I notified her, and she fixed them.

She was one of the very few merchants who actually officially licensed clothing meshes from Second Life creators, even if that meant no full perms, and who even informed her customers who had made the meshes. For decorational objects, she even made her own meshes. Unfortunately, not all her mesh creations are currently available in her stores.

It's always sad to lose people like her.
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That's because Avatar Life is only connected to the Hypergrid outbound. Avatar Life avatars can go just about everywhere, but no-one from outside is allowed in. Still, OSW has no rule against advertising sims on grids with only half a Hypergrid connection.
What's the point of being on OSW then?
Advertising for the grid, I guess. Trying to get people to register avatars there.
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Don't forget to visit the gift shop at the station!
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My guess is that it's a system limitation. Eyes have to be sunken to keep them from clipping through the head at lower LOD. On Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2 which have their own heads, the eyes are sunken, too.
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It depends on what you're looking for.

If you only want to have the newest hottest stuff that has only just arrived from SL (Legacy, LaraX etc.), then you're out of luck. It's generally offered exclusively with limited perms and with no boxes.

But if what you're looking for includes older content, there are quite a few shops that offer them by boxes. Yes, quite a few boxes may have been god-moded to make this possible.

For starters, there's the Freebie Store 2024 in AviWorlds.
It offers a lot of stuff, including older things that are increasingly hard to come by while still being useful. But especially the older areas have content for all kinds of avatars/bodies mixed like Adonis clothes next to Apollo clothes next to mesh clothes rigged for the system body next to layer clothes.

Carpe Noctem can take a while to browse with its many shops, but it's quite organised.

Another classic with lots of boxes to copy: The Spoiled Diva Freebbie Store.

The biggest selection by far has to be at Stark North District.
In theory, everything is neatly organised into themed stores. But it's so much stuff that the stores tend to be cluttered, and not everything is in the store it belongs into, also because there is no store dedicated to the system body. Still, you're likely to find things that are really hard to find.

Lastly, maybe I can help you out with some older items myself, especially things that are or used to be able at Klamotto.
Jupiter, this is very helpful! Thank you for sharing these links.
Jupiter you are a fountain of Opensim knowledge, thank you so much! I am mostly looking for Athena stuff for women and Gianni/Adonis/Apollo for men. I know the Legacy/LaraX etc. things are hard/impossible to find and I have no issues with buying those and bringing them to Opensim. As for the older stuff.. I plan to over time retexture things and/or create outfits with multiple items from multiple makers. It's a work in progress really, but I need to start somewhere so i figured to get boxed stuff so at least there is some content whilst I work over time on doing something a bit more original :) I will check out the stores you mentioned, thank you!
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You mean something that rezzes a pair of skates which an avatar can slip into and go skating? Works like a driveable vehicle, but can be worn like shoes? I don't even know if that's possible.
Yes, exactly that. if I can even find a pair of skates with an AO that has MCT, I can create the script and put them in a box so that when someone clicks it they will receive the skates and the AO
I know that there are wearable skates with a built-in AO. They may even be convertible to khAOs, I haven't checked that.

But your description sounds like a rezzer that you click, then a pair of ice skates rezzes in-world, standing upright on the ice, you "sit" on the skates like you would sit in a vehicle, and your feet automatically rig into the skates instead of the skates rigging onto your avatar.

And this is what I've never seen.
no, it would give the skates to the person who is touching the object. A folder with skates and the AO