Jupiter Rowland @JupiterRowland

Germany (Real Realityâ„¢), Dorenas World (virtual reality), OSgrid (secondary virtual reality) Online

Far-travelled on the Hypergrid and convinced of Roth2 v2.


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Have you even read the sim description?

Dismayland is not Lbsa Plaza and doesn't want to be Lbsa Plaza. Spax Orion banned avatars wearing mesh ABSOLUTELY DELIBERATELY with the VERY INTENTION to make their travels unpleasant. This is a DESIGN FEATURE. All the way to the perma-ban if you do try to enter the sim wearing mesh.

Complaining that you can't go to Dismayland with a mesh avatar is like complaining that Savvy or Wright Plaza doesn't offer the newest, hottest Legacy stuff or that people go naked at Stark.
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This could have two reasons.

One, you can't DMCA OpenSim as a whole in one go. You'd have to DMCA everyone who spreads your stolen stuff individually. Since you can't do that, you'd have to DMCA the grids. And OpenSim has got thousands of these, only a dozen or two of which are either idealistic enough to keep illegal content out or have spent at least the last 10 years under a rock. Have fun filing over 3,000 DMCA claims.

Two, probably even more importantly, you have to prove that you've created what has been stolen from you, otherwise anyone could claim something was stolen from them.

There were actual DMCA threats looming over OpenSim in 2015, causing loads of freebie store owners to rip out everything they offered and replaced it with Linda Kellie, just to keep their stores open while keeping the grids they were on from being shut down by the authorities. But the most we actually got was an open letter from Maitreya whose entire in-world shop was circulating in OpenSim as full-perm freebies back then. Some food for thought.
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And Gloebit has to happen to be online, of course.
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So you have "creators" in OpenSim who whine about freebie store owners god-moding their "creations" and hanging them up in their own stores full-perm.

Only that these "creators" themselves have god-moded post-2019 Sacrarium boutique content, renamed it and replaced the box art.

The Sacrarium "creators", in turn, have illegally exported that content from Second Life. Regardless of how they've acquired it there in the first place.

And the Second Life "creators" have either exploited art students or broken the license of free 3-D downloads. AFAIK, some have even stolen their "creations" from other SL users.

The hilarity.
Jupiter, SL also OWNS anything and everything uploaded. If you read their terms, this has been being applied since about 2010. It was another reason I held back creating new things. Even your pictures you share with friends, they claim ownership. Fartbook does this as well. You foresake any and all rights, once something is uploaded to SL or Fartbook.
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"The Permission code has changed on a few occasions in core also so how a permission was supposed to be is not always how it winds up."

The best example for this would be that boxes inherit certain permission restrictions from their contents now. A while ago, a full-perm box was always actually full-perm, regardless of the permissions of its contents. This is no longer the case. And so you have lots of sales boxes in older stores that are supposed to be copied but can't be because the permissions of the contents are too limited. Shop owners have to go around and fix loads of boxes and their contents, and they often don't even know they have to.

"On the God Mode again, Grids come and go like clockwork. If I as the owner of the Arielle avatar purchase something from a creator, the license is to the living entity behind Arielle. Since Arielle is on multiple grids, I use the content I have purchased for her where she has an account. Should one of the grids she has an account on close up then I feel I have a right to transfer that content to her on another grid as I own the license, not Arielle as she is just my visual representative."

If OpenSim development had enough capacity, I'd suggest a new feature, namely linking avatars together to one identity. The most basic variant of this would allow you to transfer no-transfer content to your alts. The most advanced one would sync the inventories, at least optionally except for friends and groups. Both cases would also exclude no-export content.
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If payware looks like from pre-mesh times, it usually is from pre-mesh times. Put into commercial stores in the early days of Kitely or DigiWorldz when that stuff was still fairly state-of-the-art, and the only competition was the first wave of Linda Kellie creations from 2007/2008.

In most cases, these creators haven't logged into OpenSim in a decade, probably not even into SL, so that they don't even know that their stuff is hopelessly outdated now. They may even have forgotten that they've still got a shop or a whole sim in OpenSim with items for sale, especially if they don't have to pay rent. Bonus points if even the shopping sim owner hasn't logged in in years, so nobody has ever taken into consideration clearing that shop.

If some of them are still active, they should really do a reality check. First, premium mesh clothes in SL are cheaper in real-life money than their layer-and-prim creations. Second, these premium mesh clothes are available in OpenSim for free.

Lastly, yes, there are still a few OpenSim users who refuse to use any mesh. But they've still got a lot of pre-mesh stuff to choose from. Yes, that stuff isn't easy to find, especially if it wasn't made by Linda Kellie. But all this pre-mesh payware isn't actually any easier to find.

Now, layer clothes do have their use since the arrival of BoM, particularly for anything skin-tight. Underwear, lingerie, hosiery, swimwear, latex... Legal BoM bodies like Ruth2 v4 or the BoM version of RuthToo RC#3 depend on them, and besides, they don't clip through anything you wear over them.

But still, you can get more of this for free than you'll probably ever need. Legally even. No need to spend money on it.

Lastly, I guess that many in-world payware vendors don't work anymore anyway because nobody has been around to reset their scripts since at least 2013.
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There's no way one could ever make a living on selling stuff in OpenSim like some manage to make a living on selling stuff in Second Life.

First, in SL, you have to pay for just about everything anyway. Making it on only freebies is so difficult it's a challenge. In OpenSim, you can do just about everything without ever paying a penny.

Second, OpenSim has a whole lot fewer users than SL. Even if everyone had money, and everything cost money, you wouldn't make nearly as much.

Third, of these users, only a tiny fraction has in-world money to begin with. They're probably fewer than those who are fully convinced that "Never buy in OpenSim" is an official OpenSim slogan.

Fourth, you'd have to compete with professionally-produced, almost-industrial-grade, premium luxury content stolen from SL.

And fifth, even if you can pull that off quality-wise, someone will god-mode or out-right copybot your stuff and put it into their own freebie store free and no-transfer, renamed and declared their own original creation. And then someone else will god-mode that and offer it free and full-perm.

That said, sometimes god-mode is a blessing, especially for freebies whose creators are no longer around.

For example, something is wrong with a freebie, e.g. it's glow-in-the-dark full-bright because whoever made it had always set their viewer permanently to midday. But that someone hasn't logged in in forever or doesn't respond otherwise or takes any bug report as an ad-hominem attack. And that item is no-modify. Then you can throw it away and try to find an adequate replacement. Or you can god-mode it, turn full-bright off and have something actually useful.

Or you want or have to move to another grid. Of course, you want to take your stuff with you. But some of it is no-transfer, it's very dear to you, and it isn't available anymore anywhere because the only shop that offered it has disappeared. You can either leave it behind and carry on without ever being able to use it again. Or you can god-mode it, make it full-perm for personal use and share it with your new avatar.

Or something is actually supposed to be full-perm, maybe even as per the license notecard inside the item or the sales box. But there's only one shop left offering it. And the owner of that shop decided to make all items in that shop no-transfer so that nobody could build a competing freebie sim from items from this shop. So this item is only available no-transfer although it should be full-perm. Again, you have the choice: Either leave it as it is and watch it vanish when that shop disappears. Or god-mode it back to full-perm and share it.
Yeah its unwise to think you can make a living off selling things in OS but to make a few extra dollars a week or month may just help to cover a few costs. A monthly med you may need, an extra loaf of bread and some milk. As Luna said it helps to cover a few costs she has in world. There are those who are happy to pay for items they want as a way to express their thanks, even if they are few at least they are given more options to do just that. I also understand the reasoning behind using items brought in from sl as I have myself spent thousands of L there, perhaps unwisely, and don't own what i have purchased so I'm not to hung up on using it in OS. My main point is OS is a creators dream and to encourage original content here by paying for it i think is not a bad thing to do if it means some support goes to those creators. Hence I am setting up a Creators mall using Gloebits for now and i may look at doing podex to.
Most creators in SL are probably fortunate if they cover their SL expenses with what they sell. Relatively few will earn enough to make an RL living from SL sales. I'm not actually sure there is a similar problem with items from the Kitely Market being god moded and then distributed. I've been in Opensim since 2011 so I'm pretty aware of what's going on, and I've been an HG customer of the Kitely Market for about 10 years now. In that time I've seen the growth of pirated mesh content in OS from pretty much zero to the situation we have now, where it's ubiquitous. In all that time I have yet to see items from the Kitely Market distributed for free, and indeed, most in OS seem more than happy to pay for that content. Some of that content will no doubt have god powers used on it , mostly for the kind of reasons you've highlighted, but not so much for redistribution for free, which if it happens, I suspect happens very much under the radar. Also, most content for sale on the KM is reasonably priced, which makes a huge difference, but then creators have much lower overheads than those in SL, where upload costs are considerable and land rental is still a rip-off, even with the reduced tiers of today.

As far as restricting the use of god mode, this is Opensim, and it comes as is, and if you host your own regions on your own hardware you'll have access to god powers. The only way to restrict this would be on grids that don't allow residents to have access to the region server, which many grids don't. But the widespread availability of Dreamgrid and the Diva Distro means that it's relatively trivial to set up and run one's own mini-grid, even if only temporarily and sporadically.

It's interesting though, and I'm not the first to note this, but those who complain the most about 'copybotters' are usually those who are the most prolific purveyors of pirated content. The Kitely Market, on the other hand, hardly ever mentions the issue, though I am sure that they take copyright infringement very seriously.

God powers are extremely useful, and personally I often use them when I come across items I have made that for some reason lack the permissions I would like them to have - it's easy to mess up!
"In all that time I have yet to see items from the Kitely Market distributed for free"

In a way, some are. Studio Skye is officially present on the Kitely Market with a bunch of products, including the famous mesh beach kit. And yet, you find full-perm Skye mesh beach pieces all over the Hypergrid. However, these aren't god-moded Kitely items, they're copybotted SL items. I'm still wondering whether the Kitely box comes with instructions...

As for my own god mode, I was made estate manager on the sim on which I have my home parcel, and I got god mode access along with it.
There are also some Heart Botanicals in circulation from before they were available on the Kitely Market. I as using them, and when I realised that they were legitimately available on the KM I bought them - one of my first purchases there.

I think where SL creators decide to sell legit copies of their creations in the Opensim metaverse there is always going to be the risk that pirated copies will also be available. Good to know that Studio Skye items are available on the KM.
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I've actually thought about which grids would be the best for complete newbies as opposed to SL converts. SL converts are easy to handle. All they need in the beginning is a grid with a not-too-convoluted freebie sim chock-full of SL stuff where they can get things for their avatars before they even learn how to Hypergrid.

But on-boarding complete newbies is difficult, especially in comparison with SL. From the top of my head, I only know two grids with landing sims that have instruction panels for newbies while most other grids are geared towards either experienced SL users or people from other OpenSim grids, if they even let new avatars in, that is.

OSgrid has a nifty sim that was made for newbies to walk through and learn the ropes. It's still online, but it's no longer the place where new avatars rez for the first time, and it isn't even listed on OSW. Instead, new avatars land in the middle of Lbsa Plaza.

Lbsa Plaza does have these panels, too. But new avatars don't land right in front of them. In fact, they can't even see them clearly enough from where they're standing. And if you even need instructions on how to make your avatar walk, then having to walk to get to these instructions is dumb.

Also, yes, Lbsa Plaza always has a bunch of avatars around the landing point. But I dare say that the avatars at SL landing sims who aren't tagged as mentors are more informative and helpful than who you usually come across at Lbsa Plaza.

The other grid with a useful place for newbies is 3rd Rock Grid. It has a large building with a newbie course to the right and an avatar freebies section with quite a bit of exclusive stuff to the left, so you can theoretically gear up your avatar right after learning the ropes.

However, it does not give an impression of being the place where new avatars land. And if they have to teleport there manually, it's useless as a newbie starting ground. Besides, I don't know how active 3rd Rock Grid's staff is, just in case someone has a question.

By the way, another topic worth thinking and talking about is what to offer complete newbies for their avatars. Classic layer clothes on the system body are easier to handle, but so outdated that you can be lucky if people only pity you. Mesh from SL looks better, but it has a steep learning curve unless it comes in the shape of complete avatars, pre-alpha'd mesh body and all.
I'm leaning toward the idea of a Noob Academy. First, we have them set the place as home. Then we go to the Academy Body and Clothing Shop. Keep it simple -- If female, provide them with a starter body (a shape, a BoM Athena body, a Letluka head, eyes, skin and an AO hud). The shop would have a small assortment of outfits from oh HELLO. We teach them how to get dressed and how to use the alpha HUD. Do the same for males. That would be enough for day one.

We would encourage them to use the Academy HG board that will take them to some of the best scenic places in OS, just so they can wander around. By prior arrangement with the instructor, they return to the Academy when they want their "day 2" lessons...
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By the way: If taken literally, the wording of the Plaza rules would justify kicking and banning a female avatar because her underwear is visible under her skirt. No matter how long the skirt is. No matter if it's layer or mesh underwear. No matter if the avatar in question is wearing sheer nylon tights over the underwear (which is absolutely possible with layer clothes).

And I know two cases of people who were actually sanctioned for going commando, one kind of cross-dressing male avatar who was banned, one female avatar who was only kicked. So if "No Private Parts" extends to under skirts, the logical conclusion is that so does "No Exposed Underwear".

Someone from OSgrid told me that this is non-sense, and underwear visible to upskirt cammers does not break the rules. And most female avatars wear skirts or dresses all the time, and fewer than a dozen ever wear more than underwear underneath, all without being kicked from the Plazas.

But maybe there's a first time for everything.
I've been kicked for less before and though I was reinstated by Dan, it didn't negate the fact that another admin had kicked and banned me for even less then a showing thong.
I highly doubt anyone was banned for showing a thong. There is most likely more to the ban then is mentioned. I for one would like to hear both sides of the story. Before many on here, who attack a grid, without knowing, the whole story. So, yes I believe that the "someone from OSgrid" is correct in saying this is nonsense.
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If Resurgence was professionally hosted on an actual server, and it was still possible for amateurs to breach into the data centre and the machine and acquire full admin rights on Windows, then something is wrong with the hosting company.

I'm on the edge of saying that something is fundamentally wrong with Windows as an operating system for Internet servers. But I think only one out of maybe 15 grids is not running on Windows, and I refuse to believe that an operating system is so inherently unsafe and still regularly exposed to the Internet by professionals.

I still have to shudder thinking about those thousands of DreamGrids running on personal Windows computers behind provider-issued, customer-grade routers. Either they're even more unsafe, or if not, that'd say a lot about the hosting company.

Still, the backups are a key issue. DreamGrid is mainly intended for computers at home where you can stick a USB pen drive into the machine and copy the backups automatically created by DreamGrid onto that drive. I think if I said that securing DreamGrid backups on an external drive at home when the grid runs in a data centre is a bit more difficult, that'd be an understatement.

Nonetheless, if you start over, this will have to be done. It won't save your grid from being wiped, but you can always restore it, for it'll save your backups from being wiped.
Oh it will be backed up off the server now. There is no trust left.

I don't think hacking our server could be difficult though, especially when you think about global companies and governments getting hacked. Had a few really big hacks recently here in Australia where peoples data was downloaded to the dark web. We really are just small fish in the grand scheme of things.
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This clearly wasn't an attack through OpenSim, using a script. This rather reads like someone having gained access to the underlying Windows system with full admin rights. (Resurgence was a DreamGrid, and DreamGrid is Windows-only.)

They could easily have deleted the whole DreamGrid. Then they might have snooped around on the machine, looking for backups outside the DreamGrid install, but still on the same machine, and deleted them as well.

Or they could simply have quick-formatted all drives in the machine, one by one, not only wiping out the grid but absolutely everything on the computer.
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If we mean the same ones, they were made by Linda Kellie back in the day. I think a few of her sims had them out in the open; Freebie Mall 2.0 did. I could check in which box they are.
thank you I found it!
Careful when sitting on them. You land in the water when you stand up.
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Zadaroo used to be a website which conserved creations by Linda Kellie from pre-mesh/pre-Clutterfly times as downloads, still under the same free licenses which Linda had put them under.

This included so-called OARs, i.e. archives of entire sims which you can install on a grid. LK Designs (the very early one with the rectangular street layout, the landing on the parking lot, the spa, the big blue house in the north etc.). Freebie Mall 2.0 (the one with the mall with the three half-cylindrical glass roofs, the revolving door and the food court). Boardwalk (the one with the sandy ground and the wooden boardwalk with shops and rides and a Ferris wheel etc.). Avatar Center (the one with the body of water in the middle, blue shops for the gents in the west, pink shops for the ladies in the west). And so on.

It also included textures for skins, for eyes, for hair, for classic layer clothes, for plants and for other objects as well as sculptmaps from which one could make sculpt prims which were quite popular before there was mesh.

It doesn't make it possible to re-create everything she has made. Especially the clothing texture boxes only contain examples as PNG or Targa files and neither all her own variants nor Photoshop or GIMP files. But it does facilitate things which would only be possible by extracting textures from in-world things otherwise.

(Need an explanation about Linda Kellie? That is, beyond the "she's a fucking bitch, and everything that could possibly have been made be her or one of her alts must be boycotted, no matter what" propaganda?)
Linda Kellie's creations certainly vary a lot, but some of it remains very good. Not matter what, back in the days when Opensim was new Linda Kellie was about the only creator producing in volume. It should also be remembered that Linda gave it all for free and completely waived any proprietorial rights allowing anyone to do anything with stuff she made.

Like us all Linda certainly had her moments as a person, and there was certainly some 'drama' around her (again, we ar all subject to or of drama from time to time) and those calling her the worst of names are those talentless individuals who can only import pirated stuff wheras Linda created all her own content.

I didn't always agree with Linda's stance on things, but she stuck to her principles and argued her case, despite the huge emotional toll that took as she was often being trolled in a none too nice way. No one deserves that and there are people who remain blocked by me because of hateful, misogynistic statements about her.
Thanks a lot for taking the time. Sounds really useful stuff for people to learn too!
And no...I tend to take people at face value. I'm sure I am a "f*cking bitch" for many people too, but..*shrugs*
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There should be more legitimately open-source stuff with raw textures available. That'd make this easier.

My greyscale self had to switch to Ada Radius eyes for this reason.
@JupiterRowland I just think some might be married to the current look, and might want to just Greyscale it, rather than completely changing the look just to do greyscale? It was just a thought either way :)
Sure, but if their outfits were open-source right away, they wouldn't have to extract textures in the first place.
Ironically, even if their outfits are not open-source. They would have their textures in their PC too. My point with export is: they might not remember where the placed them. Was a short-of-figure-of-speech.
And if OS/OSG took things seriously, we would have proper devs working, instead of "new" items in Mantis since 2018. And if they devise a proper way to attract quality creators and be competitive, people wouldn't buy somewhere else and port a copy. Buuut here we are - with a starter avi that it's ridiculous for anyone who would actually be taking this seriously.
...as we say here: If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bicycle too...
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Reminds me, I've got the raw textures of my skin. I've always wanted to edit them to greyscale.

With a suit and hat, I may pass for a Scotland Yard Inspector from some Edgar Wallace film.

(Cue 1960s psychedelic jazz)
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Lemme sum this up for your convenience.

Female avatar under 7 feet = maybe kid.
Female avatar under 6 feet = definitely kid.
Male avatar under 7 feet = kid.
Petite female avatar = kid.
Female avatar less shapely than an unmodified, out-of-the-box Athena shape = kid.
No fish lips on a female avatar = kid.
No long locks flowing down your shoulders if your avatar is female = kid.
Neither long rocker hair nor an undercut if your avatar is male = kid.
Blond, but neither Barbie nor Pamela Anderson nor Rutger Hauer = kid.
Skin tone lighter than the average Tamilnadu citizen = kid.
Male avatar with neither beard nor perma-stubble = kid.
Nude male avatar whose erect dick is smaller than his lower arm = kid.
Freckles = kid.
Wearing pink, and it isn't Biatchi-branded = kid.
Wearing purple, and it isn't gothic = kid.
Wearing bright colours in general = kid.
Female avatar wearing flat shoes = kid.

Tune in next time when I tell you how not to look like a geezer.
OK, but seriously now. It would take approximately 34,129 avatars, with the height of 7 ft., stacked end to end, to reach the moon. It would take many more avatars, with the overall average adult human height of 5 ft. 5 in., stacked end to end, to do the same. To make it easier for a stack of avatars to reach the moon, we need to mandate that the height of OS avatars be increased to 11 ft. The future of the faux-human race in OS depends on it. If we allow child-sized avatars in OS, we are doomed. Doomed, I tell you!
You have got to be kidding! Get it? Kidding? OK, I'll shut up now.
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Monentes Jewelry has some, hand-made by Marianna Monentes herself even.

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Sounds like something from AnKaBi Welcome. https://opensimworld.com/hop/91472
Thank you for the information
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Needless to say that Juno was excited and went and picked that skirt up.

For such a long skirt, even the Ruth2 v4 variant has surprisingly little clipping. We haven't observed any when she was standing or walking. Only more extreme leg positions cause clipping. Some of it occurs on the lower legs, that's practically inevitable with long skirts. And a little occurs at the waistband when she kicks up a leg. I guess that's the price you have to pay for a skirt made without a reliable devkit that doesn't stand off the belly, that can be worn with a bare midriff. And I guess it can be fixed with a custom precision alpha mask.

Also, it's a bit of a pity that the skirt is one-sided with no visible inner surface. This already becomes apparent when she walks, more so when she dances.

Still, she'll keep the skirt. We'll test how well it works with boots next.
Thank you for your detailed comments! Consider the lack of inner surface a talisman against higher poly counts and upskirt camming creeps <3
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For botanical stuff in general, I always recommend Encantada. Granted, it doesn't have that particularly waterlily cluster because it only offers creations by the sim owner herself.
Oh, I mean the Botanical brand... You see the items used everywhere, but not in shops. But yes, I have an LM in my shop to Encantada as well as R. Lion. I like to share traffic, and won't duplicate what they offer.