Another nice blog entry from Thirza Ember about her latest private visit to NOVALE:

Teleport link at:

Marianna : Your Novale is indeed lovely all seasons of the year. 1 years ago
In addition to the Advent Calender Hunt and the Xmas Market, the region Novale offers a large number of winter related activities. The picture above shows my partner Dabici Straulino doing a nice cross-country ski ride under the stars with her compagnion dog. We have over 7 km of cross-country ski trails for your enjoyment. Rides are scripted so that you can focus your attention on the picturesque environment surrounding you.
Eröffnung der Adventsjagd in Novale

Die Novale-Adventsjagd ist eine Art Hybrid aus traditionellem Adventskalender und Schatzsuche.

Wenn Sie in unserem Kalenderbaum auf die Weihnachtskugel des Tages klicken, erhalten Sie einen Hinweis, der Ihnen hilft, die irgendwo in der Region versteckte Geschenkkugel des Tages zu finden. Dies ermutigt unsere Besucher, die Schönheiten von Novale weiter zu erkunden. Es braucht ein wenig Suchanstrengung, um an ihr Geschenk zu kommen, aber es lohnt sich. Jeden Tag ein neues Geschenk bis zum 24. Dezember.


Opening of the Advent Hunt in Novale

The Novale Advent Hunt is a kind of hybrid between the traditional Advent calendar and a treasure hunt.

When you click on the Christmas ball of the day in our calendar tree, you will receive a clue to help you find the gift ball of the day hidden somewhere in the area. This encourages our visitors to further explore the beauties of Novale. It takes a little research effort to get his gift, but it's worth it. A new gift every day until December 24th.