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New month, new Items in the ZZhop.
Including my 2 best Carnivorous,made with Sculptris.
Have fun, Peter

For OSFest 2023 in September as of 7/12/2023, 12 of 68 exhibit parcels and 6 of 40 merchant parcels are reserved, please spread the word around the HG.
Register for your spot on the OpensimFest website
You can start building on your home grid and transfer the build later when the grid is open.
Like to build? OSFest is looking for a creator to work on a new Welcome Center. Contact Banker Ibor on Discord or on the website for more details
Discord group:

Luna Lunaria: Sadly, I am not able to commit this year to building out infrastructure on the OSFest region due to RL commitments and medical issues, but if you see any of my structures that might work I will be hap... 10 months ago
Atelier ballistique sur École Atlas, avec ce canon orientable qui tire des balles traçantes et a été adapté au transport explosif d'avatars. Présentation de la fonction llRezObject, calcul des vitesses et rotations. En prime, un levier de règlage continu de la hausse qui utilise l'évènement touch. Il sera parfait pour votre jeu de rôles corsaires et pirates.

Les ateliers de scripting ont lieu tous les lundi à 21h30 Paris. Ils se déroulent en français et en voice.

real-life side of the avatar abstraction at Pangea
hope to see you there.

Grand Opening of The Land Of Xzar Sunday! Party at the Castle with DJ Metal Tango, 5 pm grid time. Details soon.

Star Ravenhurst: Correction: 3 PM grid time 1 years ago
merci d'être là
je vous informe quand même que en plus du retour de Novale (très bien)
Erwan lui aussi revient avec ses superbes réalisations dans Serenity.
trop souvent oublié
voila plein de voyages à faire
merci pour eux tous

Kelso.Uxlay: Thirza Ember vient d'ailleurs tout juste de publier un superbe texte sur une des régions d'Erwan: 1 years ago
Easter Egg Hunt for Textures at Immersive Sim on the AMV Grid.
Fifty unique textures individually created by Nyx Breen from real-life photos.
A magical experience on multiple levels, turn Windlight setting to Midnight. The Music is on, particles activated, and grab a Note Card from the givers for Landmark points and enjoy. Good Hunting.

RemmyRavenhurst: This is like drugs for texture hoarders like me! 1 years ago

Bienvenue dans le groupe, Arkinea-Prodyck ! Ravie de ton retour parmi nous :-)

Kelso.Uxlay: Content de te savoir de retour! 1 years ago

AMAZING hosts @CCI Grid gave us an unforgettable tour this week on Safari, and the sailing on Alanna was a treat! Words and pictures here:

Experimenting with hearding of animals with different heights on EAS region

They all stay nicely on the ground (or prim) auto-adjusting their height to the leader's.

Kelso.Uxlay: Really cool - keep working on this! 1 years ago
TOMORROW!! May 1st, the HG Safari gang will be touring our very own Haven Of Memories region. This region is dedicated to preserving the beautiful memories of those loved ones, family members and friends, human or pet, who have gone through the portal of the ages and crossed over the rainbow bridge, not with a goodbye but "Until We Meet Again". Join HG Safari for this tour of a beautiful region that is created and designed with special consideration and love for others. The whole Safari begins with with a trip to Pangea grid where Karsten Runningbear invites everyone to explore his vehicle workshop, where he scripts all kinds of transportation - bike, car, plane, and boat - even a special seaplane that lands realistically on water! Bring your physical vehicle script questions, and be ready to crash a few times. After that, I will guide you through a tour of genesis grid's memorial region where people can go to remember loved ones. I will explain the motivation behind the build. Join us for the HG Safari tour. Wednesday, May 1st beginning at 12 noon pacific (SLT aka grid) time. The tour start point is Safari - grab a notecard with the LM list on it and jump in the tour. I look forward to seeing you all there!
The most recent addition to Stag Hollow, the Saw Mill. This is the interior of a mid 19th century water powered saw mill with a large circular blade. We are trying to keep things in this region as close to the era and history as possible to give it a more authentic feeling.

so guys, Safari is on a break for about 6 weeks, we come back at the end of April. Thanks for all your support!

This year's first season of HG Safari ended last night with shrimp, lag, art, unexpected naked butts, jokes, sand swimming, and friendship.
If you're curious, here's where we went... to see AI art
and then for a concert in a flooded city center
Thanks to the 20 different hosts who made this season possible, and looking forward to starting up again in April!
I've finally managed to add some contributions to this year's Cornflakes Week.

I've retextured Clutterfly cuddle lunge chairs, beach towels and bean bag chairs with a Cornflakes theme, all of them with SFposer, of course.

You can pick them up from my shelves in the DropBox.
Secondary pick-up location: Kaufrausch Mega-Store, Santiago.

And here's to hoping that the textures won't go blank again anytime soon...
This week's HG Safari trip was a 3-parter.
1. For the last time we checked out all the Freebies from 60+ grids and regions, on the Hypergrid International Expo Park, which is preparing for the next event in April. Join the opensimworld Group for updates
2. SKY HAZE the installation by Cherry Manga can now be visited any time, read the blog post to learn more
3. A tour of Treasure Island by its creator Tutz Zabelin - gorgeous in every way!

Just a reminder - all booths on HIE Expo will be removed this week, in preparation for our next event. Check this group for news about when we will be accepting new, or renewed, booths for HIE 2024

* Needful Things *
The store is due to open soon. Or is it already? It's worth a visit, even if the store owner has a strange offer for his customers ...
* Needful Things *
Der Laden soll bald eröffnet werden. Oder ist er es schon? Ein Besuch lohnt sich, auch wenn der Ladeninhaber ein merkwürdiges Angebot für seine Kunden bereit hält ...
* Black White Mansion *
People say the place is haunted. But I've been living here for 200 years and I've never seen a ghost ...
* Black White Mansion *
Die Leute sagen, dass es hier spukt. Aber ich wohne seit 200 Jahren hier und habe noch nie einen Geist gesehen ...
Kelso Uxlay will show you, how to make your objects move smoothly through your regions. At his Session at Saturday 9 December at 8:30am PST at #OSCC

“Its most interesting portion consists in a showcase demonstration of scripted moving objects, some of them exhibiting spectacular effects. “Ordinary people” will benefit from learning and seeing what is possible. Perhaps some of them will be encouraged to develop their own scripting skills.”

Check out our full Schedule here:

A post about a beautiful region on @Kashi_Takeshi 's grid, by Shenn Tao.

This week, Inworld Review was a retrospective of the Fall Season of HG Safari, with our guest Nara Malone.
Revisit the destinations, learn which were the most successful and which were more of a challenge to the Safaristas as they crushed the Hyperverse, one sim at a time.
The 2023 fall season of Safari ended this week with two great visits!
First a load test, related to the upcoming Opensim Community Conference, and second, an interactive science build by Caro that's hilarious!
Thanks to @CaroFayray, Nara Malone for being such lovely hosts,
You can watch a replay of our trip here courtesy of Lifted Pixel
HG Safari returns in January. If you have a region that you would like us to visit, you can Im me here, or on OSGrid to fix a date.
We're trying something new tonight! We'll be live streaming from Breathe Resort for an interview on Lone and DJ's Region show where we interview residents of Wolf Territories Grid about their regions 12:00 MIDDAY on the grid radio channel and youtube, facebook, discord LIVE STREAM!
Talks in French and talks in Spanish, and art shows by Tosha Tyran and Rage Darkstone... if you missed the Sunday part of the Hypergrid International Expo,
you can watch it here
and you can read about it here
Want to take part in the next one, like LadyKa and Minord Loup, pictured here? Join the HIExpo group here in opensimworld, and leave a message.
If you missed the event over this weekend, here's a taste of what happened when about 40 of us celebrated the start of the Hypergrid International Expo, with @ZoreeJupiter @Arianna1986 and @forestofazure
German and Italian talks and art performances by Lorenza Colicigno, Dings Digital, Lampithaler Artist, Gianni Spada, Marlon Wayne and Capcat Ragu yesterday at HIE... and much more happening today
If you missed the great shows and talks yesterday, check out the HIE youtube channel where you will be able to watch Live! ' even better if you come in person!
HIE Starts today!
We have 3 musical guests to help us kick off this long weekend of languages...
Zoree Jupiter at 11am SLT, then DJArianna Nightfire at 12.00 and Forest Azure at 1pm SLT.
Arrive on HIE Welcome, join the Language Group so that tomorrow, you will be able to follow the subtitles,
and then jump through the portal to HIE 4 to enjoy the music!!
The event continues Saturday and Sunday from 9am SLT (6pm in Central Europe)
with talks in German, Italian, French and Spanish - plus some unforgettable art performances
For more, look at the website
Une fois par mois,
le premier jeudi de chaque mois,
vous êtes invités à rejoindre une réunion informelle de francophones...
Lors de cette réunion, vous pouvez poser des questions techniques concernant opensim - nous essaierons de vous aider à trouver une solution, ou vous proposerons endroits où vous pouvez trouver les réponses que vous cherchez.

Le 1 jeudi du mois, sur Chez Eden, a partir de 21h de Paris, vous rencontrerez de nouveaux amis, découvrirez la communauté hypergrid francophone et, peut-être, nous ferons un voyage dans l'une des merveilleuses régions construites par des constructeurs francophones dans opensim.

Ce rendez-vous régulier est animé par Edenette sur sa grille personnelle
Chez Eden 􀀀
1 jeudi du mois
a partir de 21.00 h francaise

HIE is next weekend... thanks to everyone who has been part of the planning of this event! Mostly still keeping our sanity...

Small change to OSW home page possible?
Opensimworld is such a great resource for opensim - love it! The home page has so much useful info on it.
My request - could The Box be moved further down the page? Maybe swap with Events or Bookmarks? Just because more often than not The Box is so depressingly infantile and completely useless to anyone looking for information.
Qu'est-ce qu'une donnée personnelle ? Qu'est-ce qu'une donnée sensible ? Comment doit-on les recueillir, les traiter, les protéger ? Devez-vous faire signer une convention à vos visiteurs ? Cette présentation se déroulera sur, lundi 25 octobre à 21 heures, heure de Paris.

I Fixed a huge bug with the script engine.
Now the Crescent Melody can play perfect melody with perfect timing without a single hiccup :)

What I always kept missing, was a good dark shade of an upcoming wave.
so, time for a game changer. Made it a double,one in blending alpha, second on masking and dark....oh well, u gotta see em!
After 14 years of trying, I'm finally happy with this one:)
Think I'm gonna throw em in ZZHOP on the next Expo round.
HG Safari trips return for the Fall Season in 6 weeks from now !
Our schedule is pretty much full, but if you'd like your region to be put on the standby list, or want to save a spot in the next season's schedule (starting Jan 2024), just drop me a word here in osw. Don't be shy !
The little publicity stalls are popping up all over the HIE regions, getting ready for the conference later this year. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far, it is already starting to look like a party! For details of how to participate, read this short post:

YARR ... Summer is there and the pirates are already back

Pour ceux qui ne sont pas venus au hgsafari voici un extrait vidéo de la visite (qui reste enregistré) d'hg safari sur Ignis Fatuus . La grille est sur PC avecla fibre et a pu contenir aisément les 17 visiteurs du moment . Côté vidéo graphiques à minima via le logiciel OBS
Trips to Kinky and to AMV this week, two quite astounding builds, more than meets the eye in both cases! thanks to our lovely hosts and grid owners for making it happen.
We added a fun page to Ferd Frederix Bullshit News. Ferd is bringing back to life a paper he and Debbie Edwards published: You can see the new edition of Bullshit News at on its own page: In times like these a bit of humor is called for!! Enjoy the day today, thank you for all your support!
new Safari season begins today at 12 noonSLT with two sci fi destainations. There are some star trek baked uniforms available at the clubhouse, if you want to dress up, or wear/make something of your own to celebrate First Contact Day!