Joined 8 months ago

About Myself

Ich kann hier leider nicht schreiben was ich will. Es wird zensiert.

My Interests

Region Building

I'm Looking For

nothing - I have all waht i want

Favorite Quote

Henry Ford ....
If people understood the current banking and monetary system, there would probably be a revolution before tomorrow morning

Music I Like

Rock, Metal, HardnHavy

Films I Like


Books I Like

Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit von Stephen Hawking

My Heroes

me myself and I

My Regions

This member has no regions yet


comments 1 post likes 0
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Valeria's Avatars 2

You can't buy the avatars, you can only look at them. The Sim owner uses her own avatars to boost her superfluous and pointless Sim's ranking. Really silly. A visit is not necessary.


No Region found with That Name

The Almost Islands

Kicks me out of the region. His reasoning. No On demand. No reaction.

My Groups

Profile Comments

persona offensiva e ignorante non legge i cartelli, gli avatar ono fantastici il lavoro svolto gratis da Valeria รจ inpagabile questa stupida persona non deve infangare cosi un artista!