Klarabella Karamell @Klarabella

hg.osgrid.org:80:Kiarakunterbunt Offline

Liked posts

Was nun...??
What now...??

Kleiner Spaziergang zur Waldhütte.
Short walk to the forest hut.


Ab sofort sind auf Dorenas World die Regionen Weihnachtsmarkt und Wintersport wieder online.
Taxi: dorenas-world.de:8002:Weihnachtsmarkt

JeanDagostino: sehr schön gemacht dorena :)))... wir haben grad ganz viel spass ... 2 years ago
Heute ab 20:00 Uhr wird es noch mal heiß. Wir verabschieden den Sommer mit Badeklamotten, einem kühlen Drink und jeder Menge toller Musik von DJane Loru und DJane Brucha.
Wir freuen uns auf Euch und einen schönen relaxten Abend.

Marina Baer: Gleich ist es soweit.... Sonnencreme = check, Badeklamotten = check, gute Laune = check 2 years ago
Another look I like. Ruth2 RC3 mesh body with my own hair, skin, and shape as in the earlier post. Clothes and shoes from the Kitely Market. Blouse is by Rune, leather pants are by Dadiellas, and my favorite boots came from Dollys, which has since closed due to constant fighting with the never buy in opensim crowd. She got tired of it and left opensim, closing all her stores.

I just wanted to party in opensim, hang out with friends, and make nice stuff that I could sell to pay for my land. I never wanted this fight but it came to my door anyway. If there are those who want give away a bunch of stuff stolen from SL then that's their decision, I'm not going to call them out over it - that's a bigger question for people far more important than I am in Opensim to grapple with. But I'm not going to let anyone dictate what I can and can't do with my own creations.

Jupiter Rowland: By the way: Kodama avatar. When? 2 years ago
Ok... just looked through some of the recent front page posts. I've been here in Open Sim for about nine months now.

I have accounts in OSgrid and Kitely.

I'll have to admit a good deal of my wardrobe is possibly copybotted. I'd like to know if anyone is willing to send me a list of LM's showing truly original, OS based stuff (aside from Lunaria), I'd appreciate it. Most of my wardrobe is rigged to the Athena body. I also have a small number of Ruth2 takes. For my male alts (yes, I have a few, using the same names that I established for them in SL), I use Adonis and Roth2.

There was a discussion recently that influenced me to write this post. It's located below the post from Luna Lunaria, #92052. I totally understand creators desiring to be compensated for their creations. I have spent a fair amount of L$ to gather some of my clothes in SL. I wouldn't mind paying a few K$ or O$ for some creations on this side of the metaverse, as I think that's quite fair.

Thansk to anyone that can help me out, I appreciate it. I'd prefer that the links be included publicly (instead of PMing me), so other users can find it easily.

Misty_Falls: @Shea ... AGREED ....we the creators and builders of OS, do it because we want to better ourselves, by making things better for others; NOT for PROFIT.... money is evil, and will be the downfall of t... 2 years ago
Tomorrow, one final party on Metropolis Grid.
THURSDAY, 30 JUNE Begins at 12.00 Grid time, 21h CET
Come to the Startregion, login.metro.land
Remembering all the good times and great sims that were there.
DJane LadyJo Martin spins the tunes, at this *Unofficial Farewell* to one of the grandest old ladies of Opensim.
If you can't get to Metro, join us on the new Osgrid region
hg.osgrid.org:80:Metro Memoriam

Sweetgrl: Hello and Farewell, all the best. Any Metro people signing up to OSGrid or other grids, welcome. 2 years ago

New Men's Cardigan Outfit Now Available

Available for FREE and FULLPERM at 3D MUSEUM SIM.. Enjoy :)

Kris Patrick: This is awesome, thanks, Jimmy. 3 years ago

Hello, bonjour
Grid kaput, broken, cassée
Voila Falene est surement finie
Sorry, it's now possible Falene is dead
Thank for all visitors, merci tout le monde

Dabici132: Chère Falène, c'est avec tristesse que j'ai appris les difficultés techniques rencontrées par Virtualdream Grid. J'espère que toutes tes billes n'étaient pas rattachées à une seule base de données. ... 3 years ago
Ich möchte mich auf diesem Weg bei allen bedanken, die so zahlreich aus nah und fern zum Abschied von Cayoun Daydreamer erschienen sind.
Das hat mich sehr gerührt.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came in such large numbers from near and far to say goodbye to Cayoun Daydreamer.
That touched me very much.
Party safely in opensim!

If you are homebound due to coronavirus, stay safe and have fun in the virtual worlds. Many places to party in opensim, and they are all 100% safe!