Klarabella Karamell @Klarabella

hg.osgrid.org:80:Kiarakunterbunt Offline


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O, das ist wirklich nichts im Vergleich zu der Weihnachtsmarkt-Sim auf Dorenas! Nur mein eigener Krempel gewohnt schlampig arrangiert...
Das "Schlampige" macht aber eben auch die besondere Atmosphäre aus.^^
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me sings: with a little hate from old friends... ;)
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"Space IS THE PLACE!" (Sun Ra)
Become rich, stay poor, get happy get unhappy. Your grid, your rules. Do what you want to do. Or:

"It's after the end of the world. Don't you know that yet?" (Sun Ra)

"We are in a continual state of moving out" (Sonny Rollins. He was referring to his frequent change of home address. I prefer to think of it in a more cosmic way).
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I have to ask Loru, hope to see her tonight, I got it last week fresh from the workbench and put my own textures on it.
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lets have a walk on the wild side...
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Zu später Stunde gibt es heut Nacht dann noch ein kleines Günther "Baby" Sommer-Special ;)
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I am far away from making a religion about ruth or athena, stolen in sl or opensim homegrown. I enjoy building my own things, plants, animals, houses or clothes. I prefer the ruth-body, because it looks better to me then the "big-ass-athenas". But every one, how he likes. sl promised "your world - your fantasy". Opensim is my world - my fantasy! And if you like my stuff just take it fullperm, to make it yours using your fantasy. Lets have a good time, everybody in his opinion.
Oh, I totally understand this stance. I've no plans to get rid of my Athena based looks. As I've said numerous times here (and in SL) I really don't have one identifiable look. I am a little bit of everything... lately I've also run around as a Dinkie. :) have a nice day, thanks for the comment!
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I will place a box with landmarks in front of my shop in dorenas world the next days. Even Loru Destiny makes some beautiful things for Ruth.
Thank you. :)
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Es ist schwer, einen Weg, den man gemeinsam gegangen ist, plötzlich allein fortsetzen zu müssen. Ich wünsche allen, die mit Rudi eng verbunden waren, viel Kraft in der nächsten Zeit. Und ja, er wird Teil eures Lebens bleiben, so lange ihr ihn lasst.
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Those battles, they come and go and at the end you will see only losers, no winners... so wait and see... i am not that "party girl", so I don't care about, but some people I know just think like Cheryl and wont become a "bullet in a battle".