Koshari Mahana @Koshari


I am the creator of Four Winds Buildings and Coopersville Edwardian Community. Four Winds brings you quality historical prefabs, Victorian homes, antique furniture, vintage stores and shops as well as fantasy and medieval dwellings.We specialize in houses, buildings, and furnishings from many eras and genres. We sell an assortment of items from nearly every culture and time period around the worl

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One-destination hypergate available at the store. Set it to any destination on your region, your grid, or on the hypergrid. Click the Egyptian sign in the lobby to get to the display. This photo is unretouched, taken using the new midday setting. To see it this way in world, use the latest Firestorm viewer 7.1.11 then activate the left-side mirror options in the graphics settings. Original gold textures will be seen if using the older FS 6.6.17 viewer and I recommend using shared environment in that case, since the old default midday will yield the poorest results.

Jupiter Rowland: Seriously, if your machine has got what it takes, set your viewer to shared environment, crank your graphics settings up as far as you and your hardware can bear (shadows strongly recommended), take o... 4 months ago

TheFactory: Wonderful work, looking forward to seeing it expand! 4 months ago

Xenon Darrow: This is so spectacular! amazing!!! 5 months ago

Here is one for you Freddie Mercury fans; it plays Mamma. Will be landing tomorrow at shopping mall 2.

Dorena Verne: I must have completely mixed something up and I would like to apologize. I can get into your grid without any problems. 7 months ago

Sodasullivan: Wow, this is very beautiful. A lovely creation. 8 months ago

Having a great meeting on Wolf Territories grid :-)

Passion Jumanji: Every meeting is more informative than the next! Excellence at its best! The learning possibilities are endless here! Always something new just around the bend! I am so awe inspired by this Gentlemanl... 10 months ago
DJ Rosa's "Rockabilly Riot" at Hot Daddy's!! Tonight at 6:00PM!!
Region: Hot Daddys on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
This week at Hot Daddy's, DJ Rosa is gonna spin a "Rockabilly Riot"!! Blend country, swing, and R&B, then toss in some boogie woogie and driving rhythms and you've got that rock & roll style known as Rockabilly!! Get out your 50's Pin-up style dresses, cuffed jeans and t-shirts, and fedoras (or come as you are) and get ready to hit the dance floor! It's gonna be a riotous occasion on the Dance Dock!
Adult Dance Party Today at Caribou Love Beach with DJ Rosa

Friendly, Beautiful, Exciting. Free Homes, Islands, Hideaways, Adult Playgrounds, soft Love, BDSM. All grid AVs welcome. LGBTQ+.

As we are 18+ we dont need much restrictions. With our few rules you are safe.

Kids, please grow to 18+. Not so much about size, but impression. Ask Jeanne...


See our webpage at www.caribougrid.com where we tell briefly about ourselves. Still working on the page.

New homes hideaways play venues every day... Still building but explore!

Make a Caribou Avatar? http://hg.caribougrid.com:16002

Come on over new WOLF ART GALLERY at welcome.

For Those who think they can attack Caribou Grid and control the owners
Hi all i find i have to mention that a certain Grid is trying to destroy Caribou Grid by attacking one of the owners making her crash and making her time painfull but they have reconed without me and the Caribou Grid owner who is a lawyer and will be taking legal action

Pagane: Again same peoples... They use different names/grids but is same. Now with next fake account try to join us with her "webs". Always is same scraps from Sac* and nex Avi* About attacks, read this: htt... 2 years ago

Oh my!