LadyK Braveheart @LadyKBraveheart

Tennessee, USA Online

Joined 5 years ago

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A working SatyrFarm with other fun things to do. Visi the beach. Pet the animals. Go fishing or go horseback riding. There's also viewing areas and a secret cave.
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Unfortunately, grid is no longer. HomerunTouchdown, the owner, passed away! If anyone knows how to change my connection from this place to my new home inworld, please DM me instructions. I no longer have access to theonejam grid anymore.

Spax Orion: If I understand your question correctly, you wish to change the address to LadyrRanch to your new grid. Visit your listing and press EDIT SETTINGS. At the top of the new page that opens you can define... 3 years ago
Kenny Rogers Tribute
Where: LadyKranch
When: 3 years ago [12 Jan 2022 14:00 SLT]

This event is being held on another grid. I'm simply posting it on my profile to help them get more exposure!
Who: All of you! Kenny Rogers Fans!
What: DJ Howie presents Kenny Rogers Tribute
Where: Mandina Mountains: Happy Days Club on Gentle Fire Grid (hop:// Gentle Fire Grid Welcome Center: hop:// -- in case the above hop doesn't work. Mandina Mountains is on the GF map. Once you land at the Welcome Center, use the map OR the TP Kiosk to hop over to Happy Days Club.
When: TODAY, 1/12/2022
2-3 pm grid time: DJ Howie rocks the joint.
3-4 pm grid time: Kenny Rogers sings.
This is something you Kenny fans won't want to miss. See you there.

Hanging out for US Independence Day
Where: LadyKranch
When: 4 years ago [3 Jul 2021 19:00 SLT]

2 hours of great music and hanging out with friends...

Hanging Out at LadyK Ranch with TRF
Where: LadyKranch
When: 4 years ago [17 Apr 2021 19:00 SLT]

Join TRF, this Saturday for 2 hours of fun-filled music, dancing, and just hanging out; here:
We'll have a blast. Invite friends to join you.

TRF Hanging out @ LadyK Ranch
Where: LadyKranch
When: 4 years ago [20 Mar 2021 19:00 SLT]

Join us and hang out for fellowship, for some great dancing, and fun with TRF Ministries from 5 - 7 pm grid time. Danc'n to a variety of Contemporary Christian Tunes and enjoying time with friends. We'll be at the event barn/pavilion, here: hop:// See you there!

Danc'n & Hang'n Out
Where: LadyKranch
When: 4 years ago [6 Mar 2021 19:00 SLT]

Join us to hang out and fellowship for some great dancing with TRF Ministries from 5 - 7 pm grid time. Danc'n to a variety of Contemporary Christian Tunes and having fun with friends. We'll be at the event barn/pavilion, here: hop:// See you there!

Danc'n and Hanging Out
Where: LadyKranch
When: 4 years ago [20 Feb 2021 19:00 SLT]

Join us for some great dancing and hanging out with TRF Ministries from 5 - 7 pm grid time. Danc'n to a variety of Contemporary Christian Tunes and having fun with friends. We'll be at the event barn/pavilion, here: hop://

Danc'n and Fellowship
Where: LadyKranch
When: 4 years ago [30 Jan 2021 19:00 SLT]

Join us for some great dancing and fellowship with TRF Ministries. Danc'n to a variety of Contemporary Christian Tunes and having fun with friends. We'll be at the event barn/pavilion, here: hop://

Join us on Saturday, January 30, 2021 @ 7 pm grid time (Pacific Standard Time) for some great dancing and fellowship with TRF Ministries. Danc'n to a variety of Contemporary Christian Tunes and having fun with friends. We'll be at the event barn/pavilion on LadyK Ranch sim, here: hop://
Rock'n The Kingdom with DJ Jim
Where: LadyKranch
When: 4 years ago [16 Jan 2021 19:00 SLT]

Danc'n to a variety of Contemporary Christian Tunes and having fun with friends. We'll be at the event barn here: hop://

comments 13 post likes 7 SatyrFarm points 3,988,570
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Trianon Complex

Trianon World Grid is an amazing place. Events are great and so is the shopping. Original items for avatars and even original mesh bodies. I appreciate all of Essensual's and Adani's hard work. They're both awesome people. Ignore any negative stuff you see from others. It's false information.

Gentle Fire Grid

Gentle Fire Grid is a great community and fun people to hang out with. Like @Lilastone said: "awesome music every Wed, so got to come party with us here." There are great people on this grid.

Profile Comments

Thank you for the friend request LadyK! ♥