LaviaLavine @LaviaLavine


What you see is what you get. I'm not looking for romance or relaionships, though friends are nice family is better. Flattery will get you nowhere because I know BS when I hear it. If you're looking for a lover don't look at me, I'm not interested.

Joined 3 years ago

About Myself

I'm a strong independent woman. Some would say I'm a bitch but I really don't give a crap what they think they are irrelevant in my life. I have no time for BS so save it, I don't need your platitudes, don't want your flattery, and for God's sake don't try to save me from my low self esteem because it just doesn't exist. Oh, and one more thing, don't mistake my benevolence for weakness or stupidity - I can pick a "player" out in less than 5 seconds of conversation.

My Interests

Wild life, friends, music and anything to do with "Space" and the universe. Intelligent conversation is an important thing for me as is logic. Loyalty is also important to me as is honesty.

Favorite Quote

Some me see things as they are and say "why". I dream things that never were and say "Why not." ~ George Bernard Shaw.

Music I Like

Classical - Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart etc. Country - Classic from the 50's 60's 70's. Rock - Classic from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Gospel - Southern and Classic from the 50's 60's 70's.

Films I Like

The Passion of Christ - The Greatest Story Ever Told - The Ten Commandments

Books I Like

KJV Bible

My Heroes

Jesus Christ - God in the flesh on earth.

Viewer Version

Firestorm most recent

My Regions

Genesis Estates Realty
0 0 Estates Realty 0 Users
The real estate place for you to get land with the Genesis Roleplay Grid (Though you do not need to be a role player at all.)
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Starbase Kadour Haarets
6 0 Kadour Haarets 0 Users
The space storm came out of the Horse Head nebula catching the Star Ship Kadour Haarets in it's powerful winds and carrying it into a wormhole vortex. While being thrust through the vortex a large meteor narrowly missed them clipping one of the engines leaving it barely operable. When the ordeal w...
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Stag Hollow
3 0 Hollow 0 Users
A great time in the old west circa 1840 to 1890. Stepping back in time to hand pumped water, horses and carriages, cowboys, and Indians. Homes available to those who would like to live and role play here and role play is "as it comes" but must be kept within the genre of old west U.S. of A. And ...
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The Sandbox
2 0 Sandbox 0 Users
This is our sandbox region which we use for our Beginning Builders Classes and for grid builders to create and design. This sandbox is open only to grid members and Building Group members. Classes are every Sunday (except holidays) at 3:30pm Pacific (grid) time.
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Haven of Memories
7 0 of Memories 0 Users
This is a place where people from all over open sim can come to hold prayer vigils for the families of lost loved ones or for those who are potentially fighting for their lives, or to hold memorial services for the precious loved one's we've lost both in real life and in virtual, the loss feels just...
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Masala Al Kohav
30 0 Al Kohav 1 Users
STAR JINN PALISADE: Masala Al Kahov means "Wish upon a star". And here with us you may just find what you've wished for. Home to such builders as Thorvaldr Ragnarsson (Thor's Forge), Star Ravenhurst (Star Ravenhurst Designs), Dusty Falls (Fall's For You), the Skywinds (Skywind Designs), and your...
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Lioness Den
23 0 Den 0 Users
An African Savanna wildlife habitat reserve. Here you will find many of the animals of the beautiful land of Africa, also plants and flowers. Walk, ride or fly your tour, but most of all enjoy this very relaxing environment.
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We are greatly honored to be able to add a beautiful tribute Memorial Wall for a very precious man who did much to help many, Rudi Bakerly, was one of the most kind souls I have known and it was my privilege and honor to create this Memorial Wall to him. May he rest in eternal peace until we meet again at the rainbow bridge.

Hugabug: very beautiful memorial Rudi will be missed 1 years ago
I am a little confused because I see people complaining when they go to regions and try to copy stuff and get upset when it comes up "no copy" or there is a sign posted to the region that says, "Items here are not copiable". Some may not like what I have to say and some may agree with it, either way I don't care. The most of the things on my residential or educational regions are built by me. Not that I don't get furniture and plants which I can't build yet, but I do my own building and my builds are unique to my regions, made specifically for them, so you'll excuse me if I don't feel like sharing that with everybody and anybody who comes along. I did the work, I made the effort, I designed it and I did so to make it unique so why should I have to share it? Can you not come up with your own ideas and use your own creative juices to make your own unique things? Yes Open Sim is free, but that doesn't mean that just because someone is using it, they have to "give" everybody else their stuff that they've created and built. I've seen nowhere in the literature about Open Sim that it says you have to share your stuff. What it does do is give you a platform in which to create, develop and design for other people to enjoy.
Now I can understand if it's stuff that people know full well has been pirated from Second Life, which a large percentage of stuff in Open Sim is, however there are some outstanding creators, programmers, scripters, developers and designers who make their own original materials and if they chose to charge for that stuff that's their right, though I know most of them do not, they give it away freely out of the goodness of their heart. That said, I do give my stuff away, but it is located in our Masala Al Kohav region which is a whole region of nothing but freebies which includes original content and those things I've picked up from around Open Sim. The one thing I try to do is make sure that the original creator's name is on it and I can tell you that if it's pirated from Second Life the creator's name that you will see is NOT the original creator. So, here's the deal, if you visit any of my regions in that are open to the public to visit, and you see something you like, just go to our Masala Al Kohav region and you'll probably find the very same item there all boxed up and ready to go for you. If you see something you like in one of my regions, and it's not in our Mall Region, just shoot me a message and ask me nicely, you'll probably get the item in a couple of days depending on how often I'm on.
If you don't like how I do things, just remember this....You don't pay my grid costs.

Racci: I can respect people's opinions either way. Some people don't like copybotting, and sharing freely, then fine.. that is their choice, probably best for them to stay out of Opensim. I can also respect ... 1 years ago
I had for this lady a deep respect and appreciation and so created this memorial wall to her memory to reflect the beauty of the soul who was Veritas McMaster. May she know eternal peace and beauty as greatly and deeply as she created it in virtual for all to enjoy. She brought many smiles to many people may her joy be full in her eternal slumber.

nyxbreen: Thank you, Lavia, I know she loved this Virtual World, and now her soul lives in all realms. 1 years ago
I'm reading a lot of whining about "banning" oh how dare they?? ::gasp:: Listen, sweetheart, people have the right to ban whomever they wish for whatever reason they wish whether we like it or not - their grid or region, their rules their choice. I think it's a bit extreme, however, I have on occasions for personal reasons banned certain individuals because they have done their best to destroy my work or reputation, and we all know that people are generally inclined to believe the bad stories about someone rather than the good. I do not, as a rule, ban anybody who doesn't truly have it coming or who has not "requested" that I ban them, which has happened because I would not run my grid they way they wanted me to. I'd like to believe that everyone in open sim is adult, however that's a little like believing ice won't melt over a fire. I have met very few people in open sim that I dislike and then it is not the person I dislike so much as what they have done or said, but they are not banned nor will they be unless they earn it. I'm not going to name names and point fingers as that is "high school kid" stuff done by immature tattle tales who will go out of their way to make other's look days, I think they call them "Karens". So why don't we all just put on our "grown up" pants and panties and act like adults? Build, roleplay, dance, sing, create, design and develop and quit bitching about stuff that doesn't mean a hill of beans in the long run because the truth is, nobody cares if you've been banned. I do my best not to give anyone a reason to ban me but if you feel it's necessary for your own sanity, then by all means...have at it, I assure you it will not diminish me to the people who matter. You see the people who matter won't mind and the people who mind.....don't matter. Have a lovely day.

CyberGlo CyberStar: "never feed the pigs in the middle of a lightning storm..." - wise cowboy sayings 11 months ago
My latest memorial is a very very special one. It is a memorial for my mother, a victim of cancer at the age of 50. She taught me so much of how to be a decent human being and to respect others. It took a woman like her to raise a kid like me and I'm grateful to God that she was my mother. She wasn't perfect by a long shot, but she was the perfect mom for me. So I wanted to have a memorial for her in the Park for Mother's day. If you have a loved one you would like to have memorialized in the Haven of Memories, just let me know, we can discuss the particulars and there is no charge, it's a free service because I care. Blessings and much love, Lavia
And it is all done, the Chateau de Marqueur Royal Manor, Courtyard Garden, Gatehouse and Security Wall, and Stables and they're waiting just for you in our Star Jinn Palisade Mall at our Masala Al Kohav region. I have it all set out so you can see what it's like and enjoy a tour and I hope you will like it. It's beautiful, it's free it's full perm and it's waiting for you especially if you're doing a medieval or royal region it's a one stop shop deal, everything you need. I hope you will enjoy it, blessings and much love, Lavia

Milly Money: Its utterly gorgeous, and will serve now as our main arrival area at our Hub region on TRG. Just breathtaking and vast!! Wow :) 2 months ago

From all of us in The Pride to everyone, may you have a very blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, blessed New Year. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

thedeeferry: Wow, what a gorgeous lion! Magnificent! ≧❀‿❀≦) Same wishes to you and yours. 6 months ago
This memorial is for little "Gracie". If you want to shed a few tears while you're building something, just do a memorial for a baby. This precious little buddy was just a year old plus a few days, when she crossed over and her Grandmother asked me to do a memorial for her. This was not an avatar, this was a real life granddaughter and I can't begin to imagine the depth of the loss felt by the family. I hope this helps bring them some comfort and peace. Blessings and much love, Lavia

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mom's everywhere. May your day be filled with love, laughter, and lots of time with family. Blessings and much love, Lavia

My first feeble attempt at making a bed. I need to find the sleep pose ball for it and it'll be ready to go. Hopefully I'll learn to do more and nicer things. This will be available at our mall region in the furniture portion. Good thing it's free because I doubt anybody would pay for it LOL. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Star Ravenhurst: I like it! It is unique and I love the headboard! Those legs are kinda kool too! 1 years ago
It took a lot of work but it's finally arranged and now you can find ALL of Star Ravenhurst's Designs in ONE location in the Star Jinn Palisade Mall in the Masala Al Kohav region of the Genesis Roleplay Grid!! Star creates very beautiful things like furniture, vases, and lanterns, but she also creates buildings and landscaping items like trees and flowers. Star Ravenhurst Designs is virtually a small mall within a mall. Stop in and see what she has, all now in ONE location! Star Ravenhurst Designs - because elegance is a must.

Star Ravenhurst: Thank you, Lavia. This is a lovely surprise. Unfortunately, there are still a few bits floating about as I needed some sleep. I'm about to get busy and get the rest sorted. :) 29 days ago
My latest and probably most difficult memorial build, not that it was hard to do, but that it is a memorial to my very first pet who was so loyal, loving and protective. Wolfie was truly my best friend and to this day I miss him. He was half great Dane and half Siberian Husky and looked very much like a Canadian Timberwolf, hence his name. He was the most adorable puppy and grew into a beautiful and amazing adult dog. His memory will be forever treasured by me, but building the memorial brought a few tears to my eyes, I loved my boy.

Andremus Miklos: I know what you're talking about my friend, I miss my boy each and every day...Hugs 3 months ago
This New Year's Eve, on behalf of all of us here on - - - - , I would like to wish everyone in Open Sim a very Happy, peace filled, prosperous, and healthy New Year. Much Love - Lavia
We are at 14 and growing for the "Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid" wall. If you are not aware of it, to be on the Friends of the GRPG wall, all you have to do, is contact me, Lavia Lavine, either here in message or in world and let me know you want to have your region or grid represented in the wall. This will get you a walk through portal from our grid to yours and it will bear your logo and landmark, and that's really all there is to it. Some have asked me why I do this, well it's because with all the hatred, negativity and ridiculous competition in open sim, I felt it would be good to do something positive, just as I've seen other's do from time to time. It's not a "new" idea but it is sure a good one to get regions and grids networking with each other and growing a larger community. It's truly amazing to see the wonderful, beautiful creations that people have come up with for their grids and it's great fun to share it by networking. So if you'd like to be a Friend of the Genesis Roleplay Grid, just let me know!! Blessings and much love, Lavia

GlennXpletive: That is a positive thing to do Lavia. 22 days ago
The New Best Friends Pet Center (and mini zoo) is now open for all who would like to visit and maybe find your fur-ever friend. There are canines, felines, equines, reptilian, aquatic and fantasy critters, and all are Animesh to add that "alive touch" to your region or home. They are free and they are for you. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Milly Money: Easily the best pet resource on the entire Open Sim. My members love pets and animals, and we got everything we could ever want here!!!!! Awesome work Lavia, WOW!!!! 3 months ago
Just finished this "Stairway to Heaven" fountain which is located in Haven of Memories memorial gardens and I hope to add a couple more Memorial tributes. This region is open to everyone to visit, relax, reflect, remember and if you need to hold memorial services we have a large pergola/pavilion with plenty of seating. If you would like to commemorate a loved one and would like a tribute memorial built for them to place in Haven of Memories, just let us know we'll be very happy to do that for you. Blessings and much love, Lavia
Stop by and see some of the thing's I've built that you might like, though really I have builds all over the mall because we do our best to provide original builds as much as we can. While you're checking out my little corner, don't forget to stop by Ares Gizmos, Stuff N Things, Indego's Market & Boutique, Heart of The Matter Boutique, Creations by Tainted Angel, Cosplay Corner, Fall's For You, Thor's Forge and Star Ravenhurst Designs! We've got a little of everything waiting just for you.
TOMORROW!! May 1st, the HG Safari gang will be touring our very own Haven Of Memories region. This region is dedicated to preserving the beautiful memories of those loved ones, family members and friends, human or pet, who have gone through the portal of the ages and crossed over the rainbow bridge, not with a goodbye but "Until We Meet Again". Join HG Safari for this tour of a beautiful region that is created and designed with special consideration and love for others. The whole Safari begins with with a trip to Pangea grid where Karsten Runningbear invites everyone to explore his vehicle workshop, where he scripts all kinds of transportation - bike, car, plane, and boat - even a special seaplane that lands realistically on water! Bring your physical vehicle script questions, and be ready to crash a few times. After that, I will guide you through a tour of genesis grid's memorial region where people can go to remember loved ones. I will explain the motivation behind the build. Join us for the HG Safari tour. Wednesday, May 1st beginning at 12 noon pacific (SLT aka grid) time. The tour start point is Safari - grab a notecard with the LM list on it and jump in the tour. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Allow us to invite you to join our Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid HUD. Here we'll place a walk through (collision) teleporter with your logo and grid address so that when people walk through they will be teleported to your grid and the region you select. At Genesis Roleplay Grid we are working to create a more positive and cooperative atmosphere in Open Sim and we're doing it by networking grids and sharing anything that we can to help our "Friends'" grids succeed. The process is easy, contact me, Lavia Lavine, and send me your logo and the address and rezz point for your grid's chosen destination, and that's it. It's just that simple. Why do we do this? Because we want to and we can. I will also be forming a group for this for all "Friends of GRPG" to join so I can send notices and other information to those who join. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Milly Money: we are very proud to be included as a fellow Masala Estates member with Una, for The Roleplay Grid! Thank you Lavia! :) 2 months ago
One of my very favorite flowers is the Gladiolus, and I haven't really seen any anywhere in Open Sim so, I got busy and did my best to reproduce my beloved flowers here in virtual so I can share them with everybody else. These flowers always make me smile they are so regal and beautiful. You can find them at the Star Jinn Palisade Mall in our Masala Al Kohav region at the "Create A Scene Garden Center". They're beautiful, they're free, they're full perm so have fun with them. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Star Ravenhurst: The picture doesn't do justice to these lovely flowers. You want them in your garden! 2 months ago
We are working on a full pet shop and a mini zoo for folks to enjoy. You can look at the beautiful Animesh animals and find a pet to take home and love. But for now, the shop is not open as we want folks to have the full pleasure of it being completed before it's open to visit. We're trying to make this a complete Animesh pet shop and zoo. We think you'll love it. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
If you have a loved one you would like memorialized in the Haven of Memories, just message me. Whether the loved one be human or pet I will do my best to give them a beautiful memorial that you can cherish. Everyone gets a copy of the memorial before it goes out in the Haven of Memories. There is no charge for this service but donations are gratefully accepted. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
One of the very first memorials I ever built was to Harriet, Spoiled Diva Riches. She was working on the grid I was on at the time building Helheim as "Hela" and having a ball. The last time we spoke was December 7th, 2019. She is greatly missed and still much loved.
Stag Hollow is still under construction and it is a cooperative effort among various grid members. It took a little searching and a lot of editing but here we have a whole herd of buffalo grazing in the valley between the town and the Indian camp. All are welcome to visit and if you'd like to have a home on this region we can discuss particulars. There is a hot air balloon to ride or you can find a horse rezzer in the stables of the blacksmith shop. Tour the hotels and restaurants and enjoy the many homes and businesses in this small town of Stag Hollow. There really is a lot to see here and I believe you'll enjoy it. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
This sweet lady was Jackie, Softwhisper Littlewing who was a DJ I got to know in Second Life and she was amazing and so much fun. We lost Jackie in 2020 to cancer and she will be forever missed and loved. I designed this memorial to her as a DJ she so loved music and dance.
In light of all the complaining about "copybotting" we have decided to give a "Builder's School" a shot, but this is strictly for beginners. If you are a seasoned builder it's not for you, however, if you'd like to share tips and building ideas to help other's become awesome builders it would be most welcome. If we get enough interest, we will set out a region and beacon and set up a day of the week when we can help teach building all manner of things from homes to hats and more. If you are interested in learning to build and give your grid original and unique content, these classes may just be for you. We will be teaching not only prim building, but how to turn that into mesh and also terraforming and landscaping as well as texture aligning and including many tips that make building in Open Sim a really "FUN" experience. If you would like to take these classes please contact me, Lavia Lavine, here in the OSW page via private message and I'll forward the information to you. -- Much Love, Lavia

From all of us on, to everyone in open sim. May you truly find peace and joy this Christmas and throughout the coming new year.

Genesis Roleplay Grid will be off line for a couple of hours barring any issues to allow for an upgrade to a newer version and some other maintenance responsibilities. We'll be back as quickly as we can.

LaviaLavine: Our Masala Al Kohav region is back on line for all who wish to do a little shopping. I will be sure to let you know when the other regions are available. :) Thank you all for your wonderful suppor... 3 months ago
Ask and ye shall receive. The church I made was loved but, far too big for my friend's needs, so when I suggested something smaller, it was agreed I'd make a chapel and this is it. A really beautiful little stone chapel that has a wonderful warmth to it and it comes fully decorated and furnished. It's free, full perm, and waiting for you at the Star Jinn Palisade in our Masala Al Kohav region. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Some great fun at the base, and the raptors would love to have you for dinner, literally.... You have a HOT BODY? These guys think you look positively delicious. Visit and tour Kadour Haarets and take heart, you can outrun these guys but if you don't, your sacrifice and contribution to the preservation of these amazing creatures will be forever remembered. Blessings and much love, Lavia
I'm excited about our very newest shop opening at last. Indigo's Market and Boutique with beautiful items that are unique! Stop by and check it out, you're gonna love it!! You can find it on the Teleport Billboard...Indigo's Market & Boutique! Open for your shopping pleasure.

IndigoQueen King: Thank you Lavia for the space and the opportunity to share my creations on your amazing grid. Huggs you tight :))) 4 months ago
This memorial is a pet memorial and it's for my daughter's (Metal Tango's) dog whom we lost in July of 2023, he crossed the rainbow bridge of all days on the 4th gaining his independence to run free with his sister Blitz and several other fur babies that have crossed over before him. He is quite sadly missed, but he had a good and exciting life with travel all over the country and plenty of love from Gamma! He was Gamma's boy for sure.

Our newest region, Starbase Kadour Haarets! Check it out, explore! It's not done but it's open to be visited.

Another of my attempts to build something fully in Blender, a ceramic water pitcher and wash basin, perfect for potting flowers and arrangements and also great for old west role play. This comes in a fat pack with 8 different textures and it's free, C/M/T, and waiting for you in "Lavia's Little Corner" of the Star Jinn Palisade Mall aka Masala Al Kohav. So come, wish upon a star, and you may just find what you're looking for. 90% of the builds are originals and a blend of mesh and prim. Drop by and visit all the sites and shops in our 4x4 region mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Lillysparks: Oh my gosh that is gorgeous! Nice work! 7 months ago
Here in the town of Stag Hollow, we have plenty of free homes for those who choose to live here. There are Hotels, Motels, a Saloon, Shops (that need business owners), A railroad (soon fully operational), hot air balloon rides, boating on the lake, swimming in the lake, Farms, Ranches, Native American Settlements, Little Houses on the Prairie and badlands that are gorgeous, waterfalls, rivers and plenty of trails to ride horses on. But, it's all mid 19th century aka the 1800's so no cars, no busses, no factories, just good, clean, fun living. Take a chance, step back in time, and enjoy a life where you can do things with your own hands and nobody has electronics. All living quarters are free, and if you like Role Playing "western" that doesn't look like a ghost town come and have fun. If interested, contact me. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
A little something I made to enjoy on your region, it's not perfect but it sure is fun! A vintage hot air balloon with basket and chairs to sit while you ride and enjoy your region or give a balloon tour of your region. It is C/M/T and waiting just for you in the "Patio & Outdoor" department of our Star Jinn Palisade Mall in our Masala Al Kohav region. Blessings and much love, Lavia
One of my older builds from the former grid though I've made some adjustments and added a couple things and now it's ready for you to give it a home in your beautiful region. This fine church comes with a few decorations, working doors and pews with sits. It is C/M/T though some of the mesh parts may not be agreeable to retexture. I hope you will enjoy it as it would be a gorgeous place for a wedding, baptism, Sunday service, or even a comforting place to hold a memorial service. You can find it here at the Star Jinn Palisade Mall in the Masala Al Kohav region. I look forward to building more for you to enjoy. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
This is just one of the many beautiful sights to see at the Wildlife Preserve called Peaceful Enclave located on the Lioness Den region of our grid. Glow worms are such a beautiful sight to see in their dark caves and this little cave is no exception to that rule. Stop in and tour the region, enjoy the animals and the landscape, there is just so much to see and you can tour on foot, on a horse or use one of our many vehicles available. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

LaviaLavine: On a side note, the preserve covers the entire 4x4 region not just the front quarter where the museum is. 10 months ago
The latest of my builds now on display at the mall, the sales box is in front of the house and it is open to all to explore the house inside and out. It does have unlinked doors so if you get it be sure to set it out in edit and keep it in edit until it's positioned. This beautiful home is yours for free to use on your region and I hope you love it. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Star Ravenhurst and I were honored to be on the Inworld Review program today, March 19th to be interviewed about Masala Al Kohav, Star Jinn Palisade Mall. It was an awesome time and it really let us talk about why we do what we do and what we have to offer. I'm including a link so you can watch it if you like. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
My newest creation, suspended ratan basket patio chairs and glass top table. Complete with sits just right click and select "sit" then adjust. You'll find it in our Mall region with the other patio furniture creations. And there will be more to come. Blessings and much love - Lavia

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My Reviews

MegaStore houses

Awesome stuff here! nicely organized quality stuff and I hope to see more!


This place is an awesome place to shop and I like the respect they show for other creators and builders. Beautiful stuff, well laid out and organized. Good Job!

Paraiso das Calopsitas

This is certainly a great region with all kinds of things one can use to decorate, build and create with. Awesome job!!


I really can't say enough good about this region or it's owner, Roland is just awesome and so kind hearted. The region is so inviting and relaxing to just stroll through or ride a horse, it's a must see.

Twiztid Timez Welcome Area

Very well put together, very well organized and a totally beautiful setting, I very much enjoyed visiting and will, no doubt, be back to enjoy this place more. Great job!!

HG Comercial

No Foreign users allowed in this region.

The Garth

Positively love this place, now that I've found it! Well organized, clearly marked selections and lots and lots of great stuff! I highly recommend it for your shopping pleasure!


Great region with a lot of very nice things and a very nice and accommodating owner.

The Shopping District

This place promises to be quite AWESOME!

Home of Merci

Awesome little place keep up the good work!!!

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