LaviaLavine @LaviaLavine


What you see is what you get. I'm not looking for romance or relaionships, though friends are nice family is better. Flattery will get you nowhere because I know BS when I hear it. If you're looking for a lover don't look at me, I'm not interested.


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No Regions found by that name.
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We just have to shop around to find them.
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This has been my opinion for a long time. It's really hard to find clothing that are items I'd actually wear IRL. Modesty does not seem to be a trendy thing in OS. But if you should start a classy store with classy clothing, "lady like" clothing I'm all for that and would shop there. ^5
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Oh and when you land at the Quintonia region, it's the first building to the left, you'll see a room full of different boxes, it's the 1st box.
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It should be in the very first box. It's an animal rezzer with "options". In the Options you can select the "type" of animal you want to rez, "animal" or "pet". If you select pet they do not have to be fed. It will give you other options such as "force adult" or not, to have them need to be fed or not. I have them all over my wildlife preserve at Lioness Den and I love em. You can interact with them by petting them. There is also a note card in the animal's "content" folder where you can change if they give Manure, feathers, eggs, milk. By setting all of those to 0 they won't, but I usually take it one step further and remove those things from the animal's content inventory.
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We actually had a GREAT class tonight with quick learners. Hope to see you all next week at the same time and place.!
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Thank you Star for that wonderful review and yes we welcome anybody from any grid who would like to memorialize a loved one from the virtual world, however we also have a section for those whom have been lost IRL such as family members, friends, whomever and those names, DOB &DOD are listed in a golden frame on the memorial wall topped by an eternal flame. We all love to remember those who are still very special in our hearts and you know what...I'll even include pets that you've lost because many of us have fur babies we've lost. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
I am sorry I thought it was Virtual World Residents since it is built in Virtual. I leave RL where it belongs. :)
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I'll have to give that a shot, thanks! :D
Or better, SFposer. It's similar to PMAC, it has all the features of PMAC, and it was developed by OSW's own Satyr Aeon. ( It's actually very easy to convert from PMAC to SFposer.

And unlike PMAC, everyone can adjust their individual positions. With PMAC, only the owner can adjust positions by editing markers.

You can get a complete starter kit on Satyr's own sim OpenSimWorld (
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Yes in the old days we called "asking" for something that you liked that someone else had "respectful common courtesy". It is severely lacking these days.
Too many people in OS have a sense of entitlement. They believe that people owe them something in exchange for nothing. It's a symptom of a narcissistic or an antisocial personality disorder.

What they fail to understand is that if you treat others with respect, compassion, gratitude, and are genuinely kind to others, they will feel more free to return the same goodness to you.
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You clearly didn't read very closely what I said because I DO share my stuff freely and full perm, but NOT from my private regions, it can be found in our shopping/freebie regions..I don't want people taking it from our RP and residential regions so I Won't need to go back to SL since I'm not from there.....And I know this is open sim "BABY" and you may not think your time is worth more than others but I do because some of us actually WORK to build things and the rest just freeload from that work, and I think that a little more respect is do to those of us who do build and I don't take all the CMT from others and pass it on that it's no CMT and my own things are also CMT so next time read before you spout darlin!!!
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Sadly I think you're right. I had some woman show up on my building school region which has only that structure and wanted to know "where are all the fabulous builds you made that everybody is coming to take, I want to see them,but you have NOTHING here!? Seriously? Some days it takes every ounce of my strength not to reach through the monitor and choke some people!!! LOL I told this person to look at the OSW page and find my regions and go there since that's how she got where she was in the first place. I hate having a battle of wits with someone who is so clearly unarmed.
Try one ear and out the other method..Oh then count to 100..I mean 10.
LOL I wondered how that was done! Gotta work on my counting skills I never get past 2.
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I've been in Open Sim now for several years and it was very much all about how many copy botted things from Second Life we could pack our land with rather than actually learning to build because we don't have to pay for every single texture we upload or for the mesh models we upload or for the photographs we take. There is so much that IS free to help people learn to build and design for themselves. Open Sim was never intended to be a "pack your cart with pirated SL stuff". It was intended for us to have the chance to be creative in our own right with out it costing a fortune to do so like it does in Second Life. I started out in Kitely and left because I could no longer afford it as I'm on a very fixed income. So I understand the plight of those who do not know how to build or use their viewer's capabilities to create and produce, but I made up my mind to do just that. It's not easy but in the end, it's worth every bit of the effort. And it isn't that I "don't" give my stuff away to people, I do, but not from my residential, role playing, educational and private regions - sorry but that stuff is mine. If folks want a copy they can get it at our mall region.
When I started Open Sim, there was not all the copy-botted stuff you see now. Classic avatars and prim and sculpted built furniture were the norm. I wish that all the copy-botted stuff had not made it to open sim and more folks learned to create themselves. I think a lot of the prim-built furniture is far more beautiful than the mesh stuff that all starts looking alike after a while. I have heard the term "Liberated From Second Life". I call BS. It is stealing plain and simple and you can't dress it up with pretty words and call it anything else other than theft. Someone..NOT the Lindens made that stuff and likely had to pay something to upload their textures, mesh, etc. So you are stealing from people just like you, not some corporate giant. Heck even if you are taking it from the is still stealing and you are a thief. That's the truth of it. That said...I think we all end up using some of the we are all thieves. :)
Hey, I resemble that accusation.
LOL yup, guilty by association.
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Indeed, she has touched so many of us in such a gentle and beautiful way.
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I have 6, 5 of which are for role play as I role play different characters as needed in the story line, and 1 specifically for Grid Admin work and building. Anybody doesn't like it I could care less, they don't pay my internet or my grid expenses.
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Astonishingly beautiful this is a must see for everyone!
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Das war ein Schock für mich! Rudi war ein wunderbarer Mensch und eine große Hilfe bei so vielen Dingen. Ihr habt mein tiefstes und aufrichtigstes Beileid, sein Verlust ist ein Verlust für uns alle.
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Oh I forgot to add that the Refrigerator has working drawers and doors and gives ice water to drink. :)
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My deepest and sincerest condolences to all of her family and friends, such heartbreaking news.
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I'm wondering if by "damaged" you don't mean "hurting", if that's the case yes there are and there are many here who are physically disabled such as myself. This can be very stressful and here in OS it gives us a release, an avenue to escape the stresses of a disabled life which allows us to be creative and "useful" again, especially when people appreciate our creations, like our regions and let us know. These things help to boost our morale, if not our ego, just a little bit and makes for a pleasant time spent here in OS. We need to learn to work out our own situations and conditions with expectant enthusiasm and peaceful contentment. Is it okay to be "broken" or "damaged" many people are in their hearts...I had a broken neck which left me permanently damaged and I find no shame in that. As they say, crap happens. Crazyposeidon is right, age is not an issue nor does it make people "damaged" but I do like that here I can be what I want and look how I want and create beautiful things for people to enjoy. I count myself blessed to have my friends and OS family here.
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I am from OS grid and cannot log in let alone visit other grids. It's a nice offer though. :)