LaviaLavine @LaviaLavine


What you see is what you get. I'm not looking for romance or relaionships, though friends are nice family is better. Flattery will get you nowhere because I know BS when I hear it. If you're looking for a lover don't look at me, I'm not interested.


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We are slowly coming back up, but anything worth having is worth waiting for. Please be patient and bear with us while we undergo this upgrade. Blessings and much love, Lavia
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Due to unforeseen circumstances in real life (family emergency) the upgrade for the grid will take place at a later date and we will continue on the original system for a time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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Always happy to be able to make people's virtual lives a little brighter and happier! I hope to be adding more animals as time goes by.
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Luna is indeed an inspiration to us all. Also Roland Francis is quite talented and personable, love the things he's made that I use in my Lioness Den safari region. Misty Falls is another that I like and Star Ravenhurst. All excellent creators in their own right. Blessings and much love Lavia.
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To help you find the pet center, when you land at our welcome spot, find the telepad that looks kind of like a manhole cover, and click it, then select number 15 on the pop up menu. That will take you to the Pet Center.
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Very well put together, very well organized and a totally beautiful setting, I very much enjoyed visiting and will, no doubt, be back to enjoy this place more. Great job!!
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That's not a rock, it's petrified dinosaur poo!! :D
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I have seen textures I've gotten from the internet and used, in different places all over open sim, and the reality is, none of those people who have those textures know me, neither have they visited my grid to see said textures so I cannot say they stole them from me when it is clearly obvious they did not. However, even if they did, it would be a compliment because it would mean they loved something I picked and used it, imitation is the highest form of compliment. If they found it on the internet and used it and it's the same texture I picked, well then, they have great taste. Blessings and much love!!
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You are most welcome...::huggles back::
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Star once again you have created something very beautiful, but then I've come to expect no less. Great job!
Thank you, Lavia.
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Destination does not allow visitors from my world? What the heck is that about? Not a happy camper.
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Much like the media, some people lean to wild, paranoid, speculative accusations without a modicum of actual evidence to support their claims. These types are best taken with a grain of salt and forgotten and left to their own little fantasy world entrapped in their own fear filled minds.
His slander can not go unanswered because too many believed this fraud. As a result, Sylvia is now banned on several grids.

As I say, "there are people with a problem and there are people who are a problem." Cyber is both. But his credibility is being destroyed because his fantasies are being countered with facts. He should cause less of a problem in the future, but, sadly, he will still be a problem.
Como no hubo suficiente me han contado porque sigo sin poder ver nada, que ahora puso unas frases que yo nunca vi, igual que tampoco vi caer la sim en ningún momento. Que raro que no las posteara antes, ha tenido dos días para fabricarlas. Este hombre no está bien y creo que no hay nada que hacer. Hizo tanto el ridículo que ahora es incapaz de retroceder en sus embustes y pedir disculpas, a pesar de que todos vieron que mi IP es española y no soy la tal Priscila. En fin... Como dices Nico este hombre es un problema y antes o después le tocará el turno a otra persona que también difamará como sea.
Well none of you are banned on our grid :) feel free to visit when you like.
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Have a wonderfully blessed, happy and healthy New Year Roland!
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I have the 6.6.16 and so far it's working fine, though I did a "clean install".
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We had to change the time from 17:00 Pacific to 18:00 Pacific because we have a very active and busy DJ. Hope to see you all there as everyone is welcome and this is a SEMI FORMAL Christmassy Occasion.
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Wishing the best for you all! Until you're back you will be greatly missed!
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Don't have access to the parcels.
Eröffnung ist erst am 1.12.23
Opening is only on December 1st, 2023
Oh okay...I will greatly look forward to it!!! :D
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Sorry you're having those issues, been there, done that.
We will get it fixed, we do have a backup just in case.
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hop:// try going here and then find the black TP panel to his region R. Lion Furniture.
I GOT THERE..That was just so kind ; D...