LeonitasLionheart @LeonitasLionheart

Uranus Offline

The King


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Well done Lone and Luna and all of WT! Rooting for y'all!
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I collect nickels. Got about 3 so far.
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This is common sense to me; but it's also a very Needed post that hopefully some of the shall we say less tech savvy in the community should take to heart. So many of us provide and share so many nice things with each other. Regardless of who first created items, people share out of the kindness of their hearts. The least we can do is be respectful and considerate. take 1 item, ensure it arrives, wait a few seconds before moving on to the next item. Obey posted limits/rules on each grid all over opensim, and if you grab more than 1 or 2 items, please consider doing something nice...posting a nice comment or review, or thanking the host/provider in person if ya see them. Manners do exist and consider this my generalized thank you to everyone on opensim that shares anything, even just a smile :)
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Those outfits are coco-NUTS! A+! well done and ty!
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In most cases the money sits there unused until/unless the MP owner unlists items and/or suspends the account, unless the seller has a friend or loved one they gave login info to.
Yeah that is what im wondering.
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Orange you betting people will go bananas over this?
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Thanks for all you do, Fred! Happy birthday!
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Loving her was like loving the dead.
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Tell me about it! Still feels like summer here, most of the time.
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amazing sale, happy to support such a talented creator in any way myself and Remmy can! osFest overall has been such a blessing to opensim and so fun! ty Luna!
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Be safe. Prayers go out to you all.
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ah, good. my order from Lovenseā„¢ arrived!
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That's not a rock! ...it's clearly a stone. I mean, it looks stoned, to me.
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didn't vote on this because opensim is so many things, and everyone has different ideals and opinions. i personally would encourage everyone to try their hand at learning new skills, and/or adding to their existing skillset/s. i also realize some/many are just consumers, looking for a place with cheaper tiers than sl (who charge more for a region than some households pay for their rl home/apartment/rent). this is a very complex issue, but i personally believe the whole "sharing is caring" thing is bs propaganda to justify copybotting, which is mostly done from sl.

Even this is a murky issue; i certainly do not encourage anyone to do this, nor do i do it. I also am not blind or ignorant to the FACT that a good majority of the nice things on OS are copybotted items. Let's take for instance the Jian boa constrictor enclosure floating around. This is an inferior item to the sl version. You can change textures and many other settings in sl. I know because i bought it in sl, along with around 200 other fine products from Jian. But they don't/won't sell in os. Do i feel guilty for displaying on os something i bought in sl? No. And if an official jian staff asked me to remove it from inventory or my grid, i would comply. I personally don't see a huge issue with it; but i have my own personal moral code. I choose to pay the original creator in sl if i use something even mostly in os.

While i am deeply appreciative of those who share...i certainly do not demand or expect people to share things they worked hard on. I shop on kitely mp and pay for original content, as well as create my own. What DOES get infuriating is when narcissists act entitled and demand that everything be free on opensim. Grow up. Someone is paying for your server, electricity bills, many are busting their butts creating the pretty places and the nice items that you take for granted.

How many stop and thank someone for sharing items they got for free? Like honestly, take time to thank a creator, or someone sharing things, or compliment someone on a nice venue you had a nice and free time at? Just common decency and manners, something i was raised with, and take to heart.

Another thing i see a lot of: people sharing things they KNOW are copybotted, they got these items free and full perm somewhere, or they pop perms and then place their own perms on em, then they lecture and/or ban people if they acquire too many of these stolen items they are sharing. The whole "i stole this fair n square, renamed it, repermed it so now i am the creator" simply does not fly with me. Whom exactly do y'all think you are fooling?

My parting thought will be a quote from the movie, Jurassic Park, which i feel is Very applicable to my recent thought above^ :

Dr. Ian Malcolm : If I may... Um, I'll tell you the problem with the scientific power that you're using here, it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don't take any responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had, you patented it, and packaged it, and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now

[bangs on the table]

Dr. Ian Malcolm : you're selling it, you wanna sell it. Well...

***To be clear...Opensim is a wonderful and complex place, it is not any one thing; nor should it be. It is to each user what they wish it to be. My main point i think is that we should all try to have fun, and if you can share knowledge and teach a friend Blender or other skills...please pay it forward! If you want to learn, check out YouTube and the Numerous classes all over sl and opensim. Most of em are free. If you are a consumer, and just want a cheap or free place to relax; I encourage you to be humble, and be thankful. Thank those that share, thank region and grid owners, leave nice reviews here on OSW, etc. Bee kind to each other! Bzzzzzz ;)
That kind of irritates me as well. Freebie sim owners who ban everyone upon first strike who picks up more than three items or so or enters the "wrong" store. Or, worse yet, freebie sim owners who change the permissions on everything they offer to no-transfer. All so nobody can use that stuff in their own competing freebie stores.

Mind you, they themselves have acquired all that stuff on other freebie sims. This means it's still out there on other freebie sims. Almost always full-perm even. Their aspiring competitors can put together the exact same collection of items by visiting two or three other sims.

No-transfer won't stop them anyway. I guess most freebie sim owners have god-mode access, so they can change whatever they've acquired to full-perm. They may respect notecards that come with original OpenSim creations or SL content imported with permission and ask people not to god-mode these items and share them in their freebie stores. But in the case of blatantly copybotted SL content, there's nothing keeping them from god-moding it back to its original state.

At the same time, over-zealous banning as well as no-transfer will keep the main target audience of freebie sims away: normal customers. No-transfer will come back to bite them when they create a new avatar to move grids, but they can't take half their stuff with them, and they have to re-acquire it. And blocking them will have them go shopping elsewhere. Besides, not everyone who picks up more than three or four boxes wants to fill a competing freebie store. Maybe it's a newbie with an almost empty inventory who needs to stock up.

By the way, something else that's senseless is exporting a freebie sim as an OAR and then re-installing it from the OAR, just so that everything on the sim is attributed to the sim owner as its creator. Nobody will actually believe that the sim owner has created all that stuff anyway.
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Just too much here i do not know where to begin, other than thank you!
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Druskus is very talented and i am so utterly impressed and appreciative for all the builds and items shared here. Thank you!
Thank you for the comment and for the nice chat we had, very pleasant and constructive! Your gift will remain on my avatar as a token of appreciation to you!
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I love being the spectacled cobra aka "nadder"! It is often an opportunity to teach people that even deadly venomous creatures are beautiful and play a critical role in their ecosystem... They just command respect. If we educate ourselves and each other, a whole new world of growth opens up!
I had a recent visit on my porch by a rattle snake, he was sure buzzing loudly!! It did not strike me and it could have as close as it was. I was recently reading about their emotions and how when frightened the rattle to alarm the other snakes, which thankfully also warns us to stay away. All beings have feelings.
Well if we think about it, the average human is about 100x or more bigger than the average snake. If there were rl humanoid giants like 200 feet tall that almost step on us, we would be scared, too! ;)
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What is a "sex bed"? Is it a bed that will tell me my gender? I know nothing of these things. *polishes halo*
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If I wore a pirate hat, I am concerned I might be constantly in search of booty.
that fits right in with the ethos of opensim. Perfect.
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Sharing is caring is a wonderful polyamory slogan. Entitlement is greed might be what fallenangel meant. Be thankful for whatever freebies and trinkets one can find. There is plenty of free public domain mesh online. Learn blender. Free videos on YouTube to teach you. Free classes all over the Internet. I fully plan to support Luna and her creativity once I need such items for a build. Wanna be a good person? Love a "free" item on opensim and use it, but recognize it from sl? Go to sl and pay the original creator if you can. The GimmeGimme's are a fierce tribe, but supporting original creators gives them reason to continue making the awesome items we love. And for Pete's sake, when you see someone that gave or shared something... Say ty now and then. Pete will appreciate it. ;)