LeonitasLionheart @LeonitasLionheart

Uranus Offline

The King


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Your personal attacks are indeed bullying, Glenn. I DID and STILL have you blocked, and i am not running, mother trucker. Your posts still show despite blocking you. All of your bullying and personal attacks just expose you as the narrow minded hateful person you are. You can rot in your own hateful pissed off world all you want, but you shall not run me out of my own country. I will fight and die for what i believe in if i must, but i will not sit here and be bullied and listen to the constant negativity and pretend like your politics and hatred are a joy to see. In the end, i am prepared to meet my maker and be judged by God, not by Glenn or his expletives.
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Safine i have always adored you. You are rational, you try to stay neutral, you speak with common sense and wisdom. I very much hate speaking out, but I am not someone that can stand idle when the same few people spew hatred and intolerance. At some point those of us who are sick of seeing the negativity, need to push back and let our voice be heard. Knowledge is power. Listen to one another is not the same as agree with one another. Let everyone speak their free mind; but do not let the trolls and bullies get us down! Positivity, creativity, love, laughter, intelligence, wisdom.
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It is amusing, ironic, and sad when people come out of the woodwork ranting negative comments about a positive message. I sincerely hope opensim does not continue to devolve into a forum for politics and hatred. Can the majority of us learn to relax and have fun? I personally bite my tongue 90% of the time, but when the same handful of people keep shoving verbal diarrhea in every direction on here, making things less fun just based on their own hatred and misery...sometimes it's time for the kind souls to push back and say enough is enough.
It would be nice if people wouldn't be such hypocrites ATTACKING and BULLYING others that don't care about them or agree with their emotionally disturbed issues. Such a bunch of bullshit that someone says STOP HATE While they Beat you over the head with the sign! THAT is what this crap is. It needs to end and I'm sick of their shit. Wanna fudgepack? Go ahead, I don't CARE.
so your point is that we should stop bullying and attacking each other; and the way you make this point is by bullying and attacking others? Brilliant, Sir.
That is EXACTLY what THEY do. But apparently in your eyes, My displeasure and disapproval, is bullying. So now you are bullying me? I guess you still don't see the point.
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I like the idea but have a feeling even if this was implemented, it would turn into a tool for cliques, gangs of friends and trolls to gang up on and be negative to people. The kind people are often the most silent, and the vocal minority are often the ones providing the grief.
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3 words...fab...you...less! now to see if i can make this fit Jake/Ares xD
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I love the argument "I worked hard to find or steal previously stolen stuffs! I made it full perm for myself; but nm/nt for you all! And it may be full perm on 280 other grids, but on mine it's special! I took a picture, put it in a box, even slapped a fancy store logo on it! Hard work! I did Something related to this item so now I own it!" God Bless the ignorant. The original creator that made the mesh and/or built/ textured the item should be the ones setting the rules on the item. If you didn't create the item yourself, perhaps be less like a spoiled entitled child who won't share their toys.
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Cyber, why do you wish to shoot things at us so hard that we go flying? Innocent smile
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Sounds lovely. Live it up and enjoy, friend! =D
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Oh dear. Seems someone has stolen half of these ladies dresses. Would you wish to report a crime? La policia? ;) teasing... Great work!
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Shine on, you crazy diamond! :D
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Yessssssss! Anything with snakes is cool. Mythology as well. Bravo!
hahahahahah nothing related to a profile right?
No nothing related to someone who breeds them rl and educates people, definitely! Chat later, I have a reptile conference to attend today!
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Indeed some fantastic selections. Marpil is blessing the Lara x crowd lately! Bravo!
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Well I suppose the definition of fantastic varies greatly from person to person, but, in general, there's more women's fashion due to a higher percentage of women concerned about their appearance than men. For instance I wear a lot of Nike, Polo, stylish brand name jeans and shorts, hip-hop, etc in rl. Would be nice to see a dazzling assortment of menswear on opensim. And for bodies other than 99% signature Gianni when I do see them, as if it's the only option. I myself wear belleza Jake in sl, so too on os. (Ares)
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lovely. consider my curiousity piqued! keep up the great work and ty for all you do for opensim *hugs*
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Thank you for being so helpful to the opensim community, safine.
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YESSSSSSSSSSSS....SSSSSSSSSS....i soooo need thisssssss in my life!
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Judging by the gorgeous ocean picture i would say it is a giant megalodon shark; whom is not only *not* extinct, but you taught how to play the piano. Am I close?
nope and not even close
Hmm...*wracking my brain*...is it a 2-toed tortoise who tends to trollop along on his tippy toes while tipsy from tee many Martoonies?
its not an animal, ill give you a hint. Welcome
ooh ooh ooh! welcome to the jungle? a guns and roses concert? :D
no lol and ur way off
some tell me i am off my rocker, but i don't even own a rocking chair so how do i get on it? i mean i can setup a concert stage but idk what a rocker i might become doing what i know...Barney's greatest hits! Sing with me people! "I love you, you love me!"...
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Some very fine points, Safine. I just want to point out i have had many conversations with some very intelligent cows who for some reason are very opposed to leather, and been highly recommending i try bunny fur...
Not sure, but somebunny may object. ; )
Some bunny tried to sell me a lucky rabbits foot one day, but he wanted to charge me an arm and a leg! I said PFFT! get out of my hare!
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Lauper. Monster been trying to get her to sing Monster just wanna have fun.