Darkness Papp @LupesMagicForest

UK Offline

Builder of sims of all sorts. Not all online all the time here in OS. I also returned a smaller version of Lupe's Magic Forest in Secondlife - visit me there, its alot warmer.

Builder of the original Hobbiton in Open Sim is online for the next hour! Pop in and say hello!

Down the valley of the last homely house

A few modifications to an already great version of Rivendell. This is the original I made in OS, which I provided to Dreamgid and Ferd Ferderick to license for free to Dreamgrid users .. catch the creator doing some weeding there for the next hour or so ....
Hobbiton is indeed on Dreamgird as a downloadable OAR. I created the original; and licensed it to OUTWORLDSZ/Ferd Frederick as a free OAR to Dreamgrid users along with several others. Check out the license details on the OAR download, David Dennt/Darkness Papp. The original version is quite different from the one modified by Ferd Frederick of Outworldz.

Darkness Papp: Rivendell is indeed on Dreamgird as a downloadable OAR. i created the original; and licensed it to OUTWORLDSZ/Ferd Frederick as a free OAR to Dreamgrid users along with several others. Check out the l... 1 years ago

KatKakoola: lol - hello Grace how have you been? Did you mean Outworldz? Hope you're well. 1 years ago

KatKakoola: lol - hello Grace how have you been? Did you mean Outworldz? Hope you're well. 1 years ago

Grace Mondo: this is an oar from dreamgrid 1 years ago

Grace Mondo: this is an oar from dreamgrid 1 years ago

Grace Mondo: this is an oar from dreamgrid 1 years ago

Darkness Papp: Access direct or via link on Darkport docks 1 years ago

Another pirate sim you can get to from Darkport Docks -Skull island, worth a visit!

Bag End in Hobbiton at Shirelands, based on the original floor plan by Tolkien. Come steal Bilbo's spoons or raid his pantry!!

Lupe's Magic Forest existed in SL for over a decade before costs there got too much - now a new Lupe's , four times bigger is here on HG on a top class server 24/7. So come and wander, ride horsesm, play your RP on this immensely beautiful naturist sim,.