Debra Ann Congi @ManeShieldmaiden

Alberta, Canada Offline

Just a lady who likes the game and building in this virtual reality. I LOVE WINTER and CHRISTMAS

Liked posts

holiday Haven is taking shape. I have all people out now. There are some other Christmas trees, landscaping etc. Adding more daily!

Tainted Angel: This is wonderful, thank you so much for sharing!! Some of the animesh and other items people can't buy or copy, just a little heads up there. But I think its great with what you've got going so far. 7 months ago

Die Dagostino Family hat ihre Winter-Weihnachtssim wieder geƶffnet....
Viel Spass beim Shoppen-Tanzen-Schlittschuhlaufen-Snowmobilefahren oder what ever..

Osterfeuer / Easterfire
Where: PSSMG Paradise
When: 2 years ago [17 Apr 2022 20:00 SLT]

Osterparty / Easterfire

Importing some works...