Marianna @Marianna

3 (H)ills (G)rid = 3HG Online

Copyrighted Jewelry designer creator, a grid owner-tech, magazine editor in chief, and admin at Outworldz. You may email with requests. You may fill out reports at Help Manual---->

Image by @FerdFrederix Zensational's Sakuragawa

Discover a beautiful virtual space where we offer Tai Chi and Buddha Meditation.
般若心経 (Hannya Shingyō), our Heart Sutra, teaches that all buddhas of past, present, and future rely on prajna-paramita to achieve unsurpassed, complete, perfect enlightenment. We welcome everyone here, 💗

Cozy little coves at Catena di Isole. Everyone is welcome here di Isole

Lillysparks: that is adorbs I gotta come check it out tomorrow=) 7 months ago
Jewelry is a reflection of your personality, and many of the designs have been inspired by your suggestions. I've received touching requests for Journal Lockets, Grandmother's rings, and rings that evoke memories of "Mom." Thank you for these heartfelt ideas. When time allows, I love the challenge of creating something new. Thank you for the inspiration and continued support. 💕

Arielle: Wouldn't a mood ring that reflects the RL mood be great? :) 7 months ago
Awakening in an exotic land of inspiration and magic, I found myself enveloped by the scent of blooming jasmine and the soft whisper of the breeze through the trees. Zensational is a nice place just to unwind, everyone is welcome here 💗🌷🌷🪷🪷

Hyacinth: Gorgeous pic! 7 months ago
I have various circlets and tiaras created at the back of the store by the wedding rings. I was asked to create these when I first started creating jewelry and have loved them ever since; these are always so fun to create and look pretty when worn. Jewelry

SilviaFrey: Son preciosos todos tus circlets y coronas. Me encantan. Yo paso mucho tiempo vestida de la época medieval y me vinieron muy bien. Muchas gracias. 7 months ago

I created a Journal for you, just drop your daily notes into it. Please find the journal in the Monentes foyer on the little table. Jewelry

SilviaFrey: Muchas gracias por todas esas magníficas creaciones. Me ha encantado su tienda. Encontré justo lo que buscaba además de varios objetos preciosos. Muchísimas gracias. 7 months ago
The Na'vi floating mountains, known as the Hallelujah Mountains, are a breathtaking sight in Pandora, held aloft by powerful magnetic fields. The journey to the top is perilous, testing the courage and skill of each Na'vi. Narrow ledges, sudden gusts of wind, and unstable rocks make the climb treacherous, and only the bravest warriors succeed, earning the honor of bonding with an ikran, the majestic mountain banshees.

Follow Nanti up the floating mountains, come test your climbing skills.
The songcord (Na'vi name: waytelem) is a mnemonic device used by Na'vi individuals as well as entire clans for recounting information, stories, and mythology. The Na'vi songcord is a beautifully intricate method of recording and honoring family history and life events within Na'vi culture. Instead of using written words or images, the Na'vi weave together a tapestry of beads, each bead symbolizing a significant moment, achievement, or relationship in one's life.

I have created a SongCord that you can add your history beads and honors to. It has feathers and the first "life" bead to get you started.

I have included Neytiri's song gesture and info, at the Iknimaya landing.
I’ve crafted this article to assist individuals eager to upload their models to Opensimulator but unsure of where to begin. This guide aims to direct you toward exceptional resources, making the process much more accessible.

---->It is not all botted from SL
Many SL creators obtain their models from these same resources.

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: My technique is to start with the blender script that removes doubles, and cleans up illegal geometry. That is always my first and last step. Almost will load after that, except an object with no tr... 7 months ago
🌿🌌 Welcome to Iknimaya: A Pandoran Paradise! 🌌🌿
Step into a world inspired by the awe-inspiring landscapes of the movie Avatar. Welcome to Iknimaya, where the wonders of Pandora come to life before your very eyes. At the landing, you'll find a box of beautiful Pandoran flowers created in the early days before mesh, we called it torturing prims (a favorite pastime). The region is lush, and enjoyable to explore, “I see you.” Thank you @JoeBuilder and @FerdFrederix for adding to the lovely plant collection here.

Marianna: @JoeBuilder thank you for jogging my memory!! Last year Joe gave me beautiful Pandoran plants AND a direhorse, I got busy with RL working and forgot to put him out! Thank you for reminding me Joe, ... 7 months ago
One night, I dreamt I stood at the river's edge in a canyon gorge. Terraced along the cliffs were abundant cherry trees, their branches cascading down towards the water. This place is the embodiment of that dream. We observe Hanami here. @FerdFrederix has added his magic touch throughout this region, thank you Ferd! @JoeBuilder surprised me with a beautiful Kimono. I have to tell you, Joe, that when I wear it at Zensational, it sure feels like RP, thank you. Roleplay continues to thrive in OpenSim 🤺

At the landing are gifts
Tired of small talk and awkward silences? Fear not, for bugfriends are the ultimate conversationalists. They may not speak in words, but their chirps, clicks, and buzzing provide endless entertainment. Come hear what all the chirping is about. Goliath Gardens, where you can experience being a bug!! Gardens

Cool bug avatars to wear and keep! Thank you @FerdFrederix !!
Every now and then, I come across stunning Royalty Free jewelry to share with you.

This artist

The art: Creating maximums with your minimums.
Genetic engineering of UT

Incredible artist; please give him a like!

Please never sell and observe the creator's Royalty Free License.
BlenderKit only has 2 available licenses, and these are quite simple. Everything you download is available for commercial use. Both allow you to sell higher-level-derivative works, but royalty free license doesn't allow to re-sell 3D models even if modified.

Royalty Free
royalty free license
This license protects the work in the way that it allows commercial use without mentioning the author, but doesn't allow for re-sale of the asset in the same form (eg. a 3D model sold as a 3D model or part of assetpack or game level on a marketplace).

In the foyer of Monentes Jewelry

Jerralyn Franzic: Nice! Thanks... also love the Nurse avatar. =) 8 months ago