Marianna @Marianna

3 (H)ills (G)rid = 3HG Online

Copyrighted Jewelry designer creator, a grid owner-tech, magazine editor in chief, and admin at Outworldz. You may email with requests. You may fill out reports at Help Manual---->


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This is an excellent contribution to Opensim, I applaud you! We have so many beautiful people in Opensim, these images are just stunning, nice work ๐Ÿ’—
thank you Marianna, such compliments from a talented person as you are makes me happy ! :)
Oh Hella, thank you. but your work is mesmerizing, you capture the spirit of a person. I created a Black/White gallery once, what made it different with my work is I would select just a small portion of the image like a flower and invert it, and fill a tint of color to just that one flower, leaving the rest of the scene black and white. That one pop of color is amazing and gave it such a unique perspective to the piece. I will post one and show you in IM. Thank you again.
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That chicken is at my place too, it sure gets around for being squished ๐Ÿฃ๐Ÿ” Nice work on the chicken @Ferdzee
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This is the last I will say on this my comments were maxed out with Suzi. I posted here for now 3 days because this has hurt me. You ask how can it hurt anyone? I have to tell you that seeing a member of our community under constant attack every day for the last two months causes mental anguish. You say just block her, just do not read her. I had hoped it would not come to that but I see now that you are deleting comments so the narrative will be your own, our comments really don't matter to you. Since you are determined to continue then I will no longer be reading you, I don't like the spirit of these posts or the deleting of comments. Suzi admitted in her comment that it is to flush out the Trump supporters at Opensim? At least Suzi is honest.
I think Dorena has already stated her criteria for deleting comments, and those are where she comes in for unwarranted personal attacks. If you feel hurt, then I suggest growing a bit more of a thick skin. While you're about it, take a look at GlennXpletive's profile here on OSW if you think you've had a hard time under attack.

I have deleted comments to my posts in the past, and I dare say I will do so again. Sometimes the comments are irrelevant, which is common here given that so many seem to glean their information from far-right/alt-right/conspiracy theory sites as well as sometimes going off on a rant completely unrelated to the post.

I've written this previously, and it needs re-iterating, no one's freedom of speech is being breached through having their comment deleted from a post here. Anyone can post their opinion elsewhere if they so choose, or even set up their own website to peddle their own take on things.
I'm starting to fear that this is being hacked badly, some are missing again and yours from the Cleopatra post has also disappeared:-(
When you said this "Do you love having to repeat what you say over and over again?" And another comment here said for me to go somewhere else, and another told me that my comments are not based in reality, yes I went to the Cleo post and took my comment down there. You might have gained a few followers posting political posts - but I now realize my comments on your posts don't matter. Nobody hacked you, Opensimworld is not hacked. I do repeat myself over and over sometimes I have Multiple Sclerosis, I do that when things matter to me trying to get my point across. The comments that were deleted on this and the other thread were a reply to you, I am unable to remove your own posts or others. I did not delete those. You already explained how that can happen.
Sorry, but what you're telling me is confusing, I don't understand it.
Of course, it's a logical side effect that Trump supporters will come out in response to my posts. But to accuse me for the umpteenth time of deleting posts like crazy, THAT'S NOT TRUE. If a user deletes their comment on my post, everyone who reacted to that comment automatically disappears. I have no influence over that!!!
It flushes them out, then what? I am an independant voter, I am commenting for the love of our opensim community, not Trump or Putin. Somebody is deleting comments and it sure in the hell isn't me.
I tried to explain how it works with comments, anyone can delete their own in my post, do you understand now? And if there were more comments under them, they automatically disappear too. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS???
But no, it must have been the nasty Dorena, I'm starting to get sick of these kinds of insinuations more than all the hater comments..
Yes shouting always helps, :) I will no longer be commenting.
Do you love having to repeat what you say over and over again?
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It's not that the issues of the world are unimportant, but rather that Opensim is often not the appropriate venue for such discussions. Many users come here specifically to escape the constant barrage of real-world concerns, seeking instead a space where they can relax and engage with others in a different, more positive way.
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Please accept my heartfelt condolences ๐Ÿ’—
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I will go in and see about fixing the female avatar, thank you for letting me know.
I hope it is not again my fault
Again, I don't recall anything being your fault before but if you felt that I apologize. This was simply me not setting the box for sale. Thank you for letting me know.
no no not with you, but I am a magnet for issues ;-)
I break things all the time or usually it is I fail to see the obvious at times.
as like me , in rl ... ;-)
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Thank you Milly when we started this project it was before mesh and the grid I was at did not have Kitely deliveries at that time so we had to create from scratch or bring some from SL with permission, I have notes of numerous creator permissions, that is how it was done then. It took lots of collaboration and sharing to make it happen. That is why now with all the resources at our fingertips our worlds can be totally phenomenal.
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These individuals are not here to contribute positively or to help build and grow our virtual world. Instead, they are sowing discord, creating divisions, and holding our community hostage to discussions that have no place in this space. Opensim was created as a haven for creativity, collaboration, and the shared joy of building something unique togetherโ€”not as a battleground for real-life political or religious disputes. We are not trying to silence Dorena, we just want our space to be positive place where we can create this is not RL.

Focus energies that help opensim to flourish to not be at odds. Or to be held hostage with hate.

Dorena creates beautiful videos and AI, I would much rather see her videos promoting opensim and creativity. It has nothing to do with silencing her at all. I am a creator, when I open my browser and first thing I see is Trump or Putin all my creativity takes a nose dive, She deleted one of my comments explaining this she replied back to me to just block or not read her. Does she really want us all to block her is that her goal? What I see is this all started when she was attacked for her views, I get that - but by continuing this she is letting the other guy win because she stays wallowing in the same pit of dispair. Rise up!
You are ranting extensively, but not once do I see you directly responding to her explanation that, if someone deletes their own comment, or Dorena herself deletes a comment from above your comment in the comment hierarchy, all replies to said comment are deleted. You are smart and I know you can comprehend her explanations, rather than making her repeat it over and over, and then ignoring it and seeing only what you wish to see, and replying on what you wish to rant about. If you have so many issues with her posts, why are you making so many comments? There are other agendas at play here, it seems. I guess I don't understand why so many are always ganging up on Dorena. And why do so many ignore the hate speech and horrible derogatory words that people like GlennXpletive use? Seems it is ok to be a bully and a hateful person, so long as people have a political camp in common.
There is no agenda at play here, I have been in opensim nearly as long as Dorena, I have watched her post for years and never seen her under attack. The "people at play" since Glenn fight are trolls who want to silence her, this is what I am taking such offense at, she is constantly under attack now since the Glenn fight, he has been banned yet she continues on posting messages to him here at OSW when he cannot reply. Making it all public for months. Opensimworld isn't the place for public fighting is the point I am making. The comments deleted were ones I commented to her, 3 she then explained someone commented vile so she had to remove it, the reason you are seeing what you term ranting from me is because of comment removals, it looks like ranting when she does this, makes the person replying look like a ranter. Why all this needs to stop it takes conversations out of context then people are misunderstood.

This is a Opensim public forum not a battleground I know your stance of stand up and fight, but fight who? All of "us" cause Glenn cannot post now. Suzi said it was to flush out Trumpistas, I am not one and even if I were this is not the place for that, Opensim is international I doubt they will flush out that many here.

I don't like to see my friends attacked. She made it obvious she will continue, I will close the window now, this is what I wanted to avoid. The trolls all are doing the good ol bait and switch routine with comments and she is now doing this to all her friends (she has to when they spew the hate towards her) I replied to you to try to clarify yet once again, with all my comments I would think you would see my true motive which is wanting to keep a friend from spiraling down the hate path with the trolls. And taking us with her, this is when I close that door.
Seriously, Opensim is a blank canvas, and can be used for whatever any creator wishes, good or evil or even just bland and neutral. Politics is only ever only just below the surface, and to many of us it's an important subject. Those who are not interested, or who just don't want to be involved are free to not involve themselves. No one is twisting your arm and forcing you to read those posts. Just ignore them, just as I habitually ignore The Box most of the time.
Does that mean that the annoying witch Dorena will now be burned??
Is that the penalty you think should be suffered by those who do as you have been doing? The original archaic meaning of a witch was: "archaic : to influence or beguile with allure or charm". Do you feel it is what you have been doing with your threads and posts?
I prefer to get straight to the point.
So what is your point in all this?
Rise up means to rise up above negativity. It started when your views were attacked. Nobody is trying to silence you, my hope is that you would rechannel and focus to positive opensim related topics, since this is Opensim and it is mostly a fantasy world, RL topics belong in RL platforms. You are hellbent on "feeling" we are all out to attack you, not all of us. I have been here a long time too, Opensim was not founded on politics or religion it was founded by collaboration and free and opensource software. Lets just keep it focused on what it is.
Any separation is illusory. We are the same people, and Opensim isn't a different world, just an extension of our very real world.
While separation between the virtual and real worlds may be seen as illusory, boundaries still play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and purpose of different spaces. Just as we might choose different environments for work, relaxation, or socializing in real life, Opensim can be a space where people choose to focus on creativity, community, and personal well-being, free from the divisiveness of real-world issues.
The posts are not just views against Donald Trump these posts are to create a rise and obtain likes. Dorena commented (then removed it) saying the likes on her post indicate her posts are well received then she gets attacked for those very views which continues the hate. Which divides us. I agree, with you it is obvious what the goal is here to me since Dorena cannot vote in USA, this is purely for a rise and likes. With no real concern for the opensim community or who it harms.
Firstly, there is no separation between the supposed virtual and real worlds: they are merely different aspects of the same. Dorena does not post the things she does for likes or to derive vicarious pleasure. Nothing she posts will cause any harm to anyone, unless they're oversensitive Trump supporters, and I won't shed any tears over them! No, Dorena's concerns go way beyond the Opensim 'community' to the wider community of the whole world, which will be a much nastier and more dangerous place if the likes of Trump are allowed anywhere near the levers of power.
As I have already written elsewhere. We are all real people and not just avatars, the two cannot be separated. I think it is important to discuss such elementary things, particularly because of the opportunity to exchange ideas internationally in OpenSim. And no one is prevented from limiting themselves to OpenSim. When OpenSim was first founded, I did a lot for the community. And yes, I have a lot of experience with OpenSim. But it is difficult to assert yourself against many know-it-alls and wannabe admins.
Dorena, that is why I have been in this conversation for two days, I know all you contribute I miss that. I don't like to see the attacks against you, I would much rather see you contributing again. We all read you and understand your views we are all entitled to those views, you should never have been attacked, I also do not feel that attack should have stayed on Opensim for days so everyone could see that attack, I am sorry I know how that had to hurt you after all you have given to opensim. I understand that you would be hurt and angry, I would be too. Please know that sincerely some of us really value you and enjoy what you create. My hope is the focus at OSW can get back to helping each other instead of tearing each other down or blocking people.
Thank you for your sensitive, friendly comment. Yes, I was attacked, and I also received something like this via PM: "First of all, you wrote your stupid post in two languages. Just a side note. And secondly, if the shoe fits, wear it... You prove time and again that you're stupid, you don't need a post from me for everyone to know that... If you think that will have consequences on my part, then try something... I'll gladly give you my address if you dare to come by... The fact that you're a guy is an open secret that's been going around for years... Come by and I'll knock the crap out of your ass....... "
Very nice, isn't it?? To be honest, hate messages like this convince me even more that I'm doing the right thing. People like that are also running around in OpenSim. That way I know where I stand with them.
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It's not about silencing honest criticism or satire but ensuring that conversations remain constructive and free from ignorance, vitriol, and prejudice. Some people pop corn for the shitshows, I am not one of them. If you value peace and quiet you would not be saying "Idgaf who I piss off."
If it's not about silencing, then I wasn't talking about you, was I. And no, I value my peace and quiet because I like it that way, whether anyone else is pissed off or not. If I piss them off and they go off and cry in a corner about it or complain to someone else instead of me, that's fine. Do try to keep up.
We all have a role to play in ensuring that our interactions do not inadvertently cause harm or perpetuate negativity. It's about finding a balance where everyone can coexist peacefully and feel valued, even amidst differing opinions.
I disagree. Too many people already feel much more valued than they deserve to and knocking them down a peg or two isn't negative, it's positive.
Yes I see how some are replying that is the whole point, why incite it? RL Religion and Politics have no place in OSW. It isn't why we come here. Some are here just for the shitshow, and some cause them for a rise and likes in the community. Where I take offense is when we post off topics like this that cause the rise, then when we comment on it, our comments are deleted so then the conversation makes no sense and causes more community confusion, is that the goal? Three or four of my comments were deleted here and not by me. That was knocking me down 3 pegs.
I am staying out of the shit show here for the most but I have to say, no one can give a blanket statement on why we go to OS.

On my lands we have many churches, and many of us bring religion of ALL kinds to Opensim. There is room for all, and some of us do want politics and religion as part of the worlds we make.

But there is room for all.

On here, OSW? I guess we can't have nice things. Sadly these discussion always go this way.
It's important to recognize that Opensim is a diverse and expansive platform, allowing each of us to create the worlds we envision, complete with the elements that matter most to us. Whether it's building churches, setting up campaign headquarters, or creating spaces that reflect our personal beliefs, Opensim offers the freedom to design and inhabit the virtual environments we choose.

No one is saying that you can't have a church or a voting booth, or that politics and religion have no place on your grid. In fact, one of the strengths of Opensim is that it provides room for all kinds of expression, and many of us cherish the ability to bring our full selves, including our beliefs and values, into the worlds we create. If your vision for your land includes religious structures or political elements, that's entirely within your rights and the spirit of what makes Opensim special.

However, the broader point being made is about maintaining the overall harmony of shared spaces within the community, especially in public forums like OSW (OpensimWorld). When we talk about leaving real-life debates in real life, it's not about limiting creativity or expression within your own grid. It's about recognizing that public spaces, where diverse groups of people come together, can quickly become contentious when dominated by divisive real-life issues.

We come here to escape RL we have hate all around us, why is it so important to divide us here?
Then why do you keep replying? You seem to be under the mistaken impression that I care what you think of what I say. Follow your own advice and go somewhere else.
You are 100% right, most people are caring.
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Everyone is welcome to visit my grid anytime, if you ever need anything please just ask.
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Accepting different thoughts and opinions is important, but it's equally crucial to balance this with respect for others' feelings and the community's "purpose". Certain topics, especially highly divisive ones like politics, can lead to conflict and discomfort, detracting from the overall positive experience of the platform.
like(1) would be nice if you wrote to those who insult me โ€‹โ€‹because of my posts and asked them to show more respect. Or is the respect you want a one-way street where I should keep my mouth shut?
Dorena, I have. What causes these conflicts on your posts is, you comment then when the person replies you delete your comment so then the whole conversation is then out of context. I have seen you delete on this thread. I haven't asked you to ever shut your mouth. I just honestly do not feel OSW is the forum for Politics and Religion that is RL.
But we are real people behind the avatars, so I don't understand the separation.
OpenSim forums are primarily designed for users to engage in building, sharing creations, and learning from each other. The focus is on virtual world activities, technical support, and creative collaboration. Introducing topics like religion and politics can distract from the core purpose and shift the focus away from the community's shared goals. Real People behind Real Avatars yes, OpenSim is a diverse community with members from various backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures. Discussions about religion and politics can be highly polarizing and may inadvertently alienate or offend some members. Keeping these topics separate helps maintain a respectful and inclusive environment.
Who defines what Opensim is about? It's a blank canvas.
The purpose of Opensim, like any virtual world, is to foster creativity, collaboration, and positive interaction. While it may be a "blank canvas" in terms of content, the spirit of the platform is to create, share, and connect. Using it to spread hate or irrelevant political views contradicts these core values. While I admire your passion for USA politics -Opensimworld is not a political platform. You assume I am Pro Donald Trump because I am asking for the posts to be Opensim related? I am registered Indpendent voter - unaffiliated voter or non-affiliated voter. None of the views posted represent all people. I may be the only person who feels Opensimworld is not the place for politics I see it dividing our community. I understand your goal is to spread your message far and wide but do you really think in all sincerity you will gain votes posting it here?
It's nice how you try to convince me, but that won't stop me, sorry..
I only delete insults to a large extent, and if some of the comments disappear, they disappear automatically. The same thing happens when others delete their comments, so don't blame me alone for this kind of chaos.
Yes... and no.
If we start avoiding "conflict topics" we will soon end on SILENCE.
Respect doesn't mean silence. Sometimes it means exactly the opposite.
But yes, I agree we need to find the balance and be respectful.
Ty for your attention.
Maybe we can "configure" our
Both Dorena and myself are of the opinion that reasoned argument is perfectly acceptable, as is constructive criticism. The bulk of the political content that Dorena and myself have posted recently is to try and draw attention to the fact that the people of the USA are about to have an election that will have a massive impact on the world, and neither of us wants to see Donald Trump elected as president. No one in their right minds want's to see such a tyrannical demagogue elected, and those who make excuses for him need to perhaps take a step back and engage their critical thinking skills with a sense of urgency. Seriously, does anyone want to see elected a convicted rapist, someone who is on record making misogynistic comments, someone who expressed a desire to have sex with his own daughter? And those are just for starters. Read Miles Taylor's Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy and you'll see what the threats are of a Trump win in November.

Those of us who live outside of the USA don't have a vote, and obviously can't take part in making the decision, but we do have the right, nay the duty to at least try and influence people as it's not just the people of the USA who are affected in all sorts of different ways.
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If discussing political topics is important to you, there are many dedicated platforms and forums where such discussions are welcome and encouraged. Engaging in political discourse in spaces designed for that purpose can be more productive and fulfilling, allowing for deeper conversations with those who share similar interests. We shouldn't have to block you or not read you. In a shared space, mutual respect and consideration for others' comfort and enjoyment are key to maintaining harmony. When one person's posts consistently create conflict or discomfort, it can disrupt the sense of community and make it less enjoyable for everyone, including yourself.
Why not here also? Those who do not wish to take part do not have to. Nor do they have to read the posts and subsequent comment thread.
I guess because I have always read Dorena and enjoyed reading her, so I guess now when I see her posts I will close the window, I had hoped the posts could be related to virtual world creating and Opensim, not a picture of Trump of Putin. I would much rather read opensim related topics. The election will be over soon, what will you post then? Dorena is proud of being in Opensim since 2009 why not post and share all she has learned and be the mentor to help others.
Dorena's post are always relevant, but if you don't like the subject of her posts, the wise thing to do is close and ignore them. Hasn't it occurred to you that sometimes some subjects need to take precedence. The fate of the world is far more important than the utterly irrelevant activities in Opensim. Also, the election may well be over soon, but the fight against fascism and other forms of totalitarianism and demagogary will go on. If nothing else, Dorena's posts alert us to those who would seek to minimise or even glorify the actions of Trump. Between us, we've been successful in silencing one particularly nasty individual on this site, not because of his objectionable and unsavoury opinions, but because of the level of abuse he heaped on us for merely having the audacity to express an opinion and to challenge his pea brained comments. That I consider a huge success.

By comparison, Pagane and Arielle are mere irritants, Arielle not being able to string a logical argument together, and Pagane apparently posting increasingly deranged gobbledegook bordering on the unhinged.

Who can say what Dorena's purpose is in making the posts she does, one thing is clear, those who are cheer leaders for Trump and his ilk are gradually exposing themselves.
It's not that the issues of the world are unimportant, but rather that Opensim is often not the appropriate venue for such discussions. Exposing Trump supporters at Opensimworld? So what will that accomplish exactly? Many users come here specifically to escape the constant barrage of real-world concerns, seeking instead a space where they can relax and engage with others in a different, more positive way. There are more opensim supporters here than Trump or Putin.
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**Introducing political imagery and commentary can distract from the platform's intended purpose. Users who come to the platform for virtual world interests or activities may feel alienated or frustrated when confronted with political content, especially if it sparks divisive debates. Your message would be better posted at Political Forums.**
And what exactly is the 'intended purpose' of OpenSimulator? It's a bit like a blank piece of paper.
Well spoken, I support your message.
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It is up and down depending on the updates at the time, if down just try again. This morning I had four visitors to the grid so it seems to be okay. Thank you for stopping by. ๐Ÿ’—
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An excellent place you have, I love everything. The transit, the buildings, the neat little Hookah Lounge adorable! But what I think I love the most is the textures, the hues it all blends so beautifully and so soothing there. I will return again and take more pics, there is much more to see, well done!
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Yes! Just like you did with me when you came to my grid to visit then to accuse me of copying you. That really built me up!! If I do not create it myself I purchase it. I had to show you receipts to prove I had the content legally! This IS toxic and can cause people to leave! I appreciate though in your post you wish to thank creators that is kind. Oh Btw that OAR you said you purchased, at this website , it still is not available to buy but as soon as it is I will buy it to see if that rickshaw is in it. I am curious now where you got it since you did visit me two weeks prior to accusing me of copying. And that Japanese OAR has never been for sale that I am aware of at this site you showed me. I will quote you, "I guess defending something can look like something else to others."
to reiterate i wasn't accusing you of anything, I simply asked where you got it and told you where I got mine. I had the oar up for a few days so you could see it but not sure you got that hint :). in the end you and I are all good but i wanted to make it clear i wasn't accusing you of anything, after i saw yours it made me wonder about mine and where it originally came from.
These were the words spoken to me and I quote you, " I'm not prying by no means but was thinking I wonder for the region I have who rip off who lol or if they are same person." I cleaned up a few typos but it is easy to not understand this fully.

I still have that conversation if you need clarification what you said to me, I can send it to you, it hurt me enough that I commented it here on your post because clearly you do not see what you are doing. I admire the love you want to spread, and glad to see you posting about it, but it is really important to carry that out in private too. If we were all good here I would not be commenting.
if you have an issue with me regarding this topic, feel free to private message me. your taking my words out of context. I was simply pointing out to you I have the same item and wondered who originally created it. I am sorry if it came off as something else.
You were at my place on April 11, then two weeks later you contacted me to ask where I got my things, perhaps you took a copy? You said here in your post you take things and place them about, I agree that differences between people should be kept private, but when I read this

(So in conclusion, I would like to say thank you to all creators, builders, scripters, and etc, because without all of you, my regions wouldn't look as good as they do. I may take things and place them and put them together but the credits go to the creators, builders and scripters.) I thought maybe this is what happened that you in fact copied me. The purchased kits I have I see some parts about, I guess that is how it can happen.
I have been at your places a few times, I dont illegally copy peoples creations that is very wrong. Nor do I use copybot viewers and there also banned in my grid. I only grab was is set for copy or buy. Its disheartening you assume I did that to one of your acquired items. The item in question was purchased a few years ago included in an oar on that site i showed you. It was purchased for the grid by the previous owner, when I took it over I acquired said oars.

The region the item is on that you have I have only been there once or twice that i recall. If I went there a second time it was to double check i had the same item.
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Happy Birthday Star! ๐ŸŽ‰ Your creativity and passion for community inspire us all. May this special day be filled with joy, laughter, and the company of those who appreciate your vibrant spirit and boundless imagination. Here's to another year of creating, connecting, and making a difference! Enjoy every moment! ๐ŸŽ‚โœจ
Mari thank you. Your lovely words have touched my heart and I am about to get even more mushy gushy annoyingly sappy. ;) We have a beautiful community and a lot of creativity. Open Sim is full of beautiful grids and wonderful people. Imagine the magik we all can create together! I can!
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Taking from the "Closed Garden" ...Not only is this unethical and illegal, but it also undermines the efforts of content creators who put in significant time and effort to create original work. Additionally, there's no need for such behavior when there are numerous legitimate resources available for obtaining free and high-quality content. Here are some excellent alternatives:

1. Sketchfab
Sketchfab is a platform where artists can share their 3D models. It has a vast library of models that are free to use under various licenses, including Creative Commons. Users can find everything from simple objects to complex scenes.

2. ArtStation
ArtStation is a hub for artists to showcase their work, and it includes a marketplace where you can find both free and paid assets. Many artists on ArtStation offer high-quality models, textures, and other assets that are available for free or at a reasonable price.

3. BlenderKit
BlenderKit is a plugin for Blender, a free and open-source 3D creation suite. It provides access to a large library of free assets, including models, materials, and brushes. This can be an invaluable resource for anyone looking to create or enhance their 3D projects without the need for unauthorized copying.

4. TurboSquid
TurboSquid offers a wide range of 3D models for various applications. While it has many premium models, it also provides a substantial selection of free models that can be used in your projects.

5. OpenGameArt
OpenGameArt is a resource for game developers that offers free art assets, including 3D models, textures, sound effects, and music. It's a community-driven site where artists contribute their work for others to use in their projects.

There is absolutely no reason for anyone to ever want your content when they can get legal and ethically obtained content. Who wants stolen? ๐Ÿค”
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Yes! From a bug's perspective. It's like stepping into a whole new world! Did you see the ants on the counter? Or the beetle in the cereal box? Thank you for stopping by!
HOO no I didn't, I was not a lot in the house, now I see them, too bad for the pancakes ;-) And now I see 3 big strange "rabbit" spiders !!! at least they don't seems to run everywhere !!! I hope they will not attack "Gracies" beetles ;-) I still have to do a visit on the bee !! :-)
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I love this!! What a GREAT first project lol very cool!
TY Marianna, though it wasn't my first project, but one of several early builds in Open Sim as I was learning to build. This one was a lot of fun to build even though I did it badly, so it needed a remodel. :D
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High latency or loss of data packets between the client and server can result in items not being displayed correctly or disappearing.
I cant imagine considering its the same items, but they just poof from the region. i think its something in the region causing it or just opensim being opensim or whatever or dg lol. so far all is good in the region.
I think it is more likely the owner having way to many assets. Keep in mind it all has to rez not just fetch up. Also badly created meshes may never rez.
so far everything seems to rez okay, but yea its built by others on a test region owned by one of my members and she has a lot of assests in her invent so could be.
I have a ton of assets, and on the land I try to keep it within reason. I know that when I visit other grids if they have lots of mesh buildings they rez super slow but it all depends too on how the mesh is created. Scripts are another thing to look at on land to make sure you don't have bad scripts about.