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Wir wünschen euch allen eine wunderschöne Adventszeit

KarinBecker: Draußen vor dem Haus sieht alles schon ganz festlich aus. All die Girlanden und die Kerzen erwärmen unsere großen Herzen. Mit warmen Düften in der Luft überbrückt sich eine jede Kluft. So freuen wir u... 1 years ago

Hi, I have been working on my Winter space for this xmas. And finally Osgrid is back, so come for a visit and get all your gifts
Love you all.

SheaButter: It's winter for a very long time. Am sure we can view when Osgrid is back online. 16 days ago
* Needful Things *
The store is due to open soon. Or is it already? It's worth a visit, even if the store owner has a strange offer for his customers ...
* Needful Things *
Der Laden soll bald eröffnet werden. Oder ist er es schon? Ein Besuch lohnt sich, auch wenn der Ladeninhaber ein merkwürdiges Angebot für seine Kunden bereit hält ...

Clan's Band preparing for Friday's Redheaded Gypsy Camp show at Club Escotia!
All redheads will get in free!! Save the date! Friday 1PM

Hypergrid Safari Four Region Tour
A whirlwind tour of four art venues in Opensim, this year’s HG Safari Tour for the OSCC is a Special Event taking you to OSgrid, Pangea, Kitely and Craft.
You will see the work of Ellen Tiratzo and Ernest Moncreiff, Karima Hoisan and Dale Innes, Tosha Tyran, and Nyx Breen. 12/13/22 at OSCC. Visit the largest 3D Art in all of the Virtual Worlds. Immersive at Pangea.

nyxbreen: Make sure you view Lampithaler Artist video great job thanks. See you all at the conference and visit Pangea an awesome art-based grid. 2 years ago

Wishing you all a happy pre-Christmas season. :-)

Tainted Angel: Wishing you a very Merry Christmas season! 19 days ago

Medival Party at Washago 3
Event begins: 2024-11-03 10:00 SLT
Live at Stage SaraMarie Philly 3

On January 24, 2024, we look forward to Terra Merhyem's ART OPENING and CONCERT: "CATURANGA", a cultural highlight and grandiose prelude to the Pangea Art and Culture Festival 2024.
NB : 1 PM SLT is :
* - New-York, Argentina : 16 h
* - Brasil : 17 h
* - France, Deutschland, Espana, Italia : 22 h
* - GB, Portugal : 21 h

My new region "Lost Island", work in progress but you can already come have a look and enjoy the place :)

Opening of Bubble Land 1/28/23 @11AM SLT on Pangea

The last art exhibit Veri and I worked on, please experience her dream.


LaviaLavine: Astonishingly beautiful this is a must see for everyone! 2 years ago

Cloudshead Worldheart will continue its story 2023. The elves have been busy and Cloudshead Worldheart 2 will join them then.

Winter Wonderland is back in Eden, so I temporarily changed the landing point for you to enjoy it!
snowballs fight, ice skating, snow bikes riding....
You can also take a pic with Santa, listen to the singing dinkies band,
play greedy or whack a game Christmas, have a ride on the carousel.
And don't forget to grab some of the gifts boxes!
let's feel the magic of Christmas while having fun! :) Pangea-Grid

Remembering Lucy Afarensis

Hicks: I met her sometimes, she was a nice person. 2 months ago
Dear friends of fairy tales
Cloudshead Worldheart
will be closed for a few days,
due to a major grid update
As soon as all work is completed,
we will let you know!
Thank you for your understanding!
Warm greetings
Liebe Märchenfreunde,
Cloudshead Worldheart
wird für ein paar Tage geschlossen sein,
wegen einem großen Grid Update.
Sobald alle Arbeiten abgeschlossen sind,
werden wir es euch wissen lassen!
Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis!
Herzliche Grüße
Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit tollen Leuten , toller Musik und guter Atmosphäre freuen.
Also rein in eure Party-Outfits und auf ins Tosca 20:00 Uhr gehts los

Wir freuen uns auf euch

You can look forward to an evening with great people, great music and a good atmosphere.
So get into your party outfits and come to Tosca. Party starts 11:00 SLT

We look forward to seeing you

KarinBecker: sooooooooo viele liebe leute 9 months ago

einfach mal ne Runde quatschen und klönen
ist auf FSG Souls immer möglich ..
Teleport zu anderen Regionen sind aufgestellt ..
Viel Spaß
Eure Brucha

Winter Wonderland in Eden !
Snowballs fight, ice skating, snow bikes riding,
You can take a pic with Santa, listen to the singing dinkies band,
play greedy or whack a game Christmas, have a ride on the carousel.
And don't forget to grab some of the gifts boxes!
let's feel the magic of Christmas! :) Pangea-Grid
Clock is ticking - first Advent door opens at midnight CET! Every day - until December 24, 2024 - there will be a new gift to take home. So that it doesn't become too stressful to visit the Advent calendar every day, all gifts can also be taken home at a later date.
You will find the Advent calendar pictured here inside the traffic circle directly in front of the landing point. Have fun!
* * * * *
Die Uhr läuft - um Mitternacht MEZ öffnet sich das erste Adventstürchen! Bis 24. Dezember 2024 gibt es jeden Tag ein neues Geschenk zum Mitnehmen. Damit es nicht zu stressig wird, jeden Tag den Adventskalender zu besuchen, können alle Geschenke auch nachträglich noch mitgenommen werden.
Ihr findet den abgebildeten Adventskalender innerhalb des Rondells direkt vor dem Landepunkt. Viel Spaß!

Dorena Verne: Juhuuuuuuuu. :-) 19 days ago

Now offering 48 winter destinations to winter lovers
You'll find the Agency at Novale's Xmas Market

Dear fairy tale fans,
Cloudshead Worldheart 2
opens again
on Sunday, May 5th.
We look forward to seeing you :-)

Liebe Märchenfreunde,
Cloudshead Worldheart 2
öffnet wieder
am Sonntag, den 5. Mai.
Wir freuen uns auf euch :-)

Margie: tried going there but says I'm denied access 8 months ago
Dear friends of fairy tales
Cloudshead Worldheart 2
will be closed for a few days,
due to a major grid update
As soon as all work is completed,
we will let you know!
Thank you for your understanding!
Warm greetings
Liebe Märchenfreunde,
Cloudshead Worldheart 2
wird für ein paar Tage geschlossen sein,
wegen einem großen Grid Update.
Sobald alle Arbeiten abgeschlossen sind,
werden wir es euch wissen lassen!
Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis!
Herzliche Grüße

Things Happen

* Black White Mansion *
People say the place is haunted. But I've been living here for 200 years and I've never seen a ghost ...
* Black White Mansion *
Die Leute sagen, dass es hier spukt. Aber ich wohne seit 200 Jahren hier und habe noch nie einen Geist gesehen ...

Bubble Land Opening pictures thanks to those who came to celebrate the one and only Veritas McMaster.

nyxbreen: Thank You, Zimp Rexie and Medora Chevalier, for some beautiful images. 2 years ago

Black White Castle wird schon bald 1 Jahr alt - Zeit, die Region endlich mit einer Party einzuweihen! Wie der Name schon sagt, ist Black White Castle komplett in schwarz-weiß Tönen gehalten, daher sind möglichst monochrome Outfits, vielleicht sogar im Vintage-Stil sehr wünschenswert!!! Schließlich soll sich jeder Partygast wie auf einer Zeitreise zurück in die Schwarzweiß-Film-Ära fühlen.

* * * * *

Black White Castle will be 1 year old soon - so it is time to finally inaugurate the region with a party! Black White Castle is completely designed in black and white tones, so monochrome outfits, perhaps even vintage style, are highly desirable!!! Every party guest should feel like traveling back in time to the black and white film era.
Registration for the race on 13 October ends on 14 September
The qualifying round will
starts on 15th September determine the starting positions for the race on 13 October
Registration forms are available here

13. OKTOBER 2024
Die Anmeldung für das Rennen am 13. Oktober endet am 14. September
Die Qualifikationsrunde
beginnt am 15. September und bestimmt die Startplätze für das Rennen am 13. Oktober
Anmeldeformulare sind hier erhältlich


Now! ❤ 11-12pm

you are all invited to the winter party at the gypsy camp in the forests of Hoia Baciu
warm clothing would be appropriate :)

es sind alle zur Winterparty im Zigeunerlager in den Wäldern von Hoia Baciu herzlich willkommenn
warme Kleidung wäre angebracht :)

es singt für euch

Putri Solo
Rogue Galaxy
Rice Tyler


New place added : The Blue Parrot Café. Have a drink or two and relax while you enjoy the beautiful sunset on the ocean.

LaviaLavine: So beautiful and relaxing! 2 years ago
Porky Party Pangea
"Pangea Porky-Freakout!
Friday, May 20. 2022
☆ Live and in color present: Pangea Porky Famliy.
☆ 11 PDT / 20.00 European time
☆ On the music desk Grid Sow :-) Marlon Wayne
☆Taxi Porky Party Pangea
☆Pangea Info:
"Pangea lässt die Sau raus"
Freitag, 20. Mai 2022
☆ Live und in Farbe anwesend: Ponky Pangea Famlie
☆ 11 PDT/ 20.00 Uhr europäischer Zeit
☆ Am Musikpult Gridsau :-) Marlon Wayne

Eden's Winter Wonderland is back, so I temporarily changed the landing point for you to enjoy snowballs fight, ice skating, snow bikes riding, and much more!

Everyone is cordially invited to Gypsies Zambra and the spicy gypsy soup on Monday November 13th at 11 am Slt. It would be nice if everyone appeared in gypsy clothes :))
Live Singer : Putri Solo 11am Slt
Live Singer : Rogue Galaxy 12 pm Slt

I just opened my first store for my new Egyptian antiquities at ACRES Mega Sky Mall in Digiworldz. Currently this is the only place on the hypergrid you can find these since I do not yet sell them at my home region of Luxor or at the Main Store on Wolf Territories grid. Here you'll find Egyptian statues, decor, and vendors for some of my larger Egyptian structures, one of which is displayed outside. The mall uses Digi currency and there is a Podex terminal at the mall entrance.

Store Address: hop://
Blues / Rock Xmas @ Crossroads on Immersive 1 on the Pangea Grid.
Wollem Wabbit plays live from the Crossroads, a Nyx Breen creation.
12/18/24 @ 12 SLT
Thirza hooked this combination up the holidays a little differently.
Die Pangea Go_Kart-Bahn ist 24 Stunden jeden Tag geöffnet für alle ,
ihr könnt jeder Zeit trainieren.
Das Race Board kann von jedem bedient werden


The Pangea Go Kart track is open 24 hours a day for all
You can train on the Sim at any time.
The Race Board can be operated by anyone.


Euer Pangea Go-Kart-Team
Dear fairy tale fans,
Cloudshead Worldheart 1
opens again
on Thursday, May 9th.
We look forward to seeing you :-)

Liebe Märchenfreunde,
Cloudshead Worldheart 1
öffnet wieder
am Donnerstag , den 9. Mai.
Wir freuen uns auf euch :-)

Join me today at the Gypsy Camp on Pangea Grid! 🙂
Throwing in some Holiday Songs! Grab my 750+ Song List
and request your favorites!
❈ ════ ❈ 12:00pm OST/3:PM EST
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: hop://
Coming soon to Immersive @ Pangea.