.... Waiting for Christmas together with the joy and verve of Doc, DJ and live singer.... today 22,00 european time. We are waiting for you
Winter Concert Series
Noon to 3pm on December 4
This week we come to you from Club Escotia (OSGrid) featuring:
* Maxybono Cuttita LIVE (Noon GRID time)
* Clan Escotia LIVE with Clan's Band (1pm GRID time)
* DJ Mia Breil (2pm GRID time)
Webby has prepared a special "Sidewalk cafe" venue for this event at the Club Escotia castle main stage. Translator HUDs provided for local text chat, everybody needs one but Jim :)
Serie di concerti invernali
Da mezzogiorno alle 15:00 del 4 dicembre
Questa settimana veniamo da te dal Club Escotia (OSGrid) con:
* Maxybono Cuttita LIVE (mezzogiorno GRID time)
* Clan Escotia LIVE con Clan's Band (13:00 ora GRID)
* DJ Mia Breil (ore 14 GRID)
Webby ha preparato uno speciale "cafè sul marciapiede" per questo evento sul palco principale del castello del Club Escotia. Gli HUD del traduttore forniti per la chat di testo locale, tutti ne hanno bisogno tranne Jim :)
Sreath Cuirm-chiùil Geamhraidh
Meadhan-latha gu 3f air 4 Dùbhlachd
An t-seachdain seo thig sinn thugad bho Club Escotia (OSGrid) le:
* Maxybono Cuttita BEO (meadhan-latha GRID)
* Clan Escotia BEÒ le Còmhlan a ’Chinnidh (1f àm GRID)
* DJ Mia Breil (2f àm GRID)
Tha Webby air ionad sònraichte “cafaidh taobh-rathaid” ullachadh airson an tachartais seo aig prìomh àrd-ùrlar caisteal Club Escotia. Eadar-theangaiche HUDs air an toirt seachad airson còmhradh teacsa ionadail, feumaidh a h-uile duine fear ach Jim :)
HOP: hg.osgrid.org:80:Club Escotia