Star Ravenhurst @MelodyStar

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I love to build and create things. I

New Video of our HG Safari visit to SOA Bikerworld, and awesome build by SOA Bad and Siwas.
The track goes on and on and on... This is a small part of it and what we experienced.
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and it is free! Thanks for watching this video.
When you come to visit, enable a shared environment and walk around as the whole region is parceled into a dozen or more places...I lost count. :) Even the rivers are parceled so they have their name in the viewer when you take a raft down them or cross over them on a bridge. I have made EEPs and a lot of the parcels are different so the skies will change as you walk along. They could have been changed from your last visit because I am always messing with the skies and making new ones. Or you could look up in the sky and jump on a dragon as some circle the whole region, but sadly the skies will remain the same because of where the prim is that they are attached to. But if you see something of interest, you can jump off to explore, and the sky will change. I have a new Dragon that you can navigate on your own as well, but he needs a little work. I hope you will enjoy The Land Of Xzar. See you soon!
Hi Friends! I uploaded a new video of me trying to learn to ride this new Dragon a friend was so kind to gift me. The camera angle is difficult, so I have been messing with the camera and hopefully will find a good setting for riding him, cause it is so much fun! Come see me and you can ride him too!