Star Ravenhurst @MelodyStar

US Offline

I love to build and create things. I


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I am glad you are OK. (((HUGS)))
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Those are great names you came up with for them. They are so cute and so lucky to have you. You are lucky to have them too. Love this photo!!
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My new favorite hangout! What a fun party and a great bunch of people!
HUGS! That is such a lovely compliment!!
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All are welcome to visit the regions on Tenth Dimension Grid anytime—no Bans, No Blocking, not my thing.
Love is Love and I don't care who you love. I try to love everyone, even those that are hard to love... Looks sideways at who knows who...yes even you...smoochies! Lol. I also offer help if you need anything and I can help. Good luck with your endeavors.
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I tried to come see you the other day and the region was down. Is it down during certain times? These are STUNNING!!!
It is up and down depending on the updates at the time, if down just try again. This morning I had four visitors to the grid so it seems to be okay. Thank you for stopping by. đź’—
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Thank you! I agree! The world can be an ugly place. It doesn't have to be here for us in Open Sim. This is our escape from all the drama and trauma our planet goes through every day. It is so much easier to be nice. We don't all have to be alike to get along. We only need compassion, tolerance, the ability to try to understand, and love. Love is so much better than hate.
well said, i saw a recent post that just made me feel so sad and angry at the same time. the words that were used so hurtful. Everyone has something in there lives but it should never be used against them.
It breaks my heart to see such animosity on this site. There is no reason for it. None of us are perfect and everyone is a unique human being. No one deserves to be treated badly and I will never understand how anyone can be so mean to another person. It brings tears to see such ugliness in such beautiful people. Make Love! Not War! is my new mantra,,, though the saying has been around a while now.
there isn't but sadly people thing there is or they find a reason. I have not blocked one person on this site, some have blocked me for no reason but when did we stop communicating.
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It is always a pleasure to see you Remmy. I hope you enjoy your boxes.
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Sounds like an Epic good time!!
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No loss of interest here. Things are better than they have ever been in the Metaverse. I imagine OS is much like SL in that I noticed years ago in SL that the sales from my store went down in the summer and came back up in the Fall. People tend to vacation during the summer and anyone who has children is spending time with them while they are out of school.
A lot of people are showing up at the music venues, especially if it is a big event, so folks looking to hang out with people should check out the event schedule. Some places like AMV have a party going on all the time to accommodate different time zones. Several places have Greedy and other games going on. That is something I am interested in if I could remember to go. Seems like there is always something going on that gets people together, so only have to go. If you are only wandering random places exploring the fabulous builds so many of us in OS have made, well you are likely to only see NPCs and maybe, the owner. If you can grab a friend to go explore with you, that makes it more fun. And some of you need to consider moving your feet instead of standing at the landing and camming. You miss so much doing that. Different places may have different sounds and skies but you only hear what is there where you are and only see the skies above you. You have to walk to see the changes and find the hidden secrets on the land. People are still here. Long Live The Metaverse!
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I am sorry to hear this. It is always sad to see a grid close—best of luck to everyone affected by this. I hope it works out that you can host it all on your E Grid.
Thank you so much! Yes, it is sad, but it will allow us to focus on E for now, and look to the future. Thank you for the kind words! :)
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Wherever she is and whatever she is doing, I am certain she is still exploring her creativity, guided by her imagination. An artist never stops creating until their last breath... and even then, I like to believe that we carry who we are into the next realm, whatever that may be.

Research on the internet has yielded very little information. There are rumors, but they can't be substantiated, so there's no point in spreading them or speculating as humans tend to do. :) She is an Elf, after all. Elves can be strange creatures. My hope is she is happy and knows how much we appreciate her and the gifts she left behind.
Oh yes, I got some of her elf house, but some i could not copy or buy. The one i did get is amazing with furniture and landscape. She is very talented I will say that. Very amazing person.
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OK. You got me. Whatever it is...count me in! :)
like(1) will be ;)
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Happy Birthday Emma! May your wishes come true and the next year bring you much love, happiness, and great success in your life...real and virtual! (((HUGS)))
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Thank you, Remmy! You rock too! (((HUGS))) Did you get it? :)
I havent yet only just logged in
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I am sorry you couldn't get there. If you keep having issues, please let me know and we will figure it out. Did you try clearing cache? That often resolves issues for me. Thank you for the birthday wishes.
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Thank you CyberGlo. I am so happy you like it. It was lovely to see you and thanks again for helping my sis Kal out with your techie advice. We both appreciate you! I hope you enjoy the bar. (((HUGS)))
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Mari thank you. Your lovely words have touched my heart and I am about to get even more mushy gushy annoyingly sappy. ;) We have a beautiful community and a lot of creativity. Open Sim is full of beautiful grids and wonderful people. Imagine the magik we all can create together! I can!
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Ditto!! Love you more Sis! Now I hope everyone is going to get the bar!! (((HUGS)))