Star Ravenhurst @MelodyStar

US Offline

I love to build and create things. I

Joined 8 years ago

About Myself

I love building and creating beautiful environments. Creating something from a cube is like magik! I am an artist, creator, and weirdo, not in a bad way. I like creepy things, but not gore so much. :) I like making friends, though I am an introvert. I am comfortable with people that I know well and they know me and still like me anyway. :) Owner of the new Tenth Dimension Grid.

My Interests

Building, art, music, reading, writing, history, science, learning new things, and talking to interesting and unique people, even though I am an introvert. I open up to the right people. I force myself to be social because when you get right down to it, it is the people and the love we share that are more important than the things we leave behind. I like kind people. It is easier and more pleasant for everyone else to be a nice person.

I'm Looking For

Artists, Sculptors, Photographers, Music makers, and Creative people! Come be part of the Le Beau Retrouve Art Gallery Family.

Favorite Quote

"Only tears of sorrow can wash out the stain of shame, only pangs of suffering can blot out the fires of lust." The Red Spider

Music I Like

Everything but Rap. Music should make love to your ears, not torment them.

Films I Like

Too many!! I have a wide variety of interests from sappy romance to hardcore horror/fantasy/Sci-fi to thought-provoking documentaries.

Books I Like

Anything by Piers Anthony.
I love lots of types and genres and authors though. I enjoy books that teach me and allow me to discover something new. Usually, the ones that are heavy and you sit on a coffee table to make yourself look smart for company. Yes, I read those too! I used to read cereal boxes, but I outgrew that! Read and you will love your brain! :)

My Heroes

My sis, Ms. Kitty/Kal. She makes me proud!
My Mama. She made me strong.

OpenSimulator Version

Who cares? It will change.

Viewer Version

Who cares? Same answer whatever is out atm and works for me.


It works.

My Regions

Star Ravenhurst Designs
18 7 Ravenhurst Designs 0 Users
A 2x2 Region for my shop where you will find one-of-a-kind, original content, mainly in prims and sculpts. Commercial and Residential Architecture, Fountains, Bridges, Landscaping items, home decor, bookcases, china cabinets, buffets, Side tables, Armoires, lamps, Bars, and more. If you are looking ...
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Tenth Dimension
7 0 Dimension 0 Users
Welcome! We are excited to announce that the portals to our various regions are now open, with the exception of the Special Projects Region. Cherry Manga and Nico Kallani are currently working on an exciting project for the gallery there—no peeking! ...grins... Please note that our two shopping r...
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Creative Vision Society
3 0 Vision Society 0 Users
Hello and Welcome! This small region is for artists to come from any grid to work on projects and to collaborate with others. This allows us to build a strong community while creating our masterpieces in a neutral peaceful place. You can find a spot on the ground or take the teleport to build pl...
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Le Beau Retrouve
23 0 Beau Retrouve 0 Users
"Le Beau Retrouve - The Beautiful Found" stands as an esteemed gallery within Open Sim, welcoming artists from diverse backgrounds to share their creations, whether in the form of photography, sculpture, or other mediums. For those eager to exhibit, don't hesitate to contact Star Ravenhurst. One ...
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Land of Xzar
16 2 of Xzar 0 Users
The Land of Xzar is a world that has recovered from a long period of war and destruction and is now ruled by a cruel and oppressive leader named Hadean. Despite this, magic still exists in the world, and the people use it to resist Hadean's rule. A traveler from the past, known as The Chosen One, ar...
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It took me about 3 years and 3 grids to finally get this castle built. Starborne Keep will take some time to explore. There is so much to see in The Land Of Xzar, plan to stay awhile. Please, don't just stand there and cam. You won't hear the sounds of the land and you won't see the details. You can get a notecard with Landmarks to help you get around at the landing. Use them, walk around, explore. If I am on, say hi. Strangers are only friends you have not met yet.

JayR Cela: This looks great. 7 months ago
At Marsala Al Kohav, you can find all kinds of things from architecture to landscaping and everything in between. While you are there, use the teleport board to come visit my little shop where you will find things like this. Love and Light! ~Star~

Aurora Starchild: Wow :O 7 months ago
Did you know that there are other vendors at Masala Al Kohav? Yes! I am one of them. I have a sweet little shop with all original content made by me. I offer beautiful furniture and decor that add a finishing touch to your home. I made these beautiful bottles with textures made with AI. Get some of them and maybe you will find something else you like. I also have houses and other architecture on the lower level. While you are there, check out our other vendors as well. Thank you for shopping with us. Love and Blessings! ~Star~
Hey Lovelies!
Look what I made! This is a working YouTube TV, though you can access other websites on the Internet like FMovies and other free sites. I used Media, so there are no scripts to lag your region. It is at my shop at Masala Al Kohav. Use the teleporter to choose Star Ravenhurst Designs to put you at my door. Maybe you will find something else you like? Original creations of items for finishing touches that make a house into a home.
Bookcases, China Cabinets, Armoires, Side tables, art, decor, Water Fountains, Fire Places, etc. Al Kohav

JustCurious: Where can i get your youtube tv? It may work better than what i have been using. 7 months ago
New Video of our HG Safari visit to SOA Bikerworld, and awesome build by SOA Bad and Siwas.
The track goes on and on and on... This is a small part of it and what we experienced.
Like and subscribe! It helps me a lot
and it is free! Thanks for watching this video.
When you come to visit, enable a shared environment and walk around as the whole region is parceled into a dozen or more places...I lost count. :) Even the rivers are parceled so they have their name in the viewer when you take a raft down them or cross over them on a bridge. I have made EEPs and a lot of the parcels are different so the skies will change as you walk along. They could have been changed from your last visit because I am always messing with the skies and making new ones. Or you could look up in the sky and jump on a dragon as some circle the whole region, but sadly the skies will remain the same because of where the prim is that they are attached to. But if you see something of interest, you can jump off to explore, and the sky will change. I have a new Dragon that you can navigate on your own as well, but he needs a little work. I hope you will enjoy The Land Of Xzar. See you soon!
Hi Friends! I uploaded a new video of me trying to learn to ride this new Dragon a friend was so kind to gift me. The camera angle is difficult, so I have been messing with the camera and hopefully will find a good setting for riding him, cause it is so much fun! Come see me and you can ride him too!

Are you looking for some Magik? Check out my little Magik shop in Devil's Fork. Happy October!!

Arial view of Dragonspire. All of my region, The Land Of Xzar, is parceled, even the rivers so the places in the novel can all be named. Enable shared environment, though I keep messing with the skies. I can't make up my mind. Oh! And have your sound on. Though there are still silent pockets through the land. It all takes time...still building the last of it.
There are two entrances directly to Devil's Fork, the back way in, from Dragonspire, through the mountains, or down a lovely path to a gate. So after your visit to Dragonspire, (the house and gatehouse are my versions of a similar house built by Kismet in SL and I am slow at furnishing it, so mostly empty) take a stroll over to Devil's Fork, explore my little town of mostly my own builds in prim and texture, and have a drink at The Grande Phoenix or my favorite dive, Charlie's Bar. ;) See you soon!

BTW a lot of folks are visiting, no one is commenting or reviewing. Even if it is a bad review it would be appreciated.
Thanks for reading this long azz post! Much Love and let's spread it around!! It will come back to you. Promise.

MartyFeldman: ... no regions found with that name 1 years ago
All are me: Lagniappe grid, Genesis grid, and Neverworld grid. I can't believe I didn't crash. How many of your avatars using the same Firestorm viewer can you put in one place? I have a couple more I think I might try to get in as well. Yeah...Ima a risk taker. :)

Pagane: you look stunning! kiss:) about how many avatar in one firestorm..... i see up to 8, even make sim for this - "Best fake sim" but peoples not like to see snapshots with twins:) 1 years ago

Staked Garden, Hadean's Castle, The Land Of Xzar. Newest scene build.

Are you looking for some treasure? An experience? Something to do on a lazy afternoon?
Use Shared Environment for the best experience. Have sound up. Graphics as high as your rig can take.

Now hop on a Dragon and come to visit The Land Of Xzar and explore the unique town of Devil's Fork. This is one of the gates that will get you into Devil's Fork.
Take your time to explore this unique, one-of-a-kind build. Except for one or three, all the buildings in the town were built by me over time, across several grids I have called home at one time or another.

Thank the Gods for suitcases and transfer abilities so I didn't lose my creations! Grids come and go so protect your assets!! You won’t find cookie-cutter buildings here that you see everywhere else. Some were built with a plan and some had Magic infused in them because I had no idea where I was going with it, I just started throwing down prims and hoped for the best! :)

Anyway, if you have some time and enjoy new experiences, come explore the town and see what treasures are inside the shops. Most items are free to copy including many of my original creations. There is a Magik Shop that is a must-see! The movie theater (not my build) has a working screen to watch movies that I did make. Good for a Date Night!

The 50-60s Shell Station is an old build and I had to make most of the textures for it, so that may be of interest to check out. Be sure and explore the Cathedral of the Ancients and the Robotics office building across from it. Don’t cam, walk inside, enjoy exploring. Hear the sounds.

To relax, have a drink at one of several bars in town with your friends and listen to the sounds of the town..or hit play on the music. I highly recommend Charlie's Bar, but don't bring a crowd as it is a hole-in-the-wall sort of joint. Literally.

I found the Industrial part of town a bit of a challenge. It was fun to make most of the buildings and you want to have your sound up as there is a lot going on in that part of town! I think it was harder for me to build as I am the least familiar with that sort of industry. Plus “stuff” isn’t as easy to find. Let me know what you think.

If you have not been to The Land Of Xzar, why not? Today I am suggesting (and inviting) everyone who cares to visit, to check out Devil's Fork. But the land has so much much more for you to discover...

If you made it this far, THANKS for reading, and I hope you will enjoy exploring Devil's Fork as much as I enjoyed building it. Let me know what you think of my little town.

Come to The Land Of Xzar and discover a magical place like no other! Devil's Fork is a fairly large town waiting for you to explore and you may even find a thing or two to take home with you. :)

One of the things I love about Devil's Fork is that it is a unique town. Almost every building in the town was built by me, for better or worse. :) What you see here is one side of a 4-store block with a 5th shop on one end. This is an old build I recently remodeled. These are my favorite shops in the town, Star Magik Has a few things made by me, but mostly tons of things I have found in OS and you can get a copy of most things in the shop. The perfect destination for your magical needs, so come visit and stay awhile. If you like The Land Of Xzar, I hope you will consider dropping a review. Have a Magikal Day/Night and see you soon!
I want to thank everyone that came to my Grand Opening. Thanks to all of you, it was a fun party. I appreciate the support and new friendships I made. Our total count was being the 1. :) A special thanks to Lavia and Unadecal for helping me spread the word, and Una especially for being there to make sure things ran smoothly (they did) and always being supportive of my work. Well, Lavia is always supportive too. Love you both! I also want to thank Metal Tango for providing the music, including her own music. She has her own band in RL and if we can ever talk her into performing inworld...she would shoot to total "Stardom"! She is that GOOD!
The Land Of Xzar is now open for visitors so please come any time and explore. I have spent the past 6 months rebuilding for the 5th time!! Now I get OARs, so this should be the last build, though you are never truly finished, I think. Like my castle. It is like the Winchester house in CA. It keeps growing. The whole region is divided into parcels, including the rivers so they have their own parcel and names. They all have their own EEP as well. There are a few parcels I am still working on, but the rest is pretty much done. Be sure and have your viewer set to shared environment and have sound on as there is sound everywhere. There IS music, but you are missing out if that is what you are listening to rather than the sounds of the land, though I am still working on adding more as there are still some silent pockets. Don't be afraid to say hi if you see me and I promise I won't bother you as I want you to enjoy exploring. The Land Of Xzar is the visual of my upcoming novel by the same name. It should be out by the end of the year. Thanks again to everyone that came. You all ROCK!!!

Andremus Miklos: I had a great time there, I will definitely come back to explore more :) 1 years ago

The Grand Opening party is still going on! Come join us for a good time!!
Your Ride!

LaviaLavine: Absolutely AWESOME turn out and wonderful friends made it a great time and a great event with the promise of more to come!! 1 years ago

Grand Opening of The Land Of Xzar Sunday! Party at the Castle with DJ Metal Tango, 5 pm grid time. Details soon.

Star Ravenhurst: Correction: 3 PM grid time 1 years ago

Lavia and I had our interview on Inworld Review.

McCall Technologies-Devil's Fork, The Land Of Xzar

Final Version. I like it a lot better with some brick added and some other textures you really will only see in person because of the shadows. and it is a photo, so flattened. What do you think?
I hope everyone is having a lovely Valentine's Day where ever you are in the world!
The land of Xzar is coming along. I can't believe it has been only 4 months since I migrated to the Genesis RP grid! What a journey! I am building this fantasy world based on my story for the 5th time!! I am this [ ] close to inviting you all to come to have a look. The land of Xzar is a mixture of past, present, and future. This is one of my latest builds. McCall Technologies is a Robotics company and this is the corporate hive. I just can't figure out what to do with the front. Any suggestions? I love building fountains so they are all over the place. Still, it is one option. I am thinking of jet fountains along the sides in front. Or they could be planters. Shrug.
Edited to add a picture of the final Look. Added fountains and found the statue in my inventory.
Today I want to tell you about Haven of Memories and my Dear friend, Lavia Lavine who created it with her own builds as well as stuff from many talented folks in our Metaverse. One of her best talents in MHO is putting together "Scenes". One of her best qualities is her loving heart...and her orneriness. ;) This fountain was put together using her own stuff as well as many other talented creators' work. You can't tell by the photo but the water moves down the steps perfectly and she worked hard to make it happen. Amazing to see in person! It isn't linked so you can't just come and grab it. I am showing this to you because it is simply stunning and the whole region is peaceful, comforting, and beautiful for reflection, memories, and feeling close to your loved ones. What a beautiful Memorial Garden! You don't even have to have an account on the grid to have a memorial of your loved one here. The only requirement is that they lived a Virtual life on any grid in the Metaverse. It is a way for all of us to remember them in one place that we can visit at any time. I took this photo because I thought this was so beautiful and everyone should know that it is there for all of us!!! Thanks, Lavia!

LaviaLavine: Thank you Star for that wonderful review and yes we welcome anybody from any grid who would like to memorialize a loved one from the virtual world, however we also have a section for those whom have b... 2 years ago
My Sister Ms. Kitty shared this with me this morning. She finds the best stuff! Especially when she knows I have an interest in something. This is around 18 minutes and worth every minute of your time. It will open, blow, and astound your mind. At least it did me. A thousand kudos to the creator of this short film!
I hope it is OK to post a link here. I just want everyone to watch this. SO creative.
I finally came up with something I could use these textures on. Executioner's Pavilion. It isn't easy to photograph and probably looks better in person. When you walk in drums start pounding with a script that starts it up when you get close, so they aren't going all the time. Things are coming along...

Whispering Forest now "Whispers". Opening to the public soon.

Luna Lunaria: Nice work Star, love the atmospheric feel :-) 2 years ago
I have a new shop at the Mall on the Genesis grid!! Star Ravenhurst Designs has original content, mostly prim twisted. You can take a TP to the Specialty shops to find it. Perhaps you will find some Christmas gifts for your friends and family! Also, check out the many houses and buildings at the mall on the lower levels. I have a few free buildings for you and will be adding more of my builds and content. There are also many builds by Thundergod Thor, Lavia, and Gramzy. Much Love and Peace to all of us in the New Year! Al Kahov

Thirza Ember: outstanding ! 2 years ago
Sanctuary of the Ancients

My newest build because I wanted a larger cathedral and now it is available to share with anyone who may want it. You can view it, walk around inside of it, and take a copy of the box which also contains church pews with various sits that I built specifically for this cathedral. I have other builds in this area of the mall you may like as well. Al Kahov

GramzyNang: AWESOME WORK and it's gorgeous!! 2 years ago

~The Magik of E'Valean in The Land Of Xzar~
Grande Reopening Soon!

Gnome Invasion

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No upcoming events

My Reviews

HG Safari

HG Safari has become very important to me. I get to explore new places I otherwise would never know about and have met so many wonderful people in Open Sim. Thirza does an amazing job of scheduling these visits and afterward, she always writes a blog about it. If you want to make friends, see new places, and feel part of this beautiful community, then Safari is the perfect activity. During the sea...

St Charles

Ms Kal has crafted one of the most beautiful places for us to visit and enjoy the magic that is New Orleans. All of her regions are connected by water and most of them are now open. Walking the streets of this beautiful world feels like the real thing. Kal will continue to develop her regions to bring them to life and make this grid a place you will want to return to many times. Every single home ...

Mech Lab

One of the best Futuristic builds I have ever seen. Original and creative, I enjoyed my visit so much. The owner is nice and friendly and I enjoyed visiting with her as well. Be sure and have your sound on so you can hear the ambience and of course, have Shared Environment on. There are some fun rides, but walking is the way to go to not miss anything.

Textures Trees, & Scripts

I had trouble seeing the Teleporter even though everything else had rezzed quickly. Safine was very helpful in resolving the problem. There are lots of beautiful textures to choose from. What a great resource for builders! If you are looking for a script, perhaps you will find one here. I feel very welcome and I look forward to visiting again.


I would give it 10 stars if I could. Samhain (Halloween) is my favorite time of year and Thomas brings all the horror and fun alive. If you go, WALK around, otherwise, you will miss something. Camming does not give you the best experience, and that applies to wherever you go in Open Sim. Give yourself time to explore and immerse yourself in the scenery. You will be happy that you did. Promise. Tha...


I went looking for something else and found so much more! Beautiful place, with a smart layout, and some really good stuff I have not seen anywhere else. Sadly, I can only give it 4 stars as there are several items not set up for sale/copy. It deserves 5 stars once this is corrected. Thank you for all the wonderful things I was able to get. Overall, a good shopping experience.


I spent at least two hours exploring this lovely region. The owners have done a fantastic job building this wonderful place and the attention to detail is just the sort of thing that I appreciate. Well worth visiting!

The Garth

This is the best-organized freebie shopping place I have ever seen making it easy to find what you are looking for and I found a lot of things I didn't even know I needed! Every area is clearly labeled which I found to be a big help as I was looking for something specific. Sadly, I am still on the hunt for it but I am happy I discovered this awesome place! I will return again and again. Thank you...

Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues

I have been going to Wyldwood for going on two months for different events they have hosted and I am so happy I found this place. Kith is warm and welcoming and a genuinely kind person and the tunes he spins speak to me. The dances are the best too! A big plus! I can be socially awkward and going to places on my own is never easy, but Kith and the Tribe as well as the other DJs make me feel like I...

Kaneville Farm

The region is beautiful and well done. The farm is one of the best I have seen in OS and the town/village is charming. Time stands still as you explore the peaceful region rich in color and textures. It is a place you will want to visit again and again. 10 Stars!

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