MiguelTorres @MiguelTorres

Cocos Island Offline

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NEWs at the Mainstore

NEWs at the Mainstore

Harleyjannys: Beautiful! Thank you 1 years ago

Ronya Outfit with Shoes -Top
pants in 5 Colors
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

MiguelTorres: Many thanks for the lovely night and music!! Lena Noris and Miguel Torres 1 years ago

for the 3nd advent new on camballa
Glam Dress in 6 Colors
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

News for St. Nicholas Day have a lot of fun and a contemplative time
Greetings from your Karin Becker

for the 2nd advent new on camballa

KarinBecker: Thanks Jackie i love it to 1 years ago
Schon seit zwei Monaten wird hier wieder eine Idee umgesetzt, die es schon vor 3 Jahren mal gab.
Hier entsteht ein Wunderland der Emotionen, viele bezaubernde Locations für den schönsten Tag Eures Lebens und Kleidung, die Herzen schmelzen lässt.

Wir eröffnen in ein paar Tagen eine Sim, die Euch alles bietet, was eure Hochzeit zu einem außergewöhnlichen Event macht.

Und was wir nicht haben, erschaffen wir nach Euren Wünschen !

For two months now, an idea has been implemented here again, which already existed 3 years ago.
Here you find a wonderland of emotions, many enchanting locations for the most beautiful day of your life and clothes that melt hearts.

We'll be opening a special Sim in a few days,
offering you everything you need to make your wedding an extraordinary event.

And what we don't have, we create according to your wishes!

Cosa: O wie schön :-) Wenn ich nicht schon verheiratet wäre.... aber als Blumenmädchen würde ich noch zur Verfügung stehen *g 1 years ago
Wenn Riegel fallen von den Herzen,
wenn wir auch seh’n des Nachbarn Schmerzen,
wenn Worte kleiner als die Tat,
wenn Seele ohne Stacheldraht,
wenn Liebe einen Namen kennt,
dann, liebe Freunde, ist Advent!

Yippi, heute ist es soweit. Wir haben den ersten Dezember und nun beginnt die schönste Zeit des Jahres – die Adventszeit! Passend dazu öffnen wir heute das erste Türchen vom Adventskalender. Seid ihr bereit? 24 Türchen wird es nun jeden Tag auf Tosca zu öffnen geben.

KarinBecker: Je älter wir werden, desto kleiner werden unsere Wunschzettel, denn die Dinge, die wir uns wirklich wünschen, kann man nicht kaufen Das schönste Geschenk ist gemeinsame Zeit. Denn keiner weiss, wie ... 2 years ago

News For Roleplayers
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

A new large shop awaits you on Camballa - Mall.
With many new outfits for men and women.
A little of that and a little of that-
Winter outfits also included.
I hope you will enjoy visiting Camballa.
Be my guests and have a nice time
Your Karin Becker
A new large shop awaits you on Camballa - Mall.
With many new outfits for men and women.
A little of that and a little of that-
Winter outfits also included.
I hope you will enjoy visiting Camballa.
Be my guests and have a nice time
Your Karin Becker
Monentes Jewelry will be closed for reconsideration of a remodel. We will see what the future brings. To all those who appreciated my jewelry thank you! Remember too you can pick up the Monentes Jewelry store OAR at Outworldz- time to rest,

a la prochaine

SheaButter: Thank you, for your awesome designs. 2 years ago

Very warm feets now we hope they dont start to smell

At Novale we are preparing for Winter.
We are picking the last few Apples and harvesting cereals.
Still a few days before the end of Autumn (Nov 12th).

Our Winter's Magic region has been graced with @JoeBuilder OAR "Time of Year" a wintery sim we will have ice skating soon here, stay tuned. Thank you Fred for making this available to us, and thank you Joe! Also thank you to the many creators whose creations helped to create this OAR. We have free shops available if you have winter themed items to share, please IM to get set up.

Marianna : Thank you everyone for stopping by and adding to our gifts! Jamie Anna Wright, thank you for these great ice skates! Trizzy Hunter has shared her ornament collection. A stunning collection of vari... 2 years ago
DJ CLASS @ KORYPHON ACADEMY Monday 11/7 @ 10am

DJ Cataplexia teaches DJ Class @ Koryphon Academy 11/7/22 @ 10am
Learn on MIXXX Free broadcaster from a DJ with 16 years experience!
The Class is free, but needs a couple of Pre Requisite downloads

Download MIXXX Latest Version here: https://www.mixxx.org/download/
and LAME here: http://www.rarewares.org/mp3-lame-libraries.php
Download libmp3lame 3.99.5.....either the 86 or 64 Bit depending upon which MIXXX you downloaded, make the numbers match (64 or 86)
Copy the ENTIRE FOLDER of the lame player into your MIXXX main folder in Program files

See you Monday - Upstairs @ The Koryphon Academy Annex
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Koryphon Academy
The Class is 100% free and so are the downloads!

CliffordHanger: Nico, sorry you are having issues, if you want to usr mixxx om more than one machine you can point both libraries to the same mp3s, you can then export a playlist and import it on the other machine, h... 2 years ago