MillyAnn Morgana @MillyAnnMorgana

USA, Arkansas Offline

A Gimp Clothes Designer@R&M Creations, OSGrid

Joined 2 years ago

About Myself

A Silly Milly;-)
Love to help PPL when I can.. Have courage.. and BE Kind!

My Interests

Designing Clothes, exploring, shopping, and spending time with my love Berta;-)

I'm Looking For

More ways to add my Classic designs to FP Mesh!
& a ridable or ani-mesh Sabor Tooth Tiger, like I have in SL! Haha!

Favorite Quote

Nothing NEW under the Sun!
..and When God closes a door.. He opens a window..! Keep the Faith!

Music I Like

I like most... but the OLDIES will always be the BEST!

Films I Like

Romance, a Princess, Beauty & the Beast movies, Horses, Mystery, Adventures, some SciFi

Books I Like

loved them when was young .. Eyes say NO now;-(

My Heroes

my Husband, Mom & Dad.. TY Lord! Hope I can be one to my Son;-)

OpenSimulator Version


Viewer Version




My Regions

R&M Creations
27 7 Creations 2 Users
R&M Creations MAIN MALL-Freebies, Org. Classics, Mesh & Retextured Mesh Clothes for Women & Men. A little bit of everything for most... and those really HARD to find things for Many. Come to explore, shop, ENJOY! This Sim/Mall is a Treasure Cove;-) May take MANY visits... so bring those Friends!
more info


Yes.. Easter just around the corner! The HUNT is ON for Eggs & Rabbits! Also plenty of Green Outfits for St. Patty Day too at R&M Creations! Come explore & shop.

Come by & visit R&M Creations! Valentines Day is just around the corner..Come see whats NEW! I have Classic clothes for both M&W at R&M Creations in OSGrid, all free w/templates. I am a Gimp Designer. A general search while in OSGrid will be sure to pull up R&M Creations;-) TY! Come see me;-)

NEW at R&M Creations.. Dinkie FUN!
Elegant & Sassy Outfits for Little Ladies & Gents.
Just getting started.. so much more to come as time allows.

Fall is in the AIR at R&M Creations! Need a new Profile or just LOVE taking pics? Milly has MANY Photo Studios & Back Grounds to choose from;-) Also Photo ops ALL around this Sim/MALL.

Already looking for Halloween Stuff? Then come by R&M Creations for a HUNT!
64 items out... more to come! The SWEET! Treat HUNT 2023 is under way! Look for the word SWEET! Loaded contents! ENJOY! ;-)
LOVE! Love... all the Likes & Hugs & Friendships! Wow! TYTY!
R&M Creations MAIN Mall has become a Traffic Attraction! I LOVE it!
SO many PPL keep coming... telling friends & coming back...! Always weeding Prims & adding MORE... so ya never know what's NEW at R&M Creations! More Original Designs to come! Glad to help when I can! Love & Hugs, MillyAnn

LOVE is in the Air at R&M Creations!
Working on a NEW Gowns & Wedding Shoppe
and will also be an Arabian Plaza/Market on the top floor!
Come by for a visit..Shop! Explore! Enjoy!

Happy Easter! @ R&M Creations
A BIG Thank You to all our GREAT Friends & AWESOME Customers!
Easter *Egg* HUNT now under way at R&M Creations MAIN Mall!
ALL are Welcome! Happy HUNTING! ;-)

Happy Easter! @ R&M Creations
Easter *Egg* HUNT now under way at R&M Creations MAIN Mall!
Happy HUNTING! ;-)

When God closes a Door.. He Opens a Window! WAIT for IT!
R&M Creations Designer;-)

This is an Old cam shot of the sim. MUCH more there now to explore!
Come check it out.. ALOTTA Stuff ALL around the Sim MALL! Enjoy! TY!

Yes I do have Tattoos @ R&M Creations! Winks*

The PHOTOS you can capture in Virtual! WOW! Winks*
Yes I do have that Photo Box set up at my R&M Creations Main Mall.. and MANY others;-)
Come check them out & start your own lovely collections!

Blast from the past.. to be found in my Classics at R&M Creations Mall.

An Escape! Loose yourself exploring & Shopping ..Then come back with friends & do it ALL again;-) Sounds Almost like a song?

Sinje: Schade das man die Box Mesh Avatar LARA nicht nehmen kann :-( 2 years ago

When I was young I use to wander around taking pictures..
I loved Graveyards! Was a bit sad.. but they were so comforting somehow.
God Bless us Everyone! AMEN.

I love to edit with Gimp!
God is watching us.. From a distance..
But is a LOT Closer than we think;-)

Tis SO True! Winks*

My Lovely Lady, Better Half, Wifie.. Won-DA-Baa & Bea-Ti-Ful

The 2nd half of R&M Creations. 14 years together & STILL going>>>>

24 (Points of Interest) on the TP Boards @ R&M Creations Mall.
Come check them out!

Country Girl and Proud!
One of my very first Designs!

MillyAnnMorgana: TYVM for the likes! Yay! Hugs;-) 2 years ago

We've come a LONG way Baby! Always help when you can & BE Kind!

My very first posting here ..!
Wow.. I can leave a comment too!? Always learning;-)

Just wanna say TYTY to all my AWESOME customers & friends! This posting is all new to me, so maybe I will get the hang of it soon. Please come visit the R&M Creations MAIN Mall or one of our 4 satellite shops. Landmarks are at the landing point.. right of the TP Boards, with a few other FAVE LMs.
R&M=RobertaLyn Rocastle +MillyAnn Morgana
MillyAnn Morgana