MinkeTinke @MinkeTinke

Switzerland Offline

Dreamer, rl and virtual world traveller, explorer.

Liked posts

01 prim only - leaves with animation! (seasonal tree, textures inside!)
"Prunus padus, known as bird cherry, hackberry, hagberry, or Mayday tree, is a flowering plant in the rose family. It is a species of cherry, a deciduous small tree or large shrub up to 16 meters (52 ft) tall. It is the type species of the subgenus Padus, which have flowers in racemes. It is native to northern Europe and northern and northeast Asia, and is grown as an ornamental in North America. "
45 SHADES OF SHOES. This boot maker loves color! Get this outfit and you will get the whole fatpack of 45, and 9 colors of this interesting cut-out dress. I've been remiss in posting about new outfits in the oh HELLO shop, so if you haven't been lately, there is a lot here to discover and delight in. Come see!

New artwork in the gallery

.inspired by Rene Magritte
(2nd floor)

OSGrid | The Art Factory

visit the mediterran 3*3 SIM Mokka Island in our wonderful german "SOUL" grid

Coming soon in my gallery
Antonia Ling Fine Art Gallery
Opensim | OSGrid | The Art Factory

Dec. 04, 2021

*MARULA TREE* From Africa to Opensim * FREE and FULLPERM * Available at FOREST AREA, BOX 03!

MARULA TREE (Sclerocarya birrea)

Indigenous to southern Africa (and parts of West Africa and Madagascar), the Marula tree is known for its sweet, yellow fruit – and local lore says that same fruit becomes 'elephant alcohol' once it's fallen to the ground and fermented. Although scientists debunked the drunk elephant myth back in 2005, the alcohol association is not really surprising as the fruit is used to produce Amarula, the second-best-selling cream liqueur in the world. Traditionally the tree is used for everything from malaria cures to insecticide, not to mention as a food source – even more so in the summer months when the branches are often decorated with brightly coloured mopane worms, themselves an important source of protein for millions of people in southern Africa.

1- All mesh/sculpted models rezzed now work using a single script! (*). No more tons of scripts used to lag ur place;
(*) If at same sim

2- New rain/snow textures and also better sculpted and mesh models to make ur rain/snow look even more like RL!!!

PS.NOTECARD on how to use it is inside the box. Enjoy :)

Kingman City

Virtual Discovery Tour Mardi 9 Novembre 2021, Rendez vous à l'accueil de VD à 21h00 ,nous irons sur ignis fatuus visiter et participer à un jeu imaginé par Max Hill sur sa nouvelle région Phaedra.
Virtual Discovery Tour Tuesday, November 9, 2021, Meet at the VD reception at 9:00 p.m., we will go on ignis fatuus to visit and participate in a game imagined by Max Hill on his new region Phaedra.

NEW Lana Dress

Come in and find out !!!!!

Bonjour, hello, guten tag
J'ai beaucoup de problémes, I have many problems
avec mon ordinateur, win-shit, viewer, adsl connection et autre, and other
I make a break, une pause
à bientôt
see you soon
kisses kuss bisoux

Eternal Ice - Winter region is back! Now in Pangeagrid!
* * *
Eternal Ice - Winterregion ist zurück! Jetzt in Pangeagrid!

Looking familiar?

Big thank you to everyone who came to this years Annual Transylvanian Convention! You made it an awesome event :)

The Snowfall Expanse
you start the experience by crossing the region, have fun!

NEW Boots !!!

Hey all you Neverworlders,it is the spooky fun time of the year again ,come have a look at my Halloween section,hop on the tp and grab some freebies while you visit

Spinel Pazzaz solitaire, Free/Full Perms a beautiful ring to celebrate fall...
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

NEW !!!

Golden Age will be staying at VWZgrid as long as the gridowner it wants. It's my gift to him, for his generousity to give me free sims to work at them.
All the work I make at his grid, will be given to the gridowner to use in Open Sim , just because we can haha!
The first snow, before the leaves fall...snowy aspen. It is free/full perms so that you can take to Blender and play with it. I created it last year and if I remember correctly I decimated it but I could be wrong...land impact 3 This is in the Monentes Jewelry foyer continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry I created the tree in Blender then I used the "Real Snow" addon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCjOa_cuhPY it is a fun tool!

Come in and find out !!!!

New !!!

I think I heard something...

Goodmorning everyone, The Golden Age region instabilityproblems seem to be solved. If you still having problems to enter, pls contact the gridowner Kashi Takeshi. He will restart the region which will fix the problem. Thanks for your patience, Avia

Halloween Sky!!!!
Teleport at Mall Landing Point

Travellers from the VirtualDream Tour visiting Novale
Group photo at the Black Castle Library
Chilling just before the Sim Crash :)

Wicked Cat Hoops-Free/Full perms
In the foyer at Monentes Jewelry continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

New !!!
you will find them on floor 2

I love Head EvoX. By the way DOMINO MODE, there are 8 female and 4 male.

New !!!
you will find them on floor 2

New !!!
Face tattoos
you will find them on floor 6

Show And Share
Where: Xinashi
When: 3 years ago [8 Sep 2021 12:00 SLT]

Be ready for a fun, relaxed, and social time at the "oh HELLO" shop Show And Share event.

Here's what it's all about...

SHOW: We're having an informal fashion show, with all of us both the models and the audience! Walk down the runway if you wish, but do hop on the rotating pose stand so we can get a 360° view of the outfit you have assembled.

1. If you want tips on adding or changing outfit items, just ask, and we will share our advice.
2. If you like, rez a box in our outfit share area that has all of the items in your outfit. Ideally the box will also contain all of the items in a fat-pack, and for extra credit bonus points, add the body alpha HUD that you have preset for the outfit.
3. Part of our sharing time is each of us passing around LMs of good places to shop if we can.

Creators: Please, do come to show off outfit items you have made and would like to share.
Shop Owners: If you have unique outfit items in your shop, come show and share them. Make sure you put the shop LM in your box.

Get a gift of an outfit I've assembled that will only ever be offered during these events.

Even if you don't want to show or share, come to hang out, talk about shopping and clothes, and to get the outfit boxes.

NEW !!!
Shopping on 8 floors .
Come in and find out !!