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welcome back! been wondering where you was
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tosses you some gloebit, gimmie gimmie gimmie!
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there was a really good set sold on kitely but some people ruined it and its no longer available. I have something in my invent i put it out in virtual beach next to the tp sign.
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excited for this region, we have needed something with just animesh for a while now.
You have seen nothing yet! Big things coming in 2025 regarding animesh. In the meantime, please take a look at my shop on the Kitely Market.
Have boughten from you, amazing work. I do not share what I buy from you though.
do you have a region or is it all on kitely?
I have a world that I am building now. I will be doing a Virtual Vignette New York City one month Experience event next Summer. Join the Discord channel and look at the events tab. We are having a tour this Thursday, you are welcome to come by and check it out. You won't be disappointed being that you're a Animesh fan.
i am not on discord much anymore. good luck to your venture tho
you just had to show me that didnt you lol, ill be adding things to the wishlist for the grid.
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wow! very true and powerful
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that is so cool, i was going to try that mirror thing but for me pbr viewer makes textures go grey, idk why.
Dont feel bad, it does the same thing to me, even on a fresh full install.
and then you roll back version and you still get greyed textures for a few days. I wish there was a way to fix it because some claim they dont have problems.
You can roll back and flush your caches to fix it right away.
i do that and it shows grey lol it clears out in day or so
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that is cool, how did you do that?
Thank you Mistress it is EEP Cloud setting, instead of a cloud in the texture slot I used a pretty floral fabric lol
that is pretty!
Thank you try it with any texture to see what effect you achieve it will suprise you and it is fun!
i just might, ty.
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the error message banned or closed is still the same so i figured banned. didn't know until after i posted this they were a closed grid ot only one. Didnt know it was a pedo grid either.
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my point is I know that the grid has alot of child avis so its why i am more protective.
Yep, definitely blocking access is only way to 100% sure.
not entirely what i meant, with an open grid i can go there and see what the avi looks like, with a closed grid I cannot so again blocking them access is the only way to protect the members of my grid.
The grid has a lot of child AVs because it is a haven for child AVs. You only have access to it if you become a member. You can only become a member if a current member vouches for you. That's a way to keep out griefers who attack child AV friendly places.

Off-topic a bit: In SL, griefers would target the same, plus femdom and LGBTQ+ places. I'm not sure that griefing was also a problem at Asian and Black focused places, but I have heard that there was a lot of racism in SL. All and all, SL/OS are not necessarily very welcoming places, but OS is more so than SL.
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I didn't know about the pedo issue until recently, only new about child avis there, nor did i know until after the fact it was a closed grid, i mean they only allow access to one grid.
Darkhearts? lol
not blocking darkhearts grid, blocking misfits grid was a good call after recent things i found out. But there is no reason to block darkhearts grid, i havent had any issues with any of there members.
"i mean they only allow access to one grid" and that grid is Darkhearts?
darkhearts doesn't have access to misfits either
Did you have issues with Misfit residents on your grid? If so, what was the attraction they were coming for?
the point of my post is that i couldn't verify if the avatar was an adult avi or child avi, the grid is known for child avis. I recently found out its al a major pedo place and i dont want that at my grid. recently they were coming for my furniture vault.
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I would just ignore her comments, your AI art looks just fine. She thinks all people are apart of the lgbt community nad that makes them bad people.
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they have every grid banned but one, other have confirmed this for me.
Even the Misftiz grid states on the home page that only residents of Infinite Grid can HG teleport there. Infinite Grid seems as unsavoury as Misfitz from the limited amount of information I've gleaned. There was a rather heated discussion about Misfitz in Hypergrid Business a few years ago.
I dont recall that article but i know what comes from misfits and i just cant risk it exspecially not being able ot teleport to the grid to verify there adult avatars.
@mistressdalgato once again. It's not 'banning' it would be virtually usless to go one by one and ''ban' each grid.
They have HG visitors disabled with exceptions. Might sound like the same, but it isn't: it isn't personal with each grid, just an overall default.
Also, the reason of the 'but one', is because they have a very tight cross-grid relationships with that grid, ensuring consistency on their policies (mitigating anything close to potentiallty dangerous) - and a similar approach to safe-keeping.
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no one said I did want to visit but i wont stop my residents from visiting, the point was if my residents cant visit, aside from keeping them safe then the ban was necessary.
Of course, your decisions. Same as in DH we don't ban OSG even though they do have us banned.
Lots of choices.
if there are offending avatars from dh grid i will ban those but not the whole grid, i have not banned anyone from that dh though. I entirely disagree on os banning dh
Either way, what I was trying to get to is: I honestly don't think it's anything specific to grids, at a technical level. Don't think they have hardcoded which ones can't but the other way around.
I get what your saying, I just have no way to verify if there adult avis coming to my grid.
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I would love to see that real time mirror
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happy for ya but 97% of the video is a black screen.
it is a music track mainly... i created this music myself for the first time and i am very surprised, better to say blown away what you can do with AI. I am really no professional concerning music, but for a bloody beginner i am very proud of it... yes the screen is black this time... will do some slide shows later.... but i am happy you watched it!
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I just got it back online
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lol, all the ini files were borked, fixing them as we speak. not sure what other things are broken. but i might be able to get it base up
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are you back for awhile? Worried about you, welcome back.
I am back,I just am working with very tight windows of time. All is well. I miss you!
I miss you too, you have to come and enjoy the beautiful work you did
indeed I need to come chill at that lovely beach resort omg . ♥