Misty_Falls @Misty_Falls

Canada Offline

Builder and Creator of many things

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This group was created 3 months ago. We have 61 members and 2 full pages of posts. The only group larger has 71 members. It was created 5 years ago. It has 7 posts. Our growth in such a short time and the amount of activity must the works of some mad scientist! Or our helpers. I'm going with helpers. Thanks folks!

"No good deed goes unpunished"
Sometimes on this website, this quote seems to be the rallying (adjective : rallying - having the effect of calling people to action) cry of the many.

The most recent helpers:
FallenAngel Absent
Jamie Wright
Jadwiga Abremović
Jupiter Rowland

The photo is of a capuchin monkey being trained by an organization formerly known as "Helping Hands: Monkey Helpers for the Disabled, Inc". It was founded to raise and train capuchin monkeys to provide daily in-home assistance to people living with spinal cord injury or other mobility impairments.

They are transitioning from a service animal model, and are now exploring innovative assistive robotic technologies and the various uses of augmented/virtual reality. The aim is to use these technologies to assist those living with physical disabilities by helping meet their socialization, mental health and other health care needs. Check it out: https://www.envisioningaccess.org/

Another demo of tidal water, so this stream appears and disappears depending on the height of the tide. 99% of the regions on our grid use tidal water and there is a server that keeps them all in sync. You could have a castle with a tideal area around it that sometimes is under water and sometimes is not etc.

I added new jewelry to the Monentes page for you to download at https://three.hills.grid.outworldz.net/
I will be adding pieces here so check back from time to time.

We have four new ruin style buildings & structures in store now. The cathedral is very big so please ensure you have room for that one when putting it out xD

We have many items going into store this weekend, not all are being advertised here so if you like what we're doing, do pop on over and check out all the new stuff!

Mike & Zoey ♥

Darci Viper: Darn You !!, You Guys are determined to make my inventory over spill ... LOL ;D hahahaahh 5 months ago
I remember 2 years ago when I didn't even know how to edit-linked! Soon after I discovered landscaping and the gratification (and frustration) that comes with it.
Current project: a 16 sims joined into a private residential area for Darkheart's. A lake area in the middle, mountains at the very end (not visible).
This is the first piece of land, still in progress - just main shape buildings and cliff-ing.

Brandy_Darkheart: Your doing amazing work with it, quality takes time....but it always shines through! 5 months ago
We have 3 new vendors preparing to set up shops in our Star Jinn Palisade Mall here in the Masala Al Kohav region. As soon as they are ready to open will let you know and you can come check out their shops and see their positively gorgeous work. Indigo's Market & Boutique, The Heart of The Matter Boutique and Thorvaldr's Forge. We have shops available if you're looking for a place to display your work for others to enjoy. It can be free or you can set it to be bought, we just provide the space. Our spaces are free though donations are appreciated to help defer the cost of the grid. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
New Video of our HG Safari visit to SOA Bikerworld, and awesome build by SOA Bad and Siwas.
The track goes on and on and on... This is a small part of it and what we experienced.
Like and subscribe! It helps me a lot
and it is free! Thanks for watching this video.
The National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum has 10,500 joyous ceramic figures sitting there waiting to wiggle. Compared to the number of strippers at a club waiting to wiggle, that is a lot more. Compared to the number of jello deserts waiting to wiggle at any one time, that is a lot more wiggling. Compared to... OK, done with that.

Except, compared to the number of bobble-head AVs on OS, National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum has 100% more. That is why, for so many, OS is a joyless place. Let's change that. What I'm looking for is a number of bobble-head AVs that range from 1 to 10,500. OK, make that 20? 10? Can we get 10?

This has been a long post, so let me repeat my request. What I'm looking for is a pony. No, wait, that was for my last birthday. What I'm looking for is a... bobble-head AV!
EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter where aliens, attempting to blend in at the shopping mall, mistake mannequins for undercover agents and engage in intense conversations with them about the secrets of human fashion.
NEW SCI FI MAGABAGA MALL AVAILABLE! TONS OF SCI FI RELATED STUFFS! ALL FOR FREE AND FULL PERM. Go to any interphasic taxi bubble totem and pick up as destination MALL (its in a space station, 1,500 meters up in the sky). Have fun!

Joe Builder: Hey Jimmy Nice region you have there :) Looks like Isil Designs from SL? Is it the same.. 5 months ago
Cyberglo has made an absurd and unfounded accusation against Silvia Frey. His post starts with a hysterical headline: PRISCILLA IS BACK!!! THIS TIME A NEW NAME/AVATAR.

I asked Cyber, "Answer just one question. In what way is Silvia Frey, who joined the Blackswan grid almost 8 months ago, and was known in the CopyKat Grid before that,"new?" So far, no answer. Obviously, she is not new.

Cyberglo identifies Silvia with a Blackswan grid address. Blackswan is home to a small group of friends who have been together in SL and now OS for over a decade. It looks like Silvia came to Blackswan in June 2023, when the CopyKat Grid closed. Maurice invited only a few trusted people from CopyKat to BlackSwan. It's doubtful that a guy responsible for keeping two grids safe would invite Priscilla Snot-rag to BlackSwan.

Several people have asked Cyber for evidence to support his wacko-nuts-cray-cray claim. One of them comments, "Hey Cyber. Almost a full day after you made this scaremongering and slanderous post. Obviously, you do not have any evidence. No logs, no screen caps, nothing."

Another person comments, "Why don't you allow Silvia to defend herself of your post? She is trying to access the comments and can't see the post". In other words, he has blocked her. Perhaps in his fevered imagination, he thinks she can take down his regions by just commenting on his OSW post. Did I say wacko-nuts-cray-cray already? It bears repeating.

LaviaLavine: Much like the media, some people lean to wild, paranoid, speculative accusations without a modicum of actual evidence to support their claims. These types are best taken with a grain of salt and forg... 5 months ago
Harmful Paranollas
I'm writing here because they don't even let me defend myself. Today I found out from a friend that a certain Cyberglo says that I am a certain Priscilla. Totally false. Not content with that, he has publicly exposed my IP and named the grids where I stay. Exposing an IP publicly goes against data protection and privacy. I implore this website to remove this information immediately. I don't care about the rest of the crazy article, since nothing is true and I have nothing to fear. He is a harmful being.Excuse my google English. Thank you.

Nico Kalani: It appears the post was deleted by OSW due to the reports or because people's comments on it were making him out to be a fool, 5 months ago
I'm bringing this question to the group to see what suggestions you have. In the box, Star Ravenhurst asks, "What grids will help totally new people that join their grid? You have to teach them everything. Do any of these grids exist?"

My thoughts. People choose grids based on a number of criteria, such as cost of land ownership, the reputation of the grid owner, the dependability of the servers, and opportunities for shopping and socializing. However, people can travel to other grids for shopping and events, so the last two are perhaps less important.

Also, most of the people I've met have experience in SL. They need to learn what is different here. Which is what? How to run their own grid. Which grids allow you to attach your grid to theirs. How to get free land from other people. The number of people to expect at "big" events in OS. Some technical stuff -- I don't know -- scripting languages or something like that.

Then there are people who are total noobs. There are several grids that have sandboxes with instructional billboards set-up, like OSG. Anyone from almost any grid can visit regions like that. Some people have classes on different topics. But at times, people need one-on-one help.

So, a few requests, and a question.

1. Please name the grids that have the sandboxes with instructional material.
2. Please list classes that can help people learn stuff, especially the basics for noobs.
3. Are there instructional videos that teach basic skills?
4. Please say if you enjoy and are available to teach certain basic skills, one-on-one, to people new to the SL/OS family of virtual worlds.

The question is, is this group the best place to share this information for future use? Is there already an OSW group set-up for this? I think the best resource is a curated playlist of the best instructional YouTube videos. Anyone interested in doing that?

Star Ravenhurst: Thank you Nico for creating this discussion. Thank you Jupiter for your information and input. Let me explain further what I am looking for in a place for Newbies. It will be longwinded so grab a cup ... 5 months ago
We added over 1200 second life sized regions last month. All our regions are joined together so you can sail or fly anywhere, lots of space to breathe! (source, hypergridbusiness). Most of the regions are 4x4s we've got 1 8x8 and about 3 12x12s - get yours https://www.wolf-grid.com/

NoraCola: Is there a way to learn about pricing of land before making an account, for comparison? 5 months ago

The domes with Huey, Dewey and Louie robots where the Satyr space farm is. There are 3 levels, farming, living and control, and storage