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Loose Cannon
25 4 Cannon 0 Users
17th Century Role Play Sim and builds such as ships, cannons and sites. All ships can be used on grids with the right core code (9.0) Come visit the vintage shipyard or join in for sea battles.
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I am proud to announce the first grid wide steampunk water bike parcour race!

Parcour is a track with obstacles to take. Not only is it important to keep the kettle under pressure for good
speed but also the skill to manoeuvre your vehicle through the obstacles and gates.

When : Tuesday 22nd September 2020 at 4 pm ( please be bit earlier )
The official race will start at 04:15 till 04:45 then the winner will get proclaimed.

The winner gets 500 Gloebits

Where :
Steam Race Start@Loose Cannon

Who : Anyone

A race steampunk water bike is free available in the rezzer at the dock and is open from 21st September for practice.

To see your lap time click the status board on the dock

Your Modee
Steampunk Water Bike Race
Where: Loose Cannon
When: 4 years ago [22 Sep 2020 04:00 SLT]

I am proud to announce the first grid wide steampunk water bike parcour race!
Parcour is a track with obstacles to take. Not only is it important to keep the kettle under pressure for good
speed but also the skill to manoeuvre your vehicle through the obstacles and gates.
When : Tuesday 22nd September 2020 at 4 pm ( please be bit earlier )
The official race will start at 04:15 till 04:45 then the winner will get proclaimed.

The winner gets 500 Gloebits

Where :
Steam Race Start@Loose Cannon

Who : Anyone

A race steampunk water bike is free available in the rezzer at the dock and is open from 21st September for practice.

To see your lap time click the status board on the dock

Your Modee

Hello dear reader,

May I present Loose Cannon's first steampunk Water Bike.

It takes 1 Pilot and 1 passenger ( sits on the shovel )

Steer and saddle can be adjusted in edit mode.

Driving by keyboard arrows left - right, up - down

Whistle has a sound on touch

Will work both on Y- and X-engine, ubOde

First crossing might stop the vehicle, stand and sit to ride again, the next crossing will be smoother.

And in case of , you can always contact me :) Have fun :)

Available on Kitely Market and in Discovery Grid
Modee parlez
LCSY Galleon Party April 25th 4-6 pm
Where: Loose Cannon
When: 5 years ago [25 Apr 2020 16:00 SLT]

Ahoy All,

It took me a long time to rebuild the LCSY Galleon LARMADA but finally it is back !!

The Galleon is an SPD sailing ship in the style of the classic golden age of sailing pirates. It is an epic battler and features working 48 cannons allowing the LARMADA the fire power for supreme dominance of the seas.

To celebrate the launch I invite you all and your partners to a gig.
Dance party with DJ Jeff from 4 till 5 pm and DJ Slyder from 5 till 6 pm


Your Modee :)

High seas battle
Where: Loose Cannon
When: 6 years ago [21 Jun 2019 16:15 SLT]

Come sail with us and shoot up the pirate ships :)

Extra extra, High seas Battle video ready !

Ahoy Mateys, finally the video is released :)

Have a look at :

And spread the word and URL :)


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