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Loose Cannon
25 4 Cannon 0 Users
17th Century Role Play Sim and builds such as ships, cannons and sites. All ships can be used on grids with the right core code (9.0) Come visit the vintage shipyard or join in for sea battles.
more info


Ahoy sailors, Loose Cannon Ship Yard will resume battles in Utopia Sky Grid on
friday 20th of december 24! We will start with a demo battle for all to participate!

Ahoy sailors, Loose Cannon Ship Yard will resume battles in Utopia Sky Grid on
friday 20th od december 24! We will start with a demo battle for all to participate!

Last fun Discovery Halloween Ghost ship battle, come disguised as you like :)

A once a year all French Wolrd Music. Berets, wine,
garlic and baguettes available. Join us for 2 hours of great fun 🙂 Tourists welcome! Sat 13th July 2024 at 4 pm.


Libertine Party

garlic and baguettes available. Join us for 2 hours of great fun 🙂 Tourists welcome! Sat 13th July 2024 at 4 pm.

A once a year all French Wolrd Music. Berets, wine,
garlic and baguettes available. Join us for 2 hours of great fun 🙂 Tourists welcome! Sat 13th July 2024 at 4 pm.

Libertine Party
A once a year all French Wolrd Music. Berets, wine,
garlic and baguettes available. Join us for 2 hours of great fun 🙂 Tourists welcome! Sat 13th July 2024 at 4 pm.


Titanic Party!

Monday 15th at 5pm!

Be there :)


St Pats Salvage Battle!
About St-Pat Day Battle:

Ahoy all :), as a follow up the treasure hunt, I designed a Poker battle.

The goal is to salvage as many items as you can from the water. At the end of the battle, you will be asked to rezz your salvaged items. The score board will count your points and highest score wins the battle.


TOY BEACH Gig with DJ Xazha Saturdays from 4-6pm
hop:// Bay/1633/188/102

TOY BEACH Gig with DJ Xazha from 4-6pm
hop:// Bay/1633/188/102

TOY BEACH Gig with DJ Xazha from 4-6pm
hop:// Bay/1630/1942/101


Join our Battle Group and get free ships*
Every Tues- and Friday at 4pm!
Contact Modee Parlez For more info!

Loose Cannon, LooseCannon (979, 861, 102)

Blender class for beginners with samples and picture manuals which can be taken from boxes. Note we use Blender version 2.78 a b or c.

Blender class for beginners with samples and picture manuals which can be taken from boxes. Note we use Blender version 2.78 a b or c.

TOY BEACH Gig with DJ Xazha from 4-6pm
hop:// Bay/1630/1942/101

Pop Music Beach Set with DJ Xazha from 4-6 pm
hop:// Bay /1630/1942/101

Pop Music Beach Set with DJ Xazha from 4-6 pm
hop:// Bay /1630/1942/101

Pop Music Beach Set with DJ Xazha from 4-6 pm
hop:// Bay/1630/1942/101

Pop Music Beach Set with DJ Xazha from 4-6 pm
hop:// Bay/1630/1942/101

Ahoy all,

Like last year we will have a Halloween Ghost ship battle again :)

When : Friday October 27th 04:00 pm ( be bit earlier please ty )

Where :


Spectators welcome :)


October Beerfest 2023

LooseCannon 418/1108/103

2 hours of fun Humpa music with DJ Xazha
All are invited and some free fitting "Tracht" clothing will be available and many more gifts :)

2 hours of fun Humpa music with DJ Xazha
All are invited and some free fitting "Tracht" clothing will be available and many more gifts :)

Blender class for beginners
B4B Blender for Beginners -- LooseCannon 953/997/3001
Blender class for beginners with samples and picture manuals which can be taken from boxes. Note we use Blender version 2.78 a b or c.
Bastille Day Party

A once a year all French Wolrd Music. Berets, wine, garlic and baguettes available. Join us for 2 hours of great fun 🙂 Tourists welcome! Sat 15th July 2023 at 4 pm.

Copper: Not many can go there...Your hoster uses that idiot TOS BS and is till rule complinat with GPDR pff. GPDR just says the right to be forgotton..So an impresso is needed where to reach that grid woner a... 1 years ago

A once a year all French World Music. Berets, wine, garlic and baguettes available. Join us for 2 hours of great fun :) Tourists welcome!
Vive la France.

Ghost ship Battle at Loose Cannon, join the horror ?


Libertine Party
Where: Loose Cannon
When: 2 years ago [16 Jul 2022 23:00 SLT]

A once a year all French World Music. Berets, wine, garlic and baguettes available. Join us for 2 hours of great fun :) Tourists welcome!
Vive la France.

Libertine Party
Where: Loose Cannon
When: 2 years ago [16 Jul 2022 16:00 SLT]

A once a year all French World Music. Berets, wine, garlic and baguettes available. Join us for 2 hours of great fun :) Tourists welcome!
Vive la France.

Blender 4 Beginners!
Scheduled for Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4pm.

Was blender to steep and gave you a headache but still you would like to create content ? Well come join us !

Note : We will use Blender 2.28 or 2.79!
Oktober Beerfest 2021
Grüß Alle,
If you do NOT like humpa, Polka, Yodeling or hairy legs in Lederhosen! DO NOT come party !
BUT when you DO then join us for hours of Bayern fun. Lots of gifts by Modee and great music brought by DJ Xazah Halsey.
Saturday Oct. 9th from 4-6 pm, Loosecannon , 980/0/7335


Oktober Beerfest 2021
Where: Loose Cannon
When: 3 years ago [9 Oct 2021 16:00 SLT]

Grüß Alle,
If you do NOT like humpa, Polka, Yodeling or hairy legs in Lederhosen! DO NOT come party !
BUT when you DO then join us for hours of Bayern fun. Lots of gifts by Modee and great music brought by DJ Xazah Halsey.
Saturday Oct. 9th from 4-6 pm, Loosecannon , 980/0/7335



Oktober Beerfest 2021
Where: Loose Cannon
When: 3 years ago [9 Oct 2021 16:00 SLT]

Grüß Alle,
If you do NOT like humpa, Polka, Yodeling or hairy legs in Lederhosen! DO NOT come party !
BUT when you DO then join us for hours of Bayern fun. Lots of gifts by Modee and great music brought by DJ Xazah Halsey.
Saturday Oct. 9th from 4-6 pm, Loosecannon , 980/0/7335



Batten down the hatches! Sea Battle!
Where: Loose Cannon
When: 3 years ago [16 Jul 2021 15:45 SLT]

Batten down the hatches!
Hostile winds and daring battles are on the horizon!
Time: GATHER AT 15:45 (3:45pm grid time)
Where: LOOSE CANNON - Battle Dock

Where: Loose Cannon
When: 3 years ago [29 Jun 2021 04:00 SLT]

Join us in epic battle like the battle races, learn to gun or sails, be pirate, Navy or privateer. Fun guaranteed.

Never was exploring seas and waterways so much fun as with this Kraken. Perfect for merpeople.

Great sounds and effects.

Place the Kraken rezzer and Trident giver near a dock or water.
When your visitor touches the sign a temporary Kraken appears. A Trident is given by the giver and should be added ( Not wear ) I left the Rezzer script open so the owner can make adjustments as where the Kraken has to rezz. The Kraken rezz sign has instuctions how to ride, bu there in short : Keyboard arrow up will move forward, tapping the arrow increases the speed. Tapping the arrow down will slow and move backwards. PageUp will surface and PageDown willl make you submerge.

Clicking the Kraken seats the Rider. The boat disappears 10 seconds after the Rider stands up or when not used after 60 seconds.

Full mesh and very detailed, NOT just textured basic prims! 17 LI hen rezzed.

Perahu payang or simply payang is a traditional Malay open fishing boat.
The artwork on the bangau ( Sculpture on the bow ) often depict plants that are spirally and extended, filled with leaves, flowers or even dragons.
It was believed to have watched over the fisher folk while they set about their task reaping the bountiful harvest from the sea.

It is very fast, agile and runs on the SPD ( Speculaas Desgin ) wind engine.
Oktober Beerfest
Where: Loose Cannon
When: 4 years ago [17 Oct 2020 18:00 SLT]

One and only Fun Oktober Beerfest, Free costums, music by DJ Xazha

Where : At Discovery Grid, Loosecannon

Oct 17th from 4 - 6 pm

I am proud to announce the first grid wide steampunk water bike parcour race!

Parcour is a track with obstacles to take. Not only is it important to keep the kettle under pressure for good
speed but also the skill to manoeuvre your vehicle through the obstacles and gates.

When : Tuesday 22nd September 2020 at 4 pm ( please be bit earlier )
The official race will start at 04:15 till 04:45 then the winner will get proclaimed.

The winner gets 500 Gloebits

Where :
Steam Race Start@Loose Cannon

Who : Anyone

A race steampunk water bike is free available in the rezzer at the dock and is open from 21st September for practice.

To see your lap time click the status board on the dock

Your Modee

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